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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. hmmmm mighty clean looking, need some cannon schmuts on those whites
  2. a grand addition indeed! glad to see you here. see ya in beaufort and i'm glad you enjoyed yourself in deltaville.
  3. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.chicagotribune.com/media/photo/2009-02/45250316.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-090225-pirates-photogallery,0,7491039.photogallery&usg=__M1ackN-GXormpSmDybVScx_Zr3s=&h=425&w=223&sz=35&hl=en&start=4&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=fbPy74eb3YHURM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=66&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsam%2Bbellamy%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1 well crud. guess national geo has it all wrong *snicker**
  4. willoughby always gets pics! can't wait to see everyone elses!
  5. so how about fe fie fo fum? lets ask wikipedia.......... Earlier variants of the fairy tale Jack the Giant-Killer found in chapbooks include various renditions of the poem, recited by the giant Thunderdell: Fee, fau, fum, I smell the blood of an English man, Be alive, or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread.[1] Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum. I smell the blood of an Englishman, Be he living, or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to mix my bread.[2] The latter two verses of the left version are the most famous in popular culture. In William Shakespeare's play King Lear, the character of Edgar exclaims: Fie, foh, and fum, I smell the blood of a British man. The phrase clearly makes use of the archaic word "fie", used to express disapproval.[3] This word is used repeatedly in Shakespeare's works, King Lear himself shouting, "Fie, fie, fie! pah, pah!" and the character of Mark Antony (in Antony and Cleopatra) simply exclaiming "O fie, fie, fie!" The word "fum" has sometimes been interpreted as "fume".[1] Formations such as "fo" and "foh" are perhaps related to the expression "pooh!", which is used by one the giants in Jack the Giant-Killer;[2] such conjectures largely indicate that the phrase is of imitative origin, rooted in the sounds of flustering and anger. [1] [edit] References ^ a b c Tatar, Maria (2002). "Jack and the Beanstalk". The Annotated Classic Fairy Tales. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.. pp. pp. 131 – 144. ISBN 0-393-05163-3. ^ a b History of Jack the Giant Killer. Glasgow: Printed for the booksellers. http://www.library.pitt.edu/libraries/is/enroom/chapbooks/historyjack.htm. ^ "fie". The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. The Houghton Mifflin Co.. 2000. http://www.bartleby.com/61/66/F0106600.html. Retrieved November 13, 2008. Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fee-fi-fo-fum" Categories: English poems Personal tools New features Log in / create account Namespaces Article Discussion VariantsViews Read Edit View history ActionsSearch
  6. was gifted a little knot book by Des Pawson- never heard of him. anyhoo he makes the following comment on stockholm tar "this can still be obtained from tack shops and veterinary sources, where it is still used on the hooves of animals." nothing new, but confirms that some folks from the knot teyers guild do use the stuff. now back to your regularly scheduled net surfing........
  7. just came in from a great sail.

    1. Ransom


      Lucky Dog!

    2. Capt. Sterling

      Capt. Sterling

      Out on Dad's new boat?

  8. briggs was the small brass tube that grace fired the first day. She is named after layne briggs, owner of the tugentine Norfolk Rebel. We borrow her from the Briggs family every year and this is the only time she is ever fired. Layne was one of the driving forces behind the festival and a large supporter of the conservation of the chesapeake bay. he also co-founded the Great Chesapeake Schooner Race. Here is his memorium from the crews site. "Captain Briggs was the heart of the sea in Hampton Roads for as long as any can remember. A driving force in all maritime activities in the area including Harborfest and The Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race, he spoke for so many mariners during his time. His innovative "Tugantine" can still be seen at area festivals each year." Blackbeards crews gun is actually "Le Bebe" she is french and goes le boom.
  9. the test, of course, is to see how it fits in luna.........................
  10. was wondering where that wandered off to.
  11. so diosa, does that mean when you don't hold up well any more...... you're a mayan ruin????
  12. hey mates, i'm looking for a source for tarred sailors hats. double dutch, you gave me your source and i forgot it.
  13. my computer won't download them for some reason. saw them at work though! neat stuff
  14. wow- another one found! ships were sunk, then added onto by another one on top pretty often from what I understand. they were then cribbed in place and filled with dirt to make bulkheads and essentially create new realestate. It makes you wonder just how many more may be found. Lady B, thanks for posting this. hopefully there will be follow up stories from the site. Were you able to find more pictures? I looked but didn't see any.
  15. mad dog, thanks for posting and taking all of those great shots! hope others pop up along the way. My head is still spinning. we got the explorer offloaded yesterday and the last of the custom house stowed this morning. The thieves market went better thaqn expected despite not raffling off the box o goodies. the plans kept changing so ofter we couldn't fit it in, so we did outright sales and still made a tidy sum for the foundation. thanks to all who dontated! Leigh, please tell me the BIG pan that Mad dogge is cooking bacon in wasn't the one that wandered off!
  16. oi, mad dog or sterling, were did the tony prater immage come from??? can't find him on line.

  17. ahoy mates, glad to see most all have made it home and have checked in. I can't thank you all enough for the extra work that went into this weekend despite the heat! This was one of the most fun festivals in a long time despite itself! Huzzah!!! now, did anyone other than papa have time to snap some pictures?
  18. unpacked and resting..... ouch, ouch, ow.....

  19. for clarification.... live fire shoot, or going out and blowing powder?
  20. got just the thing to fix it. a good workout with a boat soaked in pine tar. clear it right up.
  21. oh double dutch, ewe are just too much sometimes, can't pull the wool over your eyes! utter nonsense.
  22. explorer loaded, custom house loaded *snicker*, seabag packed, ops plan packed, clean underwear, get grace packed...... out the door, see ya there!

    1. Duncan McGuyver

      Duncan McGuyver

      "Custom House loaded" - How many roadies and trucks did that take? - The only thing that makes the Customs House mobile is a tornado (snicker)

  23. well bo did it again. we now have a few more items to add to the thieves market. this includes a Bo original trivet and striker. huzzah Bo!!
  24. http://www.history.org/media/podcasts.cfm hey mates, Colonial Williamsburg does weekly podcasts. Every couple of months I download them and enjoy a historical moment of sorts. well lo and behold, If you scroll down to early June you will find a few interesting topics on revolutionary era ships. while not period, well worth listening to. HUZZAH!
  25. and here i sit at work, making sure the oldest legislative body of government in the new world is functioning as it should, loooking at a statue of Gen. Washington atop his horse. surrounded by statues of nelson, jefferson, madison, marshall, monroe, and Lewis- the younger. Inside the Capitol is the original Washington marble statue by Houdon along with the other seven Virginia born Presidents and I went to see my frined Mark portray Patrick Henry at St. Johns Church with the annual performance of "liberty or Death", the actual Church where he gave the speech. Thank you gentlemen!
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