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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. ...gee when I was a kid in Grade school, my knee socks use to fall down all the time. I finally used big rubber bands to hold them up... That's it! Use really BIG rubberbands! Rumba Rue **Hey I ain't blond fer nothin'**
  2. ...run a rope from one cuff to the other under yer shirt and over yer shoulders...that ought ta work...
  3. ....rumba mumbles...I'd sure like to use that on someone I know....
  4. Forgot: The reason guys like gals in leather anything....it reminds them of new cars. Rumba Rue ** **
  5. Yesterday while out at the Ren-faire here in Calif. at Irwindale, my dear Boats happen lay eyes upon a bodice he really liked and asked me to try it on. It fit...so he bought it for me. Hopefully my dear 'girls' will stay put, but I'm not holding my breath. It unfortunately was made with the really thin boning, so I'm not sure how well it will work - as the ones I make I use the better wider boning. Well if nothing else, I'll have a bodice I can use to make a pattern off of. The pattern I have (I bought from Alter Years many years ago), just doesn't seem to work for me as well these days, as I've gotten older and my body shape has changed. Rumba
  6. I have a 'flag' too. Unfortunately it's packed away and I don't feel like digging it out. I'll have it up at Tall Ships in Sept. at Dana Pt., and I'll take a pic of it then. Rumba Rue **Always expect the unexpected**
  7. Hey, that's really nice! Most of my fellow pirates, either just carry everything on their bodies, i.e. weapons, bottles of water and stuff. Me, I have a nice big basket I use to store stuff in and leave in the camp tent, or I have some fairly decent leather pouches that work. Some of the guys I know who do leather work, have made rather large haversacks for stuff. Seems to work for them. But you may have hit upon an idea for others who aren't as craft wise. So when are you setting up a booth and selling them? Rumba Rue **Life is what you make it, so make it happy**
  8. It's suppose to be really HOT this last weekend of faire. So hot, that it looks like I'll just be wearing regular clothes. Temps suppose to be in the mid 90's. The hell with the garb, I want to be cool! Rumba Rue ** **
  9. What good is it Deigo, if'n she's got red bloomers on? Heheeeee! I suppose you're going to say 'it's positive thinking' !!!! Rumba Rue **Blonds have more fun!**
  10. LMAF!!! Fancy, I'm sure Mad Jack would love to hold your breasts up. Duchess you are soooo right! I've seen some very top heavy gals just hanging horribly out because of ill fitting bodices. I kid you not, I've tried every friggin' style of bodice and not one of them (including ones from vendors at faires), seems to give me the support I'm looking for. Course I have a situation where one hip is higher than the other, one shoulder is lower than the other - hence my having to make my own bodices. I swear I got boobs, (38-C) but the darn things keep wanting to slide back down into normal position.... Hmmm, ropes and pulley's might work too. Rumba Rue **Does fruitcake flush?**
  11. I use VillagePhotos.com. Very easy, and free. And no pop ups or other ads, or stuff coming to your email either. Rumba Rue
  12. The dress is nice, but again as you stated, not sure about the bodice. If you shell out 200.00 bucks for that outfit, only to find out the bodice isn't going to work for you...you're out a lot of money. Do go to the faires, even if it's in another state that might be near you. Try them on to see what suits you best. Rumba Rue ** **
  13. Got my tickets, so I'll be there on Sat. If'n ye be lookin' fer me, just take a look at my bio pic and that hat, and ye should find me. I will probably be there before opening and around the front gate or under the nice shady tree to the right of front gate. Rumba Rue
  14. I thought the faire ended the 29th? Rumba
  15. Well I attack in the middle of the night, when it's least expected. The element of surprise is my strongpoint. Rumba Rue **I saw, I came, I plundered**
  16. Good grief! Are you nuts Jack II ? I'll just wait for a day during the week and go see it! Rumba Rue ** **
  17. I'm hopefully getting my hands on a couple of tickets someone couldn't use. Isn't there usually a 'pirates day' during Memorial day weekend? Rumba Rue **And just when you thought it was safe...**
  18. Just a reminder, I'm a top award winning costumer. I do my own bodices, I have made them for friends too. BUT, I will not make them for gals who can't come to me in person so I can make sure the fit is proper. I'd rather have a happy gal than one who complains about boning in the wrong places/poking/hurting, doesn't like the way it looks after it's made, etc. That's just me, and I have never, never had a complaint from my friends I've made stuff for. If someone is complaining about something I've made, then I didn't make it for them. I have happy customers who spread the word about me. Thanks to them, I have never had to advertise my work. I keep my prices for bodices reasonable too--- 45.00 to 50.00 tops. Rumba Rue ** **
  19. cough cough sputter.....for those prices I can definately make it myself!!! And for a third of the cost! Geesh! Rumba Rue ** **
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