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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. wow...no replies.... thought ep would post on this one since it's in his hood....
  2. i just posted something on this the other day....might check around site i mentioned to see if any near you. I found stage combat workshops!
  3. snorkled out on my own, off other side of island...didn't get to pet. it was "wild" stingray. but i did play with a sea cucumber! : )
  4. i got this website from my stage combat teachers... found a weekend workshop that we pirates can meet and take over!!!! this one is in virginia beach, but there are others in the country. The Virginia Beach Bash Regent University, is proud to host a Society of American Fight Directors sanctioned Regional Workshop. "The Virginia Beach Bash" will feature nationally and internationally recognized experts in the art and craft of teaching and staging stage combat for the stage and screen. Classes will be taught on the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels and will include instruction in a wide spectrum of styles and weaponry from both Western and Asian cultures. i saw there was one in co and ny...i think....go check it out! very cool website society of american fight directors
  5. i stole them of course! here's one of the sites: http://www.emoticons4u.com
  6. ohhh queen anne..... count me in for a group purchase a girl pirate can't have too many accessories!
  7. i was in the marina section....31....no pics of babies, but i did get one of your float. the people in my section were very nice, couldn't have asked for better. when i saw your float go by i started yelling "elaina" (wasn't sure which name to yell)...don't think you heard us. (the other women started yelling your name with me)oh well... my son learned real fast how to get beads. he probably ended up with at least 6lbs. i'm buggin hubby on how to post a webpage so i can get all the pics on there for ya.. micah wanted me to tell you that his hair is messed up in picture..."but that's part of being a pirate" (i laughed about that one)
  8. just over the river, in fairfax, virginia....
  9. i just won a 35mm film trailer for cutthroat island...set me back a whole $1.45!!!
  10. just got back from beautiful n sunny florida a few hours ago...already missing it! i'll type up a rewiew and i have lots of pictures to post!
  11. hey hawkyns... i always learn something after readin yer posts...smart as a whip, you are! mind if i drive across the boarder n just sit next to you hoping to get some learnin through osmosis???? if ya think i'm kiddin...lol...i'm not...the rumskulls looking fer a powder monkey until june/july?
  12. now that i know what yer wearin elaina...i'll be watchin fer ya! have loads of fun!
  13. does anyone know where to find some designs of the compass rose? i'm looking to get one on the back of my calf with the chain of caribbean islands going down the outside of calf.... looking for plunder to pay for tattoo also! lol
  14. you go girl!!! my best find was a cycling jersey. it had a cute picture of a goat overlooking mountains. it also had"tour dupont" on the collar. knowing that this race does not happen anymore (it was the closest thing to tor de france we had in the u.s. at the time...94?) i bid on it...and won it for like ~$12. i get it in the mail....held it up to show hubby...he wanted to know who signed it?...i didn't know anyone signed it...you couldn't see anything in the picture, and the seller never stated anything. upon closer examination... we are now the pround owners of a cycling jersey signed by greg lemond!!! for those of you who don't know...he was huge before lance...first american to win tour de france. he has his own brand of bicycle and you might see his bike stuff being sold in target stores now.
  15. wish the national zoo had one like that when i was there!!!
  16. THRIFT STORES!!!! you'd be shocked with what you find there...just keep looking!
  17. nope...found one in the next surburb over from me in northern virginia. but i would like to find one in florida. the house in fl is almost ready, i heard the roof is on, the outside is painted, and the dry wall is up....i'll be there soon!
  18. crap, crap, crap!!!!!...wans't sure on when they were going to put out the dates... i already signed up for a bicycle charity ride for the maryland lung assoc. that weekend! drat!!!!!!!
  19. i'm actually missing the childrens parade. i found stage combat classes that start on feb 1..so i'm leaving after class....but wiil be there the first week of feb (1st-8th) got my tickets too, section 31, row 6, bayshore, east side, near swann....am i in a good spot? also...i'm sure you'll be busy, busy, busy...but i can mail you my cell # so we can meet, if ya want. if not, i hope you have a great time!
  20. woooohooooo! cheers, big ears!
  21. cut the cake!!!! cut the cake!!!! happy bday mate!
  22. i can help you a little... never been outta galveston, never been on carnival, but have been to cozumel. i've been down that way 5-6x's, four of them on cruises. i have never heard of that dinner cruise lobster thingy...as for other stuff, let me know what you're interested in. i did some research on cozumel before we went. i have some cruise tips too, if you've never been on one. also, sign up at this website..i learned alot there and you can hook up with other people on your cruise. cruise critic ...go to the "boards"
  23. i've been a pirate all along and didn't even know it....lol
  24. ok mates...besides elaina...am i the only one going???? don't make me write up a report alone!
  25. sorry candy, can't help you there...i am moving to tampa, but not until this summer. i will be there the first week of feb for the 100th anniv of gasparilla!
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