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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Ok, it's time up for anyone who wanted to join in. Red Bess, I need your address BEFORE SATURDAY! If not, I can't count you in. Please note I've sent you a PM also. Here is the list and I promise Patrick you won't get me. 1. Fayma Callahan 2. Vintage Sailor 3. Island Cutter 4. Quartermaster James 5. P.E.W. 6. Badger 7. Iron Jon 8. Lady Cassandra Seahawke 9. Coastie04 10. Lady Barbossa 11. Black Syren 12. Ransom 13. Chain Shot 15. Red-Handed Jill 16. Mary Diamond 17. Duchess 18. Patrick Hand 19. Rumba Rue 20. Blackbead
  2. I'm surprised you didn't add the ones I had mentioned as they are very prominet for Steampunk. Look near the beginning for my post.
  3. 3 days left to get in on some surprise booty!
  4. Got it Mary, thanks. 4 days left!
  5. Sending well wishes to her!
  6. 5 days left!
  7. Things to remember about bein' a pirate: 1. May ye never have the parrot poop on ye. 2. May ye know yer aft from yer stern 3. Pastin' dead weavils on Capt. Sterling's food 4. Swingin' through the riggin' only when no one is lookin'. 5. And the most important, stealin' rum fer yer birthday!
  8. I got my issue last week.
  9. Time is running out...for those who want to participate. Six days left to get in on this. I close the list at 5 PM on Nov. 25th. Rumba
  10. And of course we're thinking the obvious.....
  11. It really bothers me that so many people are out of work. I know more people living on the streets than ever before (that includes our former roommate who is a total ass)because there just isn't any work of any kind. The classified ads in our local papers are like nothing! In fact the only places I know hiring are some of the restraunt/coffee shops who are hurting for people. It's like a majority of people just can't seem to want to 'lower' themselves to that....sad reality, it's high probability you won't get the great paying job you had before. For those like Silent and others who are living at home, be thankful you have family that helps you out! I really feel for you and I'm happy to give out big hugs!
  12. Ya, dead and lifeless, that's a Macaw in the picture. Yes, the dark blue Hyacinth Macaw is the rarest of the Macaws and the most expensive, about three grand or more these days.
  13. Acccckkkkkk! I've been fooled by Quartermaster James! No such thing as a Norwegian Blue. Apparently he was making reference to something in Monty Python..... Well that explains why I couldn't find anything on the 'net'.... duh... I should make him walk the plank!
  14. I have to admit I voted for Stynky, simply because he has worked so hard to get this site back up and running like it never has before. He deserves the credit!
  15. Do you have a picture of your Norwegian Blue? If not, could you take one an post it? I don't think I've ever seen one. My Senegal and Moustached Parakeet were both $500.00, and then you have to buy a cage big enough for them, that's another $500.00 or so, and then toys, foods, etc. and yes it's about a thousand dollar investment. Thankfully I did not pay for them, my other half did, I could never afford to buy those birds on my own! Here in the n.county of San Diego, the best place to buy a bird is Bird Haven in Escondido. They work with them as baby's to get them use to people and being touched. Good thing I don't have room for any more, otherwise I might have ended up with a Macaw or something just as big, courtesey of a couple of people I know. Note: If any of you bird owners here save the feathers when the bird molts, could you save them for me and send them to me? I'll make you a feather hat pin for free if you do. Rumba
  16. Here's the newest offering from the L.E.A.G.U.E. of Steam (a new group that's come into the spotlight recently). I happen to know Duane Matthews who usually plays pirate Buchard, and I never thought I'd see him into this stuff. (He's the one with the long beard) No, I have no idea what the L.E.A.G.U.E. bit stands for.
  17. Oooooh yum! Too bad I live on the west coast, I'd be there in a heartbeat if I could!
  18. I have a seven year old Senegal parrot, Gilligan. I've taught him to talk like a pirate and can say lots of things, but mostly: Ahoy Matey Pirates! Shiver Me Timbers Pieces of Eight Abandon Ship Swabbie - we didn't teach him that, and have no idea where he learned it. Good Morning/Night I Love You Tastes Like Chicken - it took a long time for him to pick that up. Many more, just can't think of all of them at this time. I also have a Mustached Parakeet - Corky, who pretty much says what Gilligan does, just a sweetheart of a bird, but squawks much louder than the Senegal. And then I have my little blue Parakeet, Poppy who plays, with both of the other parrots. I wanted a Sun Conure, but after I heard them squawking so loudly in the bird store and reading info on the Internet I decided against it as I was in an apartment at the time, plus my hearing couldn't handle it. Course now in a house, all the birds are just so happy they can't shut up most of the time! LOL! Note: To anyone considering getting a parrot, please, please read up on the bird you are interested in BEFORE you buy one! There's tons of info on the Internet. It takes lots of time,dedication and work to keep a parrot(s) and geesh, they throw food everywhere...lots of vacumming needed. They may also outlive you - depending on the bird - you might need to will the bird to someone in the future.
  19. Thank you much Miz Barbossa!
  20. <Bump> Just a reminder, time is running out to join in! Deadline is Nov. 25, 2009. Go to the Crow's Nest Forum to join in!
  21. A friend of mine, Laura is currently working as a cook on the ship.
  22. I'm jealous! Someday I want to cruise on that ship!
  23. Thanks Coastie!
  24. This question was brought up on another site I visit. The best answer is: If you are a participant you must dress according to the rules of the event. If you are a patron/guest anything goes. That should sum it up pretty well.
  25. Ah, young tender fresh meat....ready to cook, just add some spices.... yum. Welcome to the Pub!
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