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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. <EXCUSE ME! YOU'LL NOT BE BURNING ANY WITCHES AT THIS PUB!!!!! Or several of us witches here at this Pub will see you burn at the stake!> soup Rumba Rue ** **
  2. <well I'll put my ex-husband right up there with the Devil> Cauldron Rumba Rue ** **
  3. Sorry to hear that. I know about PC's crashing to death. I know when the old computer had a Viking Funeral two years ago (it literally burned up), it was and still is hard for me to replace what I lost....and I lost a lot of dearly wanted stuff. Rumba Rue ** **
  4. WOW! That's one really cool bottle on Ebay. Are you molding the leather around a real bottle? Rumba Rue ** **
  5. Hi, I'd like to pass on some helpful information. There is no rule saying you must fill out your bio, and there is no rule saying you have to post here in The Crow's Nest first. You can post in any forum you want. However if you do fill out your bio, it lets members know who you are. We love to see pictures of members (especially in garb), as it's always nice to put a face to the post. We do understand if you have privacy issues at hand and don't want to give out information, that be perfectly fine. Humbly yours, Rumba Rue
  6. Well that's cool, but I wanted ta see the hand still attached! Rumba Rue ** **
  7. strawberries and whipped cream Rumba Rue **Yum Yum**
  8. Well I t'was lookin' forward to a nice weekend with nothin' ta do, an' then I gets information I need ta be at the PRP workshop tomorrow ta deal with the play we's preform at some venues. I'm the narrator. So much fer me lazin' back. Rumba Rue ** **
  9. I stashed the Dragon in a trunk so all us BLONDS could have more fun! Rumba Rue ** **
  10. Well I don't think like JB...... However Alice in Wonderland partyin' with the catapillar, and a bunch o' dancin' flowers, an' other strange critters, is more ta me likin'. Oh wow...the colors.... RUMba ** **
  11. Aye I'll be going as will Boats and several of our friends on the 23rd. Meet at the front gate (wherever it be) in the morning. Rumba Rue ** **
  12. I agree with ye Christine. Tis a shame that some here be so jealous that there be bad juju bein' said behind our backs ta others who have no business stickin' their noses where they don't belong. It be one o' the many reason's I've pulled back from the group I am a member of. Someone here at the Pub seems ta find nothin' but pleasure in tellin' lies 'bout me without a shred o' evidence ta back them up. Rumba Rue
  13. If'n none o' you 'ave read it yet, do go to Rabble Rousing an' read my update o' the faire. I 'ave had the best time ever at a faire, thanks ta all my fine friends here. Rumba Rue ** **
  14. ROTFLMAF!!!!!! Oh jeeze, my eyes are tearin' up from laughin' so hard! Rumba Rue ** **
  15. As I stated on another site regarding "Keep to the Code" site, I knew immediatly it was not a Disney owned site. Nothing more than a fan site. I've seen a number of fan sites for various actors that also look like they are the real thing when in fact they are not. Any info there can be readily found just about anywhere else, so there is nothing new and certianly not worth paying for! I hold my sword of truth up to Iron Bess, for no one else would know better than she! Amen! Rumba Rue ** **
  16. I too was wondering how I was going to travel anywhere with my hat full of feathers. Wear it? I didn't think of that....hmmm, I think I'll ask around some more and see what others do. Rumba Rue ** **
  17. Honestly, not to put you down, but the coat material is too modern as are the buttons. The hat looks good, but won't fit me. Rumba Rue
  18. I was turned onto a site called GhostForge. GhostForge Deals with 'large' size people outfits. A bit pricey, but they have some interesting things. Has anyone dealt with them? Rumba Rue ** :) **
  19. Weather report from Escondido for this weekend (April 9-10). Will be cool on Saturday (so wear warmer clothes), Sunday is suppose to be a little warmer. Rumba Rue
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