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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. ahoy jamesorcas, nice work mate. I dug around your youtube videos and they are well worth watching for inspiration, with an appreciated dose of insanity. Iris is one cool feline!
  2. great, now he'll be skylarking and asking for a new weskit.
  3. we're shutting down the boat yard tomorrow. back at in on monday though- happy 4th.

  4. looking at duncans new pics. no way the wood could have splinterd like that! they did it on myth busters and it just didn't happen. *snicker*

  5. yeah, got to dress up now and again- no worries, my new weskit is aging as we speak. i'll b back to my normal grungy self by the festival. boss even asked when they should expect to look the other way and stay up wind- they know its coming so they just accept it and hide me from the public for a few days.
  6. generous donor. painted it, put new lights on, got it inspected and titled it for us.
  7. yeah, i know, its a jeep- who needs a top, blah blah blah....... there is no ac so i need some shade. i figure after the festival. however, i will be giving hte jeep a bath tomorrow. I picked up the Foundations new to us trailer and its white, i mean clean snow white. the jeep isn't and it looks so pulling it. taint a large trailer, 4x6x5, but its enough to get us going. hey we don't need a lot of room, after all, it all needs to fit aboard Luna in the end
  8. edit** nevermind- nothing to see here....... ahhhh my retinas are burned just thinking about it
  9. check out the local tv clip in the blackbeard festival thread!

    1. Black Syren

      Black Syren

      Hmmm what an intresting floorcloth...wherever did you find such an intresting acquisition

    2. Capt. Sterling

      Capt. Sterling

      Oi thanks for the plug

  10. http://www.fox43tv.com/dpp/hr_show/Celebrating-Hamptons-400-with-pirates-20100701-cta We made it onto the local morning show to promote the festival. look closely, you may see some pubsters creations! Sam Bellamys coat ala sterling. syrens canvas, well part of it! CSF and Luna via lots of supporters from the pub. Now if Ham were $5.00 a pound we could sell Pern and be floating in no time! He is such the camera wench!
  11. so the cover on my 98 wrangler needs replacing. I'm thinking about the bestop with tinted windows. i've read the manufacturers instructions and comments from users- seems sim-ple enough with only a few manufacturers errors- eh, it happens. anyone here have any experience with their replacement tops?
  12. hey gang, lots of offers for help! thats great, thanks. Bo, please don't go out of your way, but thank you again!
  13. my grandparents used to live on Bermuda and I spent alternating Christmas and summer vacations there. It was beautiful, they had a house across from Hamilton right on the harbor- you could just see Kings Wharf. Lots of friendly people and good things for young cousins to go get into trouble doing together. The island is only 26 miles long, so you could only wander so far. I went back on a cruise two years ago and was really disappointed. It was still a friendly island, but it didn't seem as clean and welcoming- more commercial than I recall. My grandparent had been off island for atleast 15 years and amazingly our cabby remembered them. It was great hearing stories about their time on the island from someone outside the family. I'd still go back and would put it on a to do list for someone looking for an adventure.
  14. abacos islands. friendly people, slightly off the beaten path so less tourist. might not have the happening night life, but great all the same. -oh... entirely possible to see wrecked masts, and lots of other things if you know what to look for, mostly they will be caked in coral though.
  15. ok, lets swing the ship back on course..... thanks for the offers for help mates, greatly appreciated. Let me know where you would like to fill in. The first move will be Friday morning at 0800ish. We're launching, then need to get the boat out of the marinas way and over to the docks. Friday afternoon, be at the boat and ready to go at 1245 and 1645. Saturday, 1045 Sunday, 1215, 1415 I'm hoping to have the rig up and be under sail for some of these. We will be doing some sailing lessons if this happens. We can also do some coxwain drills since there is interest. Here is a link to the HMS Richmond's site where you can freshen up on the rowing commands. http://www.hmsrichmond.org/oarcmd.htm
  16. happy birthday ladies!
  17. congrats- too bad your wife won't let you go after you explain the bruises.

  18. hey mates, the Blackbeard Festival is two weeks away. Its going to be hot and busy. I have the responsibilities of the long boat Explorer for the weekend and coordinating living history on Sunday. If anyone is interested in crewing on the Explorer over the weekend or putting together a living history program on Sunday please let me know. Also, not publicized, but went over well last year was the Sunday morning dock walk. Hopefully we will be doing it again this year. We will set an agreeable morning hour and walk the rocks and piers pulling trash out of the water from the weekend. Last year we pulled five bags the DAY AFTER the clean the bay day! COUSIN ROBBIE is still missing and i'm tired of tripping over his stuff so I'm selling it off. As well, the Foundation has collected a few nice items that will be for sale during the day at the "thieves table" located at the Foundations tent. If anyone has any extra or not used anymore gear, or maritime decorations they would like to donate to the cause, bring it on by. All proceeds go to the Foundation. As a special treat, COUSIN ROBBIE'S sea chest is going to be raffled off Sunday evening. This is one of Bo's boxes and he sent it full o goodies! (THANKS BO, you're awesome!) Here is the catch. Being cousin robbie's chest, he collected a lot of odd pieces in his wanderings and i'm not sorting it out. there are some hand made items, some project pieces, pieces for future projects and some unidentifiable cousin robbie trinkets. the box is locked and no one knows whats in it. Tickets will be available at the CSF tent over the weekend. $5 a chance, buy as many as you like, may send you home with a box of goodies.
  19. http://www.colonialseaport.org/colonialmaritimefestival.html pictures are up
  20. oi scurvey- any more thoughts about the Ocracoke event? I really think this and the memorial in November should be actively persued. This will be the third year we have gathered around the date and have drawn a bit of local interest. Another well organized event earlier in the year would be beneficial to both and make both more credible in the island political circle.
  21. so i took a looksee at adams horse hoof tar. Its a little thinner than stockholm, but I like to thin it down to about that consistency to penetrate fibers anyhow. It doesn't smell the same, more of a leather smell would be a good description. Otherwise it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and seems to do the job.
  22. pearl, send a message to michael bagley with the event info. he is the mod for the events forum and can get it there for you

  23. hey adam, give ma a call if we are still on for tomorrow.

  24. AHEM- anyone found with the cat without orders from the captain or sailmaster will be flogged themselves, by COUSIN ROBBIE. now back to work.
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