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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Awwwww man... ya got me! Nice job... I completely missed that! Here's a rum for pulling the wool over ol' Blackjohn's eyes. Ha! I recognized it immediatly when she joined as Mos Eisley! But then I'm a Star Wars fan too.
  2. One doesn't have to be a member of PRP, that's fine. We are an easily found group. Like I said, as long as you be in correct garb you are welcome into the encampment as long as I or another member who knows you is with you. I will not be there on Sunday. At the 4 PM meeting on SATURDAY, I would like to take a group picture of all of us that post here at the Pub. I believe one of you said you'd have a sign that will say Pyracy Pub on it? It would be great to include in the picture.
  3. then I must be a lab rat, cuz that's all I use in my coffee! monkey business
  4. Whoa there Diego! Unless the people are members of PRP they are not allowed back in the back areas of the encampment or the tents. Anyone is costume is allowed into the camp in front, so long as I or another member is with them as an escort. We've had some problems with unknown people wandering our back areas without permission. Thankfully we haven't had anything taken.... Please, please, all applicants, read the policies and procedures and everything else pertaining to PRP at the group's site: PRP Just a reminder, we won't tolerate people who go around acting like they are God's Gift to Us, or anyone acting like they know everything either. Be aware, we aren't stupid and won't put up with attitudes that are not within the realm of the group.
  5. Me thinks this name finding thing isn't working well.... I got Gold Back Lynn ........ uh I don't think so!
  6. Aye Capt. Grey be a great designer and maker o' fine wearin' goods.
  7. Well us PRP'ers do our usual pot-luck dinner on Sat. night. Those coming on Friday for set-up get treated to dinner by our in-house Guru cooks, Blind Jeff and Philistina. So I won't be eaten anywhere's else but camp. I say's we just meet at the front gate o' the PRP camp at 4 o' the clock and swig down some grog.
  8. I think I'll be there......uh if I'm not caught up in doin' somethin' else.....
  9. I just wanted to say I got the chance to meet Gary and some of his crew this past weekend on the Royalist at the San Diego Festival of Sail . What a bunch of great people! Gary Bergman/Royalist is a man that is very savvy, a gentleman, and a man who is proud of his ship. He's got a lot of money wrapped up in that floating wonderous boat and it shows. He's put a lot of time and effort into keeping his ship looking good for the public and I give him big kudos and hugs for the effort. I can tell you I know of not one other ship that has done that on the scale he has- keeping the paint fresh looking and everything polished finely. To take the time to sail from San Francisco all the way down to San Diego is no small feat and I look forward to hopefully seeing him again soon, if not at the Corona Pirate faire than at least the Tall Ships Festival in Dana Point, in Sept.
  10. Thankee much dear Sam! Aye, we be addin' more an' more to our wealth o' pirates here in the San Diego area. I'll be lookin' forward ta meetin' ye (I hope) this comin' weekend at Corona! Rumba Rue **The wench who has a clue!**
  11. Aye, so we gots another one o' ye crew, do we? Well since yer bio is empty I know not about ye, so could ye be fillin' me in? Cheers!
  12. Thanks for the update Mad Woman Cheryl. Now I can go for the talk I've been wanting to do for awhile, this just cinches it. Will be in Rabble Rousing.
  13. Great pic's Blackjohn, too bad there's modern stuff in the backgrounds, otherwise it would be terrific. I took a picture of Pyratebabe and her cousin Faye at the Big Bear Ren-faire last weekend. I was kind of hoping she'd post the pic herself, but I guess she's kind of shy (you gotta be kidding!), so here it is. Pyratebabe is on the left.
  14. geeze, I'm choking! No, actually I'm sick with a cold right now, courtesy of the Big Bear Ren-faire.
  15. As someone said on this same subject that came up elsewhere, just give it to your kids or someone's kids and tell them not to get it dirty.
  16. Anyone know if Disneyland is still selling the pirate anntenna tops? If so, do you know if there is a link to where I might order one or two online?
  17. No it's not. I have "Conquest" and it is nothing like "Privates of the Carribean".
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