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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Difficult time, I think much more on the surviving family members than the person affected. There is nothing that can be done for your mother-in-law, her time here is coming to a close. Hold onto all the good things and the joy of life and treasure every minute we have on this Earth. Steady the wind into the sails The Spirit carries the ship Into the Infinite Universe Where there we shall all meet one day. Blessed Be.
  2. What would be cool is not only to be in the vicinity of Stranglehold, but maybe members of that group would like to come and put on demonstrations of things. I always believe in having a good relations with groups that support us with 'cross-membership'. However, I think having our group a little closer to the food court would be a good thing. More people to draw over to us.
  3. Here in the San Diego area, we have some local ads by a bailbondsman, King Stalman that are hysterical. One shows a guy in jail with other guys. And then as each guy is released he says, "Thank you King Stalman", until you are down to the last guy in the picture and then you hear the jail door open and the guy expects to hear another thank you from someone so he mocks it and says, "Thank you King Stalman", then you see a hand put in his and the reply, "Why no, I'm Queen Jeffery...". Another one played when the Raiders football team was here for their game against the Chargers and showed people locking their doors and pulling their window blinds down and the following read in black and white sentances: Many people don't like the Raiders, But we do. Thanks to king Stalman bailbonds.
  4. Note: Please read, the dates have changed for the Las Vegas event. Check out Ms. Stormfeather's report. Yup this is going to be hard one, considering the Escondido faire is the following weekend.
  5. Thank you for the info, just wrote it on my calendar.
  6. Dreams; now you know where science fictin writers get their material.... My dreams are all over the place. I don't believe anything of them, most are just a sleep back and go for the ride. Yup, just like watching Kermit the frog playing his banjo on a log...I swear that happened one time while in a meditation group...
  7. rope and heavy duty tent stakes for tying the thing down. **Boats gets his ideas from me** Just call me the 'Dumpster Diver Queen'....I have found terrific things that people here at my complex throw out. Just give me time, I can furnish the whole camp for little or no money.
  8. Bamboo isn't strong at all, no matter what you put in it. They are too thin and just can't support a top, espcially in a good wind. The round poles that can be got at Home Depot are much better. Just saw off to what height you need and insert pin at top to hold canvas. However you will need a 'hitty-poundy' thing to put anything into the ground. That will most certianly bring a sweat to your face and body. I suggest you PM Boats, cuz he's got ties with the local blacksmith group here and might be able to get tent stakes made. He did for that other group he was in. Diego, I may be up in your direction at the end of the month or the beginning of Feb. If so, I'll contact you so I can drop off the books I have and anything else you might need.
  9. Hmmm, it looks like they put a woman's type of sleeve on it (with all that gathering around the arms- I have a peasant shirt that has that), and it seems awful short... or maybe it's just my eyes...
  10. Wait Iron Bess, show them a picture of Dogzilla!
  11. Actually 'Fraggle Rock' back in the 80's was a hoot!
  12. I find it interesting that so far I'm the only one to be up front and admit it. (sorry I just can't lie, I took an oath when I went into the Ministry-ya some pirate I am...) Here in San Diego, the city of San Diego is trying to sue the State of Calif. to overturn the pot law that was approved by voters back in 1996. If you haven't been keeping up with the wants of the voters, here's the recent breakdown: 67 percent support prop. 215 here in Calif. to legalize pot. 70 percent said an identification card would be ok for the use of pot. 78 percent said San Diego supervisors shouldn't be wasting tax payers money to try and overturn the law. As a medical user, I personally thought I'd never see the day in my life-time that pot would ever be legalized. Now getting through the Federal Government is another story... No I don't and never have had a 'medical card' to purchase. It scares me too much that the Government would or could arrest me too easily by information kept at such places that would dole the stuff out. One of the biggest reasons for legalizing marijuana, is the absolute fact, you cannot overdose on it. One just gets to the point they don't want anymore. Even the police would rather deal with someone on pot than any other substance, that's a proven fact here. I certianly don't push what I do on others, it's my choice. If someone says they don't do it and won't, that's fine with me. Like I said, it's not for everyone. To be honest, if I didn't have the medical problems I have, I doubt I'd be inhaling.
  13. Props and costumes are constantly being re-used for other movies. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the same uniforms and women's period dresses used for different films. I remember when Iron Bess took me on the tour of the Disney lot and we went into the prop warehouse. She showed me the rubber swords that are used; she said the real ones were put away cuz she was always coming in there and playing with them... That warehouse looked like the best thrift store I'd ever gone into.
  14. I've been wanting to do what you want to do for many years. I just don't have the money that would be required for such a trip. The plane fare alone would kill me. sigh....
  15. Royalist, I fixed your double posting, and deleted the approprieate things. I will do that for anyone when I see double posting, just as a courtsey to the poster and the readers. Regarding my parrot verses yours, yours are a whole lot bigger than my little Senegal. My parrot just got p.oed at me, because he likes to sit on my shoulder and I needed to remove him, he didn't want to go, hence the bite....
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