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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. No that's not the pattern, though I do have that one and have used it, but it's straightness is kind of uninteresting and looks more like a modern day coat. The pattern I have is Butterick, number is P203 (History pattern), I'm using the 38,40,42 size as that seems to fit most men. Besides the coat, it comes with waistcoat, pants, shirt, and even a pattern for a hat! I've used all (except the hat) and have had very good results with it. Actually it's a more Colonial type, but by the time I get done re-doing the back and cuffs, it will be correct. It's very easy to change things yourself, like the cuffs which are simply made bigger, and add a bit more to the back pleat so that it looks fuller. Add a back belt across the pleat and there you have it! In the case of the coat I'm going to make using this pattern, I'm not going to angle it so severely from the front to the back, and instead will make it so the angle is more subline and the coat can be buttoned for cooler weather. It's a real easy pattern to work with. The orignal cost is $14.95 for the pattern, but I got it at a Jo Ann's sale for a dollar last year. I have the Jas Townsend frock coat/gentleman's pattern by J.P. Ryan, which is similar (and the cost of that pattern was a whopping $17.00!), but much more difficult to understand (it's the pattern I used for the beaded frock coat I made), and I don't recommend it. Funny thing, usually Butterick patterns are kind of difficult sometimes to use, but not this one. I found the Simplicity pattern (which I have too) to extremly difficult to deal with. And as some said, the arms of the pattern I have don't seem to be matching up very well, nor do the cuffs, (after I cut out the pattern pieces and tried to match them all up), which seem to be done in a strange manner.
  2. After seeing a couple of gals recently heading for ComicCon in the coats using the "Jack Sparrow" pattern, I have decided I don't like it. It makes a gal's hips and thighs look even bigger because of the insets. I've got another coat to do, and I've chosen a Butterick pattern I have that is identical to the one used in the costume book, Sketch Book '76 (mens clothing), but using a nicer back pleat which will make the sides look more refined. So I will be getting to work on that within the next few days I hope.
  3. Just letting all of ye know, that as soon as I can replenish my stock o' feathers ye'll be gettin' your free pins as promised. So hang in Paisley, I haven't forgotten! :)
  4. Unfortunately I'm too far inland and away from your port.
  5. Aye, they must have been kidnapped by pirates.
  6. Superduperfragilisticexpealadocious! Nothing like us gals getting into a whole lot of fun trouble! I'll be doing the Narrator part for the play, The Tryal of Anne Bonney and Mary Reade, on Saturday. I pray that it's not horribly hot!
  7. I didn't make the mask, but it was what got me started. I purchased the mask from a gal for a major discount since I had been working her booth at Southern Faire, eons ago. She doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore. But it truly was the mask that got my mind working and what you see is the end result. The Nobility Court dress I aquired from Frieda Soto-Paris, whatever her married name is now. But she made many of the Queens outfits for years. I learned a tremendous amount from her about costuming and I'm grateful. Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments. It really makes this gal's heart sing. Mad Woman Cheryl, your son is a real ham, ain't it great! He'll make a fine pirate cabin boy. Rumba **Smile and Let Your Spirit Soar**
  8. Ah Thursday morning, French toast (wheat bread), lots of real maple syrup (I hate that phony stuff), and my usual many cups of coffee.
  9. Wow, you're coming out here for that? I'm truly impressed. Looking forward to seeing you!
  10. You learn a lot by doing it yourself. However depending on what size you wear can have a lot to do with trying to figure out how much material you'll need. Honestly, try to stay away from the velvets for a first time try. Try a simple cotton that's sturdy, like duct. I believe Patrick Hand lives up in Northern Calif. and can probably help you out with the coat. Send him a PM.
  11. Finally, new scanner in place, works terrific. So here's some pic's to widen your eyes. I tried like hell to make them smaller, but failed. I won First Place in the Master Class, First Place Master Class for Workmanship for beading and jewelling. Best of Show at ConDor 5, 1998. Back view close up of front beadwork ************************************************* Title of costume: Sweetheart Amanda. Won at LosCon 15, 1988. First Place Novice, Second Place Workmanship in beading. ************************************************* Costume Title: Destiny. My very first major costume attempt. Shown at WorldCon, 1984. I handset 1,438 rhinestones on royal blue velvet. ************************************************** The now very famous Mother Rackett's Plastic Pirate Girls. Tanya Mock and myself. Actually sewn plastic garbage bags, including the bloomers. Won at LosCon 24, 1998, First Place, Master Class, First Place for Unique use of plastic bags. *************************************************** Fantasy Pirate, some called this outfit the "Birthday cake topper". ******************************************************** Well there you have it.
  12. Here's a good one of me and PRP member Bone Crusher at the Build A Boat event back in June at Dana Pt.
  13. Well being a poor person myself, I think what you are going after is done much easier. If you have material already, cut it to form around the body of the person that will be wearing it and sew it. Cut the fins (4 each so that you can sew them like a pillowcase), and use batting or even cheap cut up scraps of material to stuff the tail, and attach. Does this help? Also check out costume rental places, some have some really good outfits for mermaids. Also depending on where you live, you might be able to track down a group of pirates to help you out (check the No Quarter Given site for groups that might be in your area NQG), but be aware, no one works for free.
  14. Oh no, not just my heart but my eyes...yer pants seem ta be bulging quite a bit below the belt. Well I hope it's really, really, really good treasure. Cuz my mind is going where no one has gone before.
  15. Well at least you got the piercing in your ear.....it could have been an 'oops' and ye woke up with a ring on your ding.
  16. >Rumba rolls tongue back into mouth after looking at Mad Jack's pics< Oh my! You just made my heart go flutter Mad Jack! On a good note, a new scanner/printer was bought last night, so as soon as all the bells and whistles are figured out, I'll post my pictures.
  17. >Rumba scratches another one off her list of 'free men'.< sigh
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