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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. gawd, petee is drivin' me crazy with that countdown.... gotta do this, gotta do that, gotta get things ready ta go... I'm stayin' up there Sunday night, so I can leisurely take the PRP trailer home the next day. So party, party, party for three days and nights!
  2. Aye Matey, ye be a blubberin' soul o' interestin' crabcakes.
  3. I tend ta agree with ye Christine. Usually if'n a man be playin' while bein' married signals a problem with the marriage. No doubt about it.
  4. Aye, I'm dressed in me favorite pirate shirt, listenin' to me bird's squawkin' an' feelin' jest fine, thank ye! It's Talk Like A Pirate Day, an' all I gots ta talk to are ye bloks here at the Pub!
  5. Well let me tell ye ladies, I've been findin' out there be more than one man here at the Pub who t'was actin' like they t'was single, but come ta find out, they be MARRIED!
  6. In my case, there be none. For I identify only with me, myself and I, and I'm damn glad there be no one else like me!
  7. I will never hear church bells ringing again without smiling... Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95-year-old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, "He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday Morning." Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. "Oh no, my dear," replied granny. "Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even... Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong." She paused to wipe away a tear, and continued, "He'd still be alive if the ice cream truck hadn't come along.
  8. I've seen several remakes and original movies of "Treasure Island", but I have to say I love Tim Curry's role in "Muppets Treasure Island" the absolute best. But then I've always been a Tim Curry fan, including his fishnet stockings.
  9. Here are the absolute best driving directions to Ojai. For those in Southern Calif. who are going to Ojai, follow these directions and you will avoid all the LA traffic. For those already in the Los Angeles area: Take the 5 freeway north all the way past Magic Mountian. Take the 126, (go left at the off ramp) and follow the 126 all the way to the end where it meets up with the 101. The exit for Ojai is just a short jaunt down the 101. Take Highway 33 all the way into Ojai. Turn left at Santa Ana (there's a stop light there), follow it to the end and turn right. Follow it along Lake Casitas, the entrance to the event will be on your left. *Note: for those in the Pasadena area, take the 210 north where it meets up with the 5 freeway, follow directions above. You'll be thankfull you did! For those in Orange County and south, take the 57 freeway north to where it turns into the 210 going towards Pasadena. Take the 210 all the way to where it meets with the 5 freeway. From there, follow the directions above as it goes past Magic Mountian. *Note, go north on the 210 where it meets up with the 134, that way you'll avoid the downtown Glendale and Burbank traffic! Stay away from taking the 101 all the way through the valley, it sucks and is a major stop and go situation! It's a total nightmare! The 126 goes past a lot of farmland, and there's food stops in Fillmore for the hungry. There is a back way into Ojai from Santa Paula, but it's long and has some nasty switchbacks. By going this route you'll be very happy you did. Less traffic to deal with. Rumba Rue the well seasoned driver of this route for years.
  10. funny. It's extremely hard to read anything of any length when it's in color, especially in red....
  11. Pray tell, are they using a Volvo motor for the ship?
  12. Aye, Ace I'll be more than happy ta show ye me 'wares' at Ojai...come ta think o' it, any man willing to have me, might find me buried treasures... Pray for a nice cool weekend....that way I can wear what I've been wantin' to wear for a long time. I'll be doin' the narratin' again for the play, hmmm maybe I'll even be sober....naw, not a chance! **The best kept secrets are in my bloomers**
  13. Spikey heels? Gawd I'd kill myself trying to walk over rocks, woodchips, grass etc. ! Naw, I like my black boots from WalMart that I got last year, low standard heel, very comfortable.
  14. Something about you British folks that always is consistant, you prefer to do history as history, and that's fine with me.
  15. The thing that people like best about the Port Royal Privateers, is that we are a very laid-back group. We have "true period" pirates, and we have "Hollywood" pirates. Both are welcomed by the public and we don't really care as long as it doesn't look like you came from some cheesy costume rental place or Fredrick's of Hollywood. I have a bumper sticker on the back of one of the pictures I hang up for display that says: It's not the Society for Compulsive Authenticity".
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