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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. awsome!!! wonder if it will be open in time for pip 04...
  2. *blushes* why thank you kind sir!
  3. lol morgan...and right back to ya!
  4. i need a pirate fix! let's meet-up! can we figure out someplace inbetween? or maybe do a weekend outing to the USS Constellation...saw they have a powder monkey tour....bring the wee ones????
  5. after seeking 'er down....very cool avatar! nice choice mad! that wench didn't tell me she was in alexandria, va! right down the road, she be! why i oughta...
  6. are these pants historically acurate???
  7. ohhh boy...lol...i USED to play clarinet (yes, i'm a former band geek) but dropped outta that to be in "flag corps"...lol.... as of now, i live through my hubby who played bass in a band called "godhead". they were one of the first bands to be signed under marilyn manson. i'd be surprised if any of ya'll have ever heard of them.
  8. photos were taken at great stirrup cay, bahamas. sorry they are not great, it was my first time with underwater camera (sealife dc250 - if interested). #1) i spy with my little eye....southern stingray #2) stingray....i mean stinglessray #3) *singing heart's "barracuda" #4) sergeant pepper's...i mean sergeant majors #5) grunts #6) not sure....anyone?
  9. jinx proof tattoos in georgetown...ask for dave or eric, very nice guys. dave did some work on good charlotte... or fatty's custom tattoos in dupont circle. great guy, good artist as far as freehand...did my backpiece...cheap! ($800 for a normal $1,200!!!)
  10. ohhhh! that was a good one!!!!! my stomach hurts!!!
  11. you watch that too??? thought i was the only "bbc american" on here!! i love that show!
  12. we'll definately have to meet up!
  13. ahhhhh...too too funny!!!! since i've been lurking on this post, i've got a few questions & thoughts... i would love to learn to be historically-accurate. problem- they don't offer classes at the local junior college! i've written to two groups (1 in md, 1 in fl) and have yet to get ANY RESPONSE! yes, i can read, but i get a heck of alot more info while actually being involved. other problem - i'm a girl...not too many of us "real" pirates around, so where do we get our info?...besides...if i wanted to be completely historically accurate, i would have stopped showering & shavin bout a year ago. ewwww so -my goal - 1 costume as close-to-real as possible. another costume with a crazy pirate flaire. and if i can get a few people interested in history/piracy...more power to me *hands nigel back his soapbox*
  14. saw yer info serendipity...ya hail from orlando, eh? was hatched right down the road from ya...apopka! me birth dad still lives there and i be movin from virginny to tampa summer of 04. anybody welcome to use me as base port to pip or gasparilla....lol! speaking of...you going serendipity???
  15. i just found out about hornblower...have caught 2 episodes: loyality & duty...they are ok, but then i enjoy period pieces like that...(but it's not cutthroat.) and aye...yellowbeard sucks...had to turn it off. i'd rather put pirate hats on all my dogs and give 'em peanut butter. i can watch that for hours!
  16. i'd leave my hubby at the port....hows that for fan?
  17. how bout this steel?
  18. have you heard any more news elaina?
  19. hummmm...let's think about this.... a pirate... afraid of blood...
  20. yeah...pertty pricy, but it was in georgetown (wash dc) and they said the skin was a little tougher to do rather than an arm or back...i guess pulling the skin taught n such (? who knows).plus, trustworthy...and clean..... better job than what i could do!
  21. Andre LeClerc- love that tribal piece in the middle pic...native northwest indian?? my neck piece is a blackfoot indian design & after i win the lottery, i'd like a full sleeve of southeast indian work (choctaw, siminole, etc)
  22. all depends on how many colors, location, size, & details.... my neck was $200, hand was $100, arm was $100...my backpiece was $800 (get pics later)..and very cheap for what it is. you also have to remember i'm in washington dc/fairfax county, one of the top 5 most expensive counties to live in. btw-you DO NOT want to be drunk n get tattooed...that is unless you like alot of blood & shabby work. they make a creme called "emla", numbs the skin, if yer interested. as far as piercings go...just got my nostril done, had my generic bellyring for 10yrs now, and one more piercing... ummmm.....hummmm...shall we say...somewhere near aruba? and i didn't do it with a nail ep!
  23. whatcha think about this one?
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