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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. mumble mumble...my parrot decided to give me a pierced nose last Friday... taking the #(&^%ing bird off my shoulder and he latched onto my left nostril and bit right through it! let me tell you it hurt like hell....... i wasn't wanting a pierced nose...bled like crazy,,,,,,,,,,,,,, at least it looks like it's going to heal ok. my left side of my face is nicely swollen and my nose looks great for Halloween..... how mess up my weekend.............. ah that scrany ol neck of that bir......................
  2. I didn't like that parchute one, there was very little chance of landing on the spot. Course I like that splat ending... back to the condoms and eggs.... wait that didn't come out right...
  3. Well my best was 270, funny game...
  4. Well I'm afraid I'm at the 'yes' end of it. Let's face it, if you had the medical pain that I have you'd probably consider doing it too. Though I'm the first to admit, it doesn't take the pain away, but it lessens it to a degree that I don't feel it as bad. I've tried it when I've been nauseated, but have found that it doesn't do anything to make it go away. I just mellow out very nicely. Every person is different on how it acts. I've known people in my life who should never smoke it (again). They tend to have reactions that are uncommon and can make them into a person that isn't in control of their facilities. It's not for everyone that' for sure.
  5. That's exactly what I've been looking for! Those riding habits are perfect for a more lady-like coat. Oooooh, I can hardly wait!
  6. How amusing, cocoa puffs with marshmellows! I think people are just buying the boxes for the cool picture on the front of the box. Well hell, I would too, if I could find it! LOL!
  7. I agree with Pearl, that bamboo fencing is short-lived, also you can see through it. I have at least two good sized painter's canvas that I put grommets in so that they can be hung up as walls or tops for shade. **Note: I actually do have a very heavy-duty umbrella stand not in use...good for say a simple addition to the camp, nothing more if one wants to use some kind of umbrella like the 'market' type.
  8. Agreed, Tom Wilson will squeeze people/Guilds into the tiniest spaces he can. Very bad. Having done Palm Springs in the past, I personally don't care for it or the venue it's held at--it sucks. Don't invest in umbrella stuff - it can get windy in Palm Springs and at other events and the poles can break- been there, done that, didn't work. Putting that pavillion Scarlett has up and down at events will get very tiresome, very fast. I suggest purchasing a good easy-up that can simply be folded up and stashed away when not in use. The top can be covered with material. Anyway, I went to JoAnn's and picked up a bunch of burlap for the two tables I have to cover them.
  9. I suggest purchasing some of those nifty Shepard's hooks that have the double hangers. One side can be used to hold up a back wall so that personal items and tents won't be seen, the other side can hold lanterns, especially good for nighttime look. I have 3 books, maybe 4 suitable for kids. Also good for reading out of for people to learn pirate history- which could be taught as a 'class'.
  10. What I can supply: Treasure chest with goodies to see Three wooden fold up chairs, and one wooden chair with arms- sorry but stools are kind of hard on backs... Two pictures of maps framed for people to look at Numerous odds and ends, including a nice big ship's wheel Lanterns I have two six foot folding metal tables that can be covered with some kind of cloth - it will do until wooden tables are procured. I also have a card table with cloth covers that will work until something else comes along. 1 large size area rug (won't fit the whole pavillion though) **My availability for the Escondido spring faire is nill. Sorry, but it's when I make money selling my feather hat pins.**
  11. Darn, for some unexplained reason the time-share in Mesa is shut down for two months, of course during the faire time there. Arrgggghhhh. Anyways, as soon as I can get some dates on the Devonshire faire, I'll try for that one at a different time-share. My plans hopefully are to stay about a week, so that Boats and I, (maybe Bob) can go up to the Grand Canyon for a day trip, among going to Sedona and other places of interest. If all else fails, I'll try and get a time-share for the Vegas faire in the fall. There's lots of ways to loose money there...
  12. I am eagerly awaiting your pattern books my dear! I want! I want! I want!
  13. I'm definately in the group, as is Boats and the two I sent you a PM about.
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