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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. good morning pubsters! well, we are holding in the 38-40 area out of 160 entries for the pepsi challenge. Thank you to all who are voting for us. if you are not voting, the link is http://www.refresheverything.com/votefortheboat If you are a pepsi drinker-or know someone who is- the pepsi, diet pepsi, and pepsi max bottles and case boxes all ahve bonus codes that can be entered for more points. if you are nervous about privacy, you can IM me the codes and i'll enter them. Remember, VOTE FOR THE BOAT DAILY- we only have till september 1st!
  2. so here we are on bald head island, nc. stynky me, cascabel, braze, blackbeards crew, archangel, meka II, the shadow players and a captive audience for the weekend- so who likes pepsi?
  3. you have five votes a day, one for each pay tier. we are in the $50,000.00 tier- so check out the other groups ideas and vote if you see another project you like! hey, you are already there so spread the love. the caps are power votes!
  4. we're back up to 43rd! In the process i believe I have sunk to an all time low. I was walking through one of our buildings at work and happened to find the janitor heading to the recycle bin with a bag of bottles. . . . . got 95 points though. which brings me to the idea of the day- if you're office has a recycle bin, check the tops for power votes. you can enter up to 10 a day!
  5. well bummer. thanks for looking though. When they come in, two are yours
  6. GO SILKIE, GO SILKIE- IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY........ ok maybe not your birthday, HUZZAH!
  7. ahoy pubsters! an update on our status. we ended last night in 14? position. by 1100 this morning we were up to 43rd, now we are down to 49th! This is one unnerving rollercoaster ride! So, here is how you can help us out. If you are a pepsi, diet pepsi, or pepsimax drinker, grab the boxes or bottles that have the pepsi refresh power vote codes. the containers are marked, and vote with the code in your hand. the power votes are a lottery and add 1 to 100 votes to the count. Mine was good for 20 votes today. We have discovered this contest is only good for continental u.s. addresses only. Thank you all for supporting the vote and endulging us for the month. -dutch
  8. first batch sold out before we even got them. the second batch was all accounted for and i am delivering the last two next weekend but we have another on order. should be here in a couple of weeks. They are a bit expensive to ship though- $8.00 i think. Want me to hold a couple from the next batch? So I voted twice today once on line and once on the phone, AND I power voted by using a PEPSI CAP code! an extra 20 votes. it has us in 46th place right now. vote daily to help us float Luna!
  9. you an vote once a day through facebook, or once a day through the pepsi site but not both from the same server address. so two people logginginto their computer to vote on the same server actually cancel each others votes. or vote by text- be aware of your plan though- it may cost you. stynky- thanks, i'll put it up now. hope to see you on the island this weekend
  10. You can also "Vote for the Boat!" from your cellphone by Texting* 108097 to Pepsi (73774) to vote.
  11. Ahoy all pubsters! The foundation has been accepted as a participant in the pepsi refresh challenge. WE NEED YOUR VOTE to win $50,000.00 in grant money. Vote and spread the word about Luna, have your friends vote! http:/www.refresheverything.com/votefortheboat
  12. This is a bosun's whistle lanyard I made. It's #120 (about 3/16 inch) 4 strand cotton line. The small loop knot is a crown and wall knot doubled. The large loop is a trebled diamond knot- didn't turn out so well due to me not laying the splice properly- first attempt so o.k. i guess. The ring holding the pipe is the one it came with- i'll make a larger one when i get home to a piece of brass rod.
  13. Lots of us piddle around with fancy knotwork, so lets start showing off. If there is enough interest we can talk to stynky about adding this to the workshop lineup.
  14. first, make sure you have the right tools and supplies. go with a natural leather- no dies, as you will be drinking out of it and dont want to poison yourself. i'm no good at grading leather, so maybe one of our other members can suggest a weight grade. make sure you have a natural thread that will absorb your sealant. depending on how handy you are a stitch awl or needles. also a leather punch to lay out your holes. brewers pitch or bees wax to seal the leather after you make your tankard. second, make your pattern. I would suggest making one out of heavy pattern paper first. assemble the ENTIRE thing. Bottom seams- the whole thing. oh, an extra piece of thick leather between the two handle sides should work on stiffening it up. As we say at the boat yard- "darnit all stop wasting material- make a template oh wait wrong one.... mesaure twice, cut once" Apply the pitch or wax. If you have a Tandy leather or other similar store close by, make your prototype and take it to them for help on supplies and suggestions on stitching. some places offer classes. hope that helps some
  15. raw unpasteurized honey on burns- no kidding. worked for us. 3rd degree burns with amazingly less than expected scarring.
  16. in the context you have it, i would lean towards a fancy noise maker as well- a modern day flash bang. as with its modern day cousin, you still don't want to be near it when it goes off. smoke, lots of noise, i imagine extra sulfur added while being made would make a heck of a smell, the shock wave of it going off, and the sheer terror of seeing something you know will go bang heading in your direction. On the small arms range (modern weapon), we refer to a squib as a round that does not fire properly. The ammunition has a projectile and a primer, but the powder got left out at the factory. The primer goes off and creates enough force to expel the projectile from the case and enter the barrel, where it promptly looses strength and stops- a dangerous predicament to be in. Compared to L. silvers description, its a similar ignition, just a much different sized purpose.
  17. hey mate. thanks- thats what were looking for. btw, you posted the same link twice
  18. they will be working blocks on board Luna, 18th century repro ship. I'm a bit timid about using wooden blocks on the uppers, which will carry the most load. i think we will make shells for some nice modern ones to make them look the part. the lowers and most visible- if we can get good ones with a working load rating, we will use accordingly. Having been next to a commercial modern block that shattered like a grenade under load, sending the shiv and bearing down the length of the boat and into the depths, i'm not wild about back yard knockoffs. Otherwise, we will use what we can get for education purposes and relegate them to gun/cargo blocks and such. We are looking for 1/2 to 3/4 inch shiv, rope strapped blocks. It's exciting to think we are talking rigging for Luna!
  19. hey mates, we are in search of a supplier for various sized wooden block, aka pulleys. we have identified Dauphinee & son's and are awaiting a reply. i checked in on the woodenboat forums and have exhausted their ideas. any other leads would be great.
  20. ahoy all! our computer guru has made tracing the Colonial Seaport Foundation even easier. you can now add us to your facebook favorites AND twitter! http://www.colonialseaport.org/

  21. Wilm pirate, thank you for fielding our battery of questions. Unfortunately, it isn't in the cards for me this year. I will be making a donation directly to the Nykel, and haranguing the crew into a donation as well. I certainly hope next year will bring a full weekend event as this year will be a success for you! ymhs- dutch
  22. around 1610, the king of england referred to tobacco as a noxious weed..... my how his view changed. anyhow, an excellent source of information on the history of tobacco in the colonies is a book called Tobacco Coast, a few sailor references- but mission has done a better job of it.
  23. ok, i reviewed the older posts.... "Peace tied weapons will be allowed at Tubman-Garrett, but not at the Blue Rocks stadium."
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