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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. wilm pirate- unfortunately, there are more questions than answers- "Basically the pirates will be roaming through the crowd...and doing what pirates do...you know, educating." - ok, what sort of educating are you looking for. not all pirate crews are education focused. the info says "pirate demo's". who's doing it and what are they doing. its not worth while bringing our folks in to duplicate what you already have lined up. "As far as flys go, there is a "no stake" policy at the park do to underground sprinkler system." -no biggie, it happens. fortunately the plot you provided shows some shade. will water or snacks be provided to folks you are asking to come in and do..... you know, educating? "There will be a roped off area at the river for firing our cannons, muskets and pistols. The Kalmar Nyckel's shallop will be on the river returning fire with their 1" swivel." -our who? will there be alcohol at this venue? if so, who is monitoring the firing line. safety inspections? what is the weapon policy of the venue itself????? sorry to sound so critical, but these are basic needs that a lot of folks will want to know before making a trip to see you.
  2. i have heard of them, but not seen one. would it be similar to a grenadeers lantern? tinpunch i believe.
  3. so not to be outdone by the bedroom, check out this home theater http://news.yahoo.com/photos/pirates-of-the-caribbean-home-movie-theater-1307742969-slideshow/
  4. I LOVE grant writing

    1. Mission


      I think you need a trepanning.

    2. Dutchman


      knowing my luck, you would hit an optic nerve and i'd be crosseyed fore life

  5. depending on how long you want the charleston to cincinatti leg, you can crash here or stop for a meal
  6. i don't think sailors had a specific blanket, but how wouldit have been constructed as opposed to modern construction?
  7. was it made by a sailor? sure if they say so. is it museum quality? I'm not a curator, but if thats how its graded. Is it a knife a sailor used? now thats what i'd like to know. If its museum quality i doubt it was. It may have been decorated and parts of it made by a sailor to while away down time. I wish there was more back story to describe it. It's a pretty shape and look. I bet its comfortable in the hand. The blade looks like a curved blubber knife. I wonder if its a whaler era.
  8. a riggers knife is a completely utilitarianly different tool. I have no idea how far back they go. the knife is as chaos described plus the blade is actually a flat thickness and is sharpened like a chisel- only on one side. It is ONLY used on cordage. Unfortunately, Pern has a really beefy sailors knife (don't tell him that). its blade it tapered and sharpened on both sides. I've seen modern ones made from a filed down leaf spring. All they are is straight stock with a handle shaped out and an edge put on. The handle then has leather wrapped tightly around it to absorb the shock of blows. As far as a sailors knife goes, a small patch knife with pointed tip (maybe 6 inches total length) was found buried with one of the bodies in Jamestown hanging around his neck. Actually, the cord was rotted, but it was positioned to hang around his neck and thats where the scraps were headed. The archaeologist said it had lots of use before it was buried. It is safe to assume it came with him as there were no iron works. A sailors will that has come down through my family from 1647 identifies a fyshing knyfe and shyps knyfe, but do not describe them. So they had specific items it seems.
  9. While William has a valid point, my concern is with historical reenactors. When it comes to ren-faire, hollywood, fantasy, i'm enjoying myself my way pirate, to each his own and enjoy yourself. please disregard as this reply is not directed towards you. HUZZAH! I've looked at some of my living history pics and you can see my belt and knife lanyard, but the sheath and knife are always tucked under something- bummer. It never ceases to amaze me at the number of historical reenactors that come up and need to borrow a knife to cut a piece of line or halve a fruit of some sort. I've argued this for a long time as well and have given up. As a positive side, this probably helps keep festival injures down. edit* this argument can also apply to being able to tie proper working knots. "I'm a pirate", ok- tie a knot, "ummmmm- i'm the captain of <insert choice here> thats what the cabin boy does-arggggg"
  10. i enjoy their entire series. always something to learn- and the price is right
  11. new blog, to include a video and a pic of an addition to our armory! http://www.colonialseaport.org/blog/?p=248

  12. here is a podcast from colonial williamsburg on piracy http://podcasts.history.org/053011/AgeofPiracy.mp3
  13. King of the Pirates- the swashbuckling life of Henry Every. Authored by E.T. Foxe
  15. universalium.academic.ru/175329/powder_chest their description has it hanging OVER the side, but makes no source reference.
  16. grant application going out for educational materials. keeping our fingers crossed

    1. capn'rob


      Crossing mine and hopes for the Best!

    2. capn'rob


      Crossing mine and hopes for the Best!

    3. William Brand
  17. hey stirling, call me later tonight if you get a chance.
  18. So..... no smoking gun, but totality of circumstances........ and in twenty years its sort of like clearing a murder conviction suspect after they have been excecuted due to new DNA evidence. I know, its a bit of an extreme examble but just pointing out the flaw.
  19. Ahoy folks, July 1st will mark the beginning of our Social Media fundraising effort. It won't cost you a thing other than a minute or so of your time. More information will follow, but if you have anyone with internet access who may be interested in the construction of Luna, please pass our link along to them. www.colonialseaport.org
  20. oh geez, i ran across this years ago and it was a different name but same concept. It was very prominent during the witchcraft era and new england ships were notorious for this practice. Common curses were sometimes blamed on a poor sailors family misfortunes. His wife lost a child, he is cursed because his wife is a witch or something along those lines. This poor sailor was blamed for such things as halyards parting, food or water spoiling, another sailor loosing his best rigging knife over when the Jonah walks by, being calmed etc.... just common misfortunes rather than witchcraft or curses. I hope this helps some
  21. yup, still stuck in my head. I was on the driving range today knocking down cones singing it. My partner thought I had lost my mind.
  22. ahoy all, i hope all are well and rested. Thank you ALL for a great weekend. Everyone did what was needed and turned to in grand fashion. We fielded a record number of reenactors, more entertainment was there, and the local merchants had smiles on their faces. HUZZAH!
  23. HUZZAH to the Guns of Hampton. well done lads!
  24. what makes a better story- the man had TREASURE, or he traded slaves. Seems while the author of General History may not have included slaves it reflects back to absence of proof does not make proof of absence. Maybe it was just a better story to tell that has grown over 300 years and ultimately received little recognition until now.
  25. in addition to wax and pitch- try just soaking them. see if they swell. i bet its been a while since they held any fluid. if they are the laminated ones- you will have to glue them back together.
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