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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. jeny, by all means. i would like to return it to the owner. there are a couple of size marks on the inside and it is obviously a custom hat from Townsend. I contacted them, but they couldn't identify the owner from those though. The hat was recovered in central Virginia.
  2. Try Demon of the waters, by Gregory Gibson. Story of the mutiny on the whaleship Globe- a bit late from the GAOP, but still very clearly chronicles how a lesser known mutiny festered.
  3. oh sure a pancake wearing rabbit is easy. everyone has seen that old one. how about stynky in a pink bunny outfit, not just any outfit but the one from Christmas Story.
  4. im a first rate scrounger so im always looking along roads. normally i don't stop on interstates, but htis one was easy, not necessarily safe, to get to. I have not bought bungees or ratchet straps in years. My best find was a 20x60 foot canvas and rubber truckers cover, bundled up- must have just rolled off the trailer bed. Ladders are pretty common as well, but they usually bust or get run over. I have a couple of nice heavy extension cords as well, but I don't trust ones that have been run over. I have more plastic gas jugs than i know what to do with as well as a few of the construction drink coolers. I took a back road home one day and found a half dozen life jackets spread out over four miles.
  5. no kidding! just found it on the side of the road upside down. Medallion facing the road way, otherwise would not have noticed it. Looped around and grabbed it. Of course I was driving home from work, so I did have *ahem* a slight advantage in getting to it without much effort.
  6. lookey lookey what i ran over leaving work. yup, got onto the interstate and saw this sitting upside down on the side of the road. So I turned myself around at the next "authorized use only" median and went back to fetch it. Well it came up so quickly that I ran it over on the recovery lap. Still in good shaped- its a townsend. Now, to leave it or modify?
  7. oh no. don't pin this one on me. he did it all himself.
  8. Ahoy friends. CSF's weekly blog is up. This one is a different perspective on our project. We hope you enjoy it. http://colonialseaportfoundation.blogspot.com/

  9. all in favor of throwing cross over say aye.
  10. can you put a scale to it? looks nice. still looking for those pieces for you, btw. found one but it was SS.
  11. sigh* i know. I'm still plotting and scheeming against the shipwright
  12. ok, so the box looks to be 44 wide by 16 deep by 40 high. the wheel is 39 inches.....
  13. Pirate Misuse Syndrome, frequent ailment of pirate hunters. nothing really, goes away with a bit of green fairy.
  14. folks, i'm very happy to announce that CSF is far enough on Luna to start thinking about the helm station. What we have is a modern ship rebuilt to 18th century appearance, with modern helm equipment. Here is where we would like your help and input. Send us pictures of forward facing center pedestal wheels on wooden sailing ships. Also, what do you use most often and what do you wish you had for a helm configuration for a similar project. Remember this is an open boat, so fancy electronics are not going to be there. Were talking a compass, controls, and a wheel. I'll try to get a picture up this weekend.
  15. cripes. here we are trying to raise money to save one and this cat probably spent what we need making one look like its sunk.
  16. heyo mission, the gunner on page six with the blue check shirt is constable heartless. great job as usual. couldnt make it this year so its nice to have this to see what we missed.
  17. Dear members and friends of CSF, Please join us on March 2, 2011 between 7:00 and 8:00 pm for our annual membership meeting. This year we are excited to be meeting at: Virginia Air and Space Center 600 Settlers Landing Road Hampton, VA 23669 We will be presenting our annual recap of events, financial status, and of course an update on our flagship, Luna. We hope to see you there.

  18. i wonder if a search of antique or thrift shops might yield some chests to start working with
  19. happy birthday!
  20. step away from the trailer, slowly...... nothing to see here...... (everyone keep calm, he'll settle down....shhhhh) snicker- he ain't met me gracey yet..... now thats a camp of luxury queen size airbed, air conditioning..... ahhhh
  21. step away from the trailer, slowly...... nothing to see here...... (everyone keep calm, he'll settle down....shhhhh) snicker- he ain't met me gracey yet..... now thats a camp of luxury queen size airbed, air conditioning..... ahhhh
  22. greyhound, i have to agree with qm james. for your safety and others, please stop where you are and find a gun shop that handles black powder. Ask them to once over the gun for you. I have not seen you mention, and i don't want to assume here- but if you have not had a gun safety class, ask about one while you are there that specifically deals with black powder- not synthetics. I don't know of any reenactment events that would use it, but you never know. Its good to see you asking questions about weapons but keep in mind these forums are nice for general inquiries, nothing replaces hands on time with your weapon and an instructor or armorer. We have some truly amazing weapons folks here who can answer questions on line and help you at events. You might check to see if there is a rev war reenactment unit in your area- they may have someone available, plus you might find likeminded folks near you to help with other questions about equipment resources and local events. and one last thing....... please don't let your friends "play" with your weapon despite your warnings. as you can see thats how things get broken and you possibly get hurt. edit* and if your at a festival, find out what the "locals" policy is on letting the public handle any weapons, but these issues have been beat to death before so i'll stop here.
  23. need more info- how big are you looking at, made of what type of wood, finish, shelves or tills? type of hardware, define reasonable price. edit* the latest issue of wooden boat had a story of and reproduction of a 16th century tool chest made from six boards harvested from the same log. its on my to do list now..... just after i finish this darned boat
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