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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Have a great day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
  2. Well you can swab my decks - well you can pretend to..........I don't have a ship, but my kitchen floor would do...... Welcome to the Pub!
  3. 'I can't control my ramrod, it keeps slipping out.' Sounds like a personal problem......
  4. Seeing the results.....some greedy buggers around here.....pirates....
  5. Thank you for the bowl and for letting me know it was you. Really all this time I had no idea, I thought it was some guy up north.....duh....
  6. I've had many people compliment the wooden bowl that was sent me, but I still don't know who sent it to me. Please fess up! Thanks, Rumba
  7. You should request Phoebe's paw prints in cement like all the other stars.
  8. WOOF! Well I hope you get a cake that isn't made of dog biscuits.....maybe some catnip.......
  9. Sorry I couldn't get away from that dang Starport Mos Eisley. The dang bartender just kept giving me drinks courtesy of some alien across the room with six eyes and four arms. I don't even want to think about what sex would be like..... Anyway hope you had a grand day and managed to keep the aliens away! and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU
  10. Cooking meat at an event? Why I just grab one o' those boys from "Port of the Black Sail" an' throw 'em on the fire! *Just kidding Rene my friend
  11. PETEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friend of the Black Spot! I was just wondering about you the other day, must have picked up on my vibes. So you're a daddy now? Man have you been busy! Hey, check this out, I'll be there selling my wares, you should come! Pirate Daze
  12. Surprise! We got a bottle of it at our pirate housewarming party last Sunday. I tasted the stuff, it's sweet and dang it's actually good! So much for those who told me it was lousy.
  14. Been a bit busy o' late, but I hope ye had a good one.
  15. You can see my pictures from the event here: 2009 Spring Escondido Ren-faire
  16. I was told our Captain got the rugs off Ebay very low cost.
  17. Here's a picture of MadL and I at the Escondido Ren-faire.
  18. Here's a look at the pictures I took at the Escondido Renaissance Spring Faire. Spring 2009 Escondido Ren-faire
  19. Well it took ye long enough ta find this area o' the Pub! I take it Blackhearted Pearl t'was steerin' ye in other directions.....lol! Glad ta have made yer acquaintance at the Escondido Ren-faire.
  20. As Oderlesseye can attest to, it ain't done till the last piece o' pirate be tacked ta me walls. Nice job.
  21. To a very good long time friend over the many years we've known each other, shared a few 'you know what' behind and in your tent..... Here's wishing you the best you big loveable bear
  22. After reading the first post I could of sworn it said we was resurrecting Ms. Barbossa! Well actually that might happen! MAY YOU HAVE A DAY THAT WILL FOREVER BE RESURRECTED IN YOUR LIFE!
  23. Well I'm grateful I got no scallywags in my family! (well none that will admit to it) Welcome to the Pub!
  24. Welcome to the Pub! Gawd, I just love those family press gangs!
  25. I knew the current modern day pirates in Somalia would probably cause problems for us who like to pretend. So I'm not surprised by the reaction from the general public and businesses that provide to the public. Don't want to crinkle their PC correct directness or even want to be associated with anything other than Peter Pan. This kind of thing happens over and over again and will continue to happen, that is the course of the lives we live. To hell with them and go and have fun and enjoy the hard earned money you've spent on garb for the occasions and play to your heart's content. Amen!
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