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Commodore Swab

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Everything posted by Commodore Swab

  1. I received this message earlier today but then was able to get it. A few of us were there and got booted, Has anybody else received this message? I tried my wifes computer with the same results
  2. Commodore Swab


    From the album: chat error

  3. Today consisted of finishing off the barrel and pulling it out of the lathe (still alot of work to do on it). The barrel was then compared with the drawing along with the lock (I decided to make it a couple inches shorter) and the drawing cut out and traced onto the wood for the stock. The stock was cut out on the bandsaw and then put into the mill. In the mill I can true up and start to cut the stock for the barrel removing alot of wood but not all of it. The final inletting is done by hand. I left the camera at the shop so pictures may have to wait until Monday night.
  4. I forget what caliber I built that one for, its sold and gone.
  5. Let me see if I can put together something worthwhile for you in time for this nomination
  6. I started work on the barrel and heres roughly how its gone so far . . . First was finding a good piece of "junk" Next involved turning down the outside And then the boring began . . . you can roughly see the length of the first bit here. I had to purchase another bit and almost double the length to get to where I needed to be After cutting the inside taper and finishing the bore, there is still much cleanup to do
  7. I like it as well although my heart as well as size restrictions are in favor of a blunderbuss. I spent several months living in Barcelona and that is the only portion of Spain I am familiar with so a Catalan gun holds a special part in my heart. Yesterday and today I worked on the barrel and got alot accomplished. Every time I look at the barrel in the lathe it looks just massive but then I go back to the drawing and know that the proportions are just right. Its going to work out being a little over 12 gauge but will fire a .75 cal ball with wadding just fine.
  8. Rusty Spike emailed me 3 pages and I have posted them here. The Catalan stock is what I am really interested in. The first step was to draw out the piece, I use autocad as it is easier to trace and scale drawings then print them up. Then check the lock for size and rough cut the stock. Next step is starting on the barrel
  9. True enough although the area we believe her to be in is not that large and the bottom is hard for the most part. Tides are 2-3 feet so that isn't an extreme either. Records say she was "flooded to her poop deck" and it would be nice to know if its possible she was in 10 feet or 40 feet.
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