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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. By the way - a little update. As soon as I got done taking Khan's picture with the tree, and making that last post, he got back under the tree and started batting at ornaments. He's now in "time out" again... That's what I get for bragging about his good behavior! **Rumba snickers...**
  2. Some very good ideas there Pearl. Though with my luck, doin' any kind o' knot tying, I'd probably tie myself up. As for doing the Dutch blocks, I use ta be fairly good at it, but let me tell you some o' those kids can really hurt ye! But all in all, you've got a good plan there!
  3. Nice tree Bonnie. I've got 5 cats that will gladly take it apart for you.... (why I don't have a tree...)
  4. My condolences on your loss. Nope, no Eclectus feathers. Most are Macaw, Green or Yellowheaded Amazons, Cocatoo, Amazon Greys, Parakeets, Canary, Conjure, some occassional wild bird feathers. I had one Eclectus red feather that sold at the Escondido event in October. Just save up your feathers (like Harbormaster did and so many others have) and send them to me. I will gladly make a nifty feather hat pin for you in return. **Speaking of Harbormaster, I sent him a Christmas surprise, I hope he got it.**
  5. Well, well, just be a smarty-pants you will! Hmmmmfffff! Well I kinda likes it, sort of, it has possiblities... I don't think reading continual stories every hour on the hour is a good thing. There needs to be a varied showing of things. When I see a name like "Age of Discovery", it brings to mind things one would see in a museum to look at and discuss...it has possiblities... I would rather see different things like for instance my suggestion of a narrator reading a book and having actors mime the actions of what is going on. Perhaps that could be say one hour, then the next hour teach kids about what real pirates were and give some credibile things like pirates didn't bury their treasure. Maybe in another hour have a muscial group come in- say New Providence and sing. Varied is much better and will draw a better crowd. More suggestions: Perhaps the whole contigent be called "Age of Discovery", but have sections like where readings and performances would be, 'the Crows Nest', and perhaps the actors miming the stories could be called the 'Starboard Players'. Perhaps selling a few trinkets or such---maybe we could get a good deal with one of the good pirate sale places like Deadman's Chest, where we could get childrens books and such to sell....that's just an idea, that might be more than we can handle though. These are just things that are coming to me off the top o' me head. BTW- My pen-pal in Canada without knowing what I might be getting into sent me a really cool book called "Sailing Ships- A Lift-The-Flap Discovery." It's really great for kids. Lots of great little facts, and on the pages of the ships you can lift flaps to learn even more. Pretty nifty!
  6. **Rumba whips out a wet towel and whips it across Hurricane's face** How dare you call me an old folk or a nursing mother you whiplashed moustache man! I know lots of fyne upstandin' people like myself that does enjoy a good rockin' now an' again! Hmmmmffffff!!!!!!!
  7. I've been keepin' Boats abreast (well my breast anyway) of what your ideas be Diego. So I'll be passin' your Las Vegas request on to him. I'm marking it on my calendar for next year as a must to be there!
  8. Sick Sick Sick! Dang it's going around and I got it and Boats has got it even worse! Geesh I just had a bought of stomach flu last week! Now I have a cold and coughing my throat to pieces...oh yea, the holiday crud...
  9. It will get filled out more and make it more detailed for a child to understand.
  10. Why thank you Deigo for telling my story to the world! I sort of did it on a strange whim that came out last night and I sent it to him. He nicely did some editing and such and it looks even better now. It's a story of where I was and where I will be now. So Durty Lillie you should recognize it as should Iron Bess and Blackhearted Pearl. Come join the New Kingdom and be free!
  11. My list has grown since I first posted it. So now here's an updated one. 1. Jamica Rose 2. Capt. Michael McLeod 3. Capt. Grey 4. Christine 5. Bloody Mary Bonney 6. Diego 7. Rummy 8. Wolfy Wench 9. Black Hearted Pearl 10. Iron Bess 11. Red Maria 12. Killian 13. Mad Eye Mitch 14. Casabel 15. Isabel 16. Blaze 17. PirateQueen 18. Pyrate Phil -on the phone courtsey of Christine 19. Scarlett 20. Puss N' Boots 21. Oderless Eye 22. Redd Ocktober 23. Patrick Hand 24. Claire Warren- Tales of the Seven Seas 25. Gary Bergman- the Royalist 26. Pirate Petee 27. Red Jayme Flint 28. Skull Pirate Carter 29. Leatherneck 30. Barbados Sam I know I've missed one or two from Stranglehold, but couldn't remember yer names. If I missed anyone, let me know!
  12. Aw, how cute! Give the doggie the key to the dungeon so he can let us out....oh sure.... T'was one o' them nights last night where my mind was wanderin' all o'er the place thinkin' o' a really good name. Keepin' in mind we will be dealin' with children. So here's the one's that kinda stuck in me head: The Crows Nest The Portside Players or the Starboard Players Davey Jones Locker Treasure Cove or Cave Pirate's (or Pirate/Pyrate) Treasures
  13. Most of the guys I know hate the holidays for the very reasons Longarm and Foxe have stated. There's a few women in there too. But there's the other side of the coin and that is those of us who choose to remember how well we like certian people and sometimes a card is just a reminder one hasn't been forgotten over time. Personally I don't really care about Christmas, especially since it's just a number in a long line of 'stealing' from the 'pagans' to make it passible to those who revere Christ. However since I chose to live with someone who does do the Christen thing, I respect his belief. So the lights go up and so does the decor. And right, it's not about the gift buying, but it is about giving of one's self to a higher power to belive in something. Giving a present as token to a loved one is special. Though some people go completely overboard and buy huge amounts of gifts for family and cousins, aunts, uncles, and one year old cousin Tommy in another state. However, being Pagan, I celebrate Yule on December 21 as 'my holiday' to spend with the 'Old Ones'. I will probably open the goodies my pen-pal in Canada sent me, since she's Wicca too. For me, it's the last month of the year. One to think upon what has happened during the year, good and bad. To think about how I can make a difference in my life for the coming year. To carve out a new direction and a new Path are on my plate for next year. BRING ME THAT HORIZON!
  14. I had to go for the 'other'. I'm a Jedi Knight masquerading as a Coreillian Pirate.
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