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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. This year's event at Ojai was tremendous! It was packed on Saturday, though Sunday was a bit lighter. There were some really good costumes, and Patrick Hand and Red October were dressed as true Bucccaneers. They were great! Honestly as I was talking with Patrick outside of Tales of the Seven Seas camp, I kept trying to remember who else I knew that would be in that group other than Claire. I'm sorry to have missed those who were there. But you probably saw me, I was wearing a rather stunning outfit. When I get the pictures downloaded from my camera, you'll recognize me. I missed the party on Saturday night at Diego and Rummy's camp (who were parked nearby) and did the pot-luck thing with PRP. By time I wandered back to my truck and tent, the party there had died. Geeze it was only 10:30! Petee you cutie pie, you are so darn tall, my eyeballs come to about your naval! Well hey, low is good.... Scarlet, you were lovely as always and teasing the males well. And I know that your tent companion who hopefully will be joining the Pub soon was a total hoot! She and I really hooked up in many ways...... Rummy you looked yummy as usual to the guys, and it was funny when we posed together for our busty picture. Man do I feel flat..... Boats and I stayed up there Sunday night, and it rained. Good thing we had thrown the tarps over the PRP trailer and the stuff in the bed of my truck. When we got up our tent was dry, but the threat of more rain was ominous. So we broke camp quickly and drove to the showers. There are actually quite a few people who stay there on Sunday night, cuz they are in the same situation of having to drive many hours to get home. **Note to Red Handed Jill: The dear Lady you refer to about the drum is a beginner as Iron Bess has stated. She is extremely friendly and would welcome any help offered. I might add here, she's a LAPD cop.
  2. Go for the gold! Hey, I'm a Leo, I know how to wear fine clothes!
  3. and you'll never wonder again what your State Troopers are doing....
  4. Well for me, it starts tomorrow. I leave in the morning to head up to Menifee to pick up the PRP trailer and the on to Ojai. :)
  5. Blackjohn your cart would be quite accurate for just about any 'period' one chooses to use. Though I would consider some kind of wooden top or similar to keep the sun off your kids. However as nice as those fancy, cute carts are that GoF shows are of a much later period, probably well into the Victorian times.
  6. This is a terrific thread! I must say though, if a guy wants to wear a kilt or plaid and climb the rigging, looking up would take on a whole new meaning! In the areas where the tempeture is in high or even triple digits, I don't think any guy is going to be wearing a heavy coat and similar clothes. Having done events in that kind of weather, the guys strip off as much as they can without being too naked....(darn) If one were sailing the English coast, I would suspect a heavy layer of clothing as the weather isn't usually in the triple digits most of the time. It's a matter of adapting to the situation. I have no doubt that a Scotsman sailing in the Carribean would still have his sword or other pain inflicting weapons in his seabox (if he had one). If I were to move to the east coast, I would have to adapt to a colder climate in the winter, than what is here on the west coast at the same time of year. Adaption is the key.
  7. "smooch" I made some o' me special yummy sugar-free macaroons to bring to your pot-luck, jest as soon as I get done with the PRP potluck. Gawd, I'm goin' ta be rollin' down that hill... Most likely be later in the evenin'. Aye we can talk 'bout it at Ojai.
  8. No Quarter Given has tons of buttons! Not all are listed on the site however. I don't know if there will be a booth at Ojai, but if there is, check out all the buttons! Wearing buttons on one's clothing is a more recent thing within the last few years. Prior, we were all trying to be 'politically correct' and comply with the event rules of events whose rules were strict. But since a lot of the events tend to cross-over into fantasy, (like the fairies and Wilds), a lot of us just gave up and started adding fun sayings to our clothing. BTW- I was the first to suggest the "Kilt Inspector" several years ago to NQG, and it took off from there! That's cuz I was always runnin' my hand up the backside o' some guy in a skirt. No not the front, I do have some little sense of decency.
  9. Well I can tell ye Ace and anyone else who's a regular poster here, if'n ye not be in the area o' Escondido faire, there be several o' us that can probably offer ye some crash space. Since I finally got my companion to get rid o' the crummy lounge chair he had, there's suddenly open room in my apartment! I gots a fine foam futon I put on the floor that's very comfy for two. I think the Escondido Faire is the BEST around. Great location, two weekends, held twice a year, spring and fall. Good vendors, great stage shows, everybody's happy! Now that's the way to be!
  10. whole, luscious, treasures of nuts in hand.....
  11. In reality, I have a strict rule, if the guy is married it's hands off. I may make some wise cracks and even bat an eyelash or two, but that's as far as it's going to go. :) I've already embarrassed one poor guy here at the Pub, who went running the other direction...to his girlfriend. There's a few guys here that even though I know they are attached at the hip with another though not married, who've gone out of their way to make me feel....well yummy. (Thanks Diego) It takes a special gal to know it's just a kiss.....
  12. Thank you! I found that hat at a Thrift Store for $2.00. I found a belt (way cheap) that virtually matched it at another, and put it around as a band which works to tighen it so it fits my head.
  13. it never fails Mad Jack, ye tickle me tickler with those words....
  14. I did loop type cockades for the sides of my hat (yes I know I 'spruced' them up and they aren't 'period' per say). There's pearl headed pins inside the loops holding it in place on the hat.
  15. Thanks for the pic's. I thought I recognized that material! I've seen it at UFO Upolstery in Vista! Well, that was a year and a half ago, don't know if it's still there....
  16. that's cuz ye never looked above the guy's navel.....
  17. Ah my absolute button favorites that I've bought from NQG; Hey Sailor, want to see my buried treasure? I may not be perfect, but parts of me are excellant! (I use this in my sig line if you haven't noticed) And one I made up and Jamaica Rose of NQG asked me for permission to use: (This came from Horatio Hornblower, the Duchess and the Devil, where the Duchess hides important papers in her bloomers) The best kept secrets are in my bloomers.
  18. then your girlfriend ain't doin' it right for you....
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