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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Hmmmmm.....maybe this guy should write the script for the Nemo production at the mouse studio.....
  2. Welcome to the Pub! Took a look at your website, pretty cool...though you look more western....are you suppose to? Hey I'm blond, I know not what may hit me over the head.... Rumba
  3. Sorry but I'm a Wally-World (Wal-Mart)shopper and from what I understand the store is not going to be on the battlefield itself, but next to it.
  4. Greed? Sounds good to me.........ooooh shiny! Welcome to the Pub!
  5. Now that's fine storytelling!
  6. Yes, a lot in grade school and junior high....I had to wear a brace from my neck down to my pelvis in hopes of trying to straighten or at least stop the scoliosis in my spine. I went through absolute hell and I use to come home from school and just cry every day at the way I was being treated....even by my own mother.... When the brace was finally taken away, I had a reasonably decent high school life...I was party city and I could toilet paper houses with the best throwing arm into the trees with my friends. As time went on, I've had to deal with people who just don't understand where I'm coming from a lot of times and it's caused a huge amount of problems in my life. I finally decided to start taking a stand for what I believe in and the hell with what others think. I've always had been one to not say much, but after a certain incident in the former pirate group I was in with a particular person, I worked very hard to get away from the negativity that surrounded me in that group, and instead be in the company of those who have their act together. I can now say with joy and love that I am in the best loved pirate group around. We may be small (we like it that way)but I am respected, loved and cared about and people love my ideas. I have wonderful friends that even though we have different things, we still all get along and that is what true friendship is about. And on top of that, the group I'm in actually has a real goal, something that no other pirate group has and most certainly not the former one I was in. Pirates of Treasure Cove
  7. Aye another fine woman to add to the list! Welcome to the Pub!
  8. Aye this be a fine port for ye to land in. Welcome Mate and enjoy yer stay!
  9. I would so love to mount that Howitzer on my car.....
  10. Welcome matey! Plenty o' things here to inspire ye with an' a few o' us women too. Sorry I don't do table dancin', maybe some lap dancin', but ye'll have ta watch out fer me heels.
  11. Next time, buy one of those kid's toy boxes you put together, they work perfectly!
  12. Hope to see it this Saturday! PAR-TAY!!!
  13. Aye perhaps ye be crocheting a pirate shirt too? Welcome, but we'll be sure that we don't end up as a twisted crocheted flower.
  14. In my best Calif. surfer voice.... Yo dude, how's it goin'? Welcome to the Pub!
  15. Well I'd like to have that new car that is coming out that gets 230 miles per gallon!!!!
  16. Aye the tide has come in again. May you have a wonderful day filled with pearls of wisdom! HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  17. WHOO HOO!!! WAY TO GO GIRLFRIEND!!! I am so happy for you!
  18. Price?!!!! Even custom boots by Windwalker and others at faires don't even cost that much!
  19. I tried to put a small bodice dagger in my front, but it left a nasty rash against my skin, so I don't do that anymore. I would think a small knife like an eating knife (which I always have on my belt)or similar would be able to be hidden into a pocket or in the folds of a sash.
  20. Thank you both! Sorry would have been online yesterday, but having some major computer issues....
  21. I'd love to find some Victorian shoes without high heels. If anyone comes across such shoes that are flats please let me know.
  22. I'll never tell
  23. Thank you Miz Mermaid! I'm just swimming with the tide....in and out.....well maybe just daydreaming in and out....
  24. Thank you! Good to hear from you Miz Barbossa! You seemed to have disappeared into the fog for a bit. Hope all is okay.
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