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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. pacing, biting nails, panting, longing... I AM SO THERE!!!!!!!
  2. Hubba hubba hubba! Yo Capt. Badger I like the second pic, you look so much younger than I thought! Your wife be a lucky woman!
  3. The pictures I've seen on the news are awful! God I hope he's alright.
  4. Well here's the few pictures I took. Half the time I was in a heat-dredged state and forgot to take the camera out to take pictures...duh. Corona Pirate Faire Pictures This would be a great event if it was moved to November, December, January, or Febuary. If it's done again in August, I won't be there.
  5. Why do I feel so short? Ok I'm only 5'3", an' everybody I met at Corona is towerin' o'er me! Pirate Petee, Billy Bones, Killian, Barbados Sam, will be added to my list of people I've now met. I wished I could 'ave enjoyed myself more, but the oppresive heat, and an eye infection did me in an' I felt like melted, scorched butter.
  6. Hmmmmm, maybe it's the pink in your signature! LOL!
  7. That's some of the finest rope knotting I've seen in a long time! WOW! There's lots of good books on how to do it yourself. As for sea chests, they can be expensive to buy already made, but do it yourself for a lot cheaper! Best buy, a child's toy chest unfinished (check out Michael's craft stores) or one you can put together yourself (check out places like Dixie Lumber, Home Depot or other good places similar). Works great! And if you're really lucky, check thrift stores!
  8. Well me companion and I left Corona at 4:30 on Sat. normally we stay for PRP's pot-luck in the evening, but we were so uncomfortably hot we had to leave and come home. Besides my poor parrot, Gilligan was having a real bad time with the heat too. It was about a 104 out there on Saturday! Total insanity to have a faire of any kind at the end of August when it's the hottest time of the year in S. California! I did take pictures, and as soon as I have some free time, hopefully tomorrow, I'll get them up for everyone to see.
  9. change of plans, I won't be on the balcony at the DMT.
  10. #$(*&%(*$%* I hate getting online in the morning and seeing all hell broke loose in my forums I handle. (*$#*%&))#(!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Ahoy! I've only recieved two packages of feathers, one from Mad Woman Cheryl and one from Paisley. If anyone else sent feathers to me, I haven't gotten them. Paisley, I finished your feather pin and mailed it off today to you.
  12. a Disney hack and slash Rumba runs like hell as Iron Bess comes after her with a sword
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