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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. [[[[[[lucky penny]]]]]] thought you feell overboard! nice to hear from you again lass! we missed ya!
  2. it's called a 1.2mp camera maria....lol
  3. you're on my calendar!
  4. been there...done that... my father-in-law wanted to take my son a couple of years ago. he was 8 then. he had a complete blast! one of the pirates convinced the kids that blackbeard was on the beach, so they dragged out this little (but very loud) cannon and started firing. they also told stories bout buried treasure, and painted pirate faces on the kids. had a kid dance on deck. as for the adults...it's kinda silly, but it was nice just being out on the water. cute to watch the kids.....
  5. i was there last night....by myself!!!!...until 10:50! where was everyone else?????
  6. i was lookin at the prices of hotel (...wow!) anywho...it seems cheaper to rent a house as opposed to hotel room. a full kitchen is also a bonus. is anyone out there interested in being roommates? depending on how many people interested we have an option on house size (2-5 bedrooms) i personally was trying to go down nov 28 - dec 5th. any takers?
  7. wanted to say thank you for having me over... and hitting me on the head with the ax.... and picking me up in the air and...uhhh...well...you know... i had a wonderful time.
  8. designed a jersey, eh?...pretty cool, nice job! so...do you ride??????
  9. i've seen all kinds of things on cycling jerseys...heck...i've even got one with the crest toothpaste on it. saw one in the store the other day that was for wonder bread. some of them are pretty cool....
  10. awhhhh....bad news from work...phooey but never fear...i will be at morehead. i had plans of taking off friday and getting there early, but i'll have to work until 3pm now... yuck, i won't be pulling in until 10-11pm friday night. oh well
  11. last time i did that i got hurt...lol
  12. alrighty...website is halfway up...doing some research on past years, found a pic of my intermed. stage combat class teacher in garb at the festival last year.
  13. don't forget we can call in our reservations starting tomorrow....
  14. god thats tough! hummmmm gonna have to think that over a few minutes : )
  15. aye...happy birthday lass!!! cheers big ears!
  16. looks like it...wanna list them and let america decide???
  17. The Lost Island Sewing Circle and Drinking Society???..fer the ladies..lol
  18. polly being zorg???? lol how bout les beaux pirates? les pirates fous ivres de la Virginie?(...seems more fittn)
  19. ok ok i got a couple... the scourge o' virginny pillagers of the 'peake ...and friends of course (curtsy to capt william and his queen)
  20. for those of you active in the cycling world, i thought i'd post this fer ye ...a new limited cycling jersey made by voler. they will only accept orders until april 18th. and it's currently on sale... for you non-cycling people, yes that is a good price on the jersey. put your eyes back in your head, please. lol btw-these are also great shirts for hiking/outdoor sports...cute pocket in the back to hold yer plunder more info on jersey here
  21. guess that answers any questions i had...are you able to swing by the port before the party??? zorg--do you want to meet at 3pm???
  22. i'll go for seadoggies just a reminder that we an call in our reservations on the 26th of march! anyone have a certain spot they want???
  23. cap't...iffin you were just going there the following week...i couldv'e played tour guide fer ye.... w are buying a house next town over from tarpon. i love that area. tarpon is a once-famous liitle greek community. best giros around. as far as piratical stuff...i fear the worst, but there are other "nautical" things you might enjoy: A mile south of the Sponge Docks (you must go to the sponge docks!) is downtown Tarpon Springs, which is listed in The National Register of Historic Places. A mixture of antique shops, art galleries, specialty shops, and restaurants, this area is the vibrant center of the city. Also in this area is the Cultural Center, where a variety of exhibits, concerts, and programs are held St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral, a replica of St. Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople, is open daily to visitors and worshipers. At the Universalist Church, the paintings of world-renowned landscape artist George Imess, Jr. can be seen from October to May. (they also offer cheap boat rides at the sponge docks out to the gulf ~$6, they are very nice/relaxing, and can usually see dolphins) APRIL 2004 SUNSET BEACH CONCERT April 8 - Free Family Entertainment at Sunset Beach. Sponsored by the City of Tarpon Springs Department of Public Services/Recreation Division. All concerts begin at 7 PM. Bring dinner coolers chairs blankets friends & neighbors. No alcoholic beverages - No pets. For more information call 727 938-3711. if you are going to a beach wanting no crowds i reccommend: Fred Howard Park, west of Florida Avenue, is a 150 - acre county park with a mile-long causeway connecting the offshore swimming area and the mainland. This beautiful park is open from 7 a.m. until sunset and offers barbeque grills, sheltered pavilions, children's playgrounds, fishing, windsurfing, public restrooms, and beach showers. (727-943-4081) some other liitle towns close by to find thing to do is port richey and new port richey...clearwater, st pete, and tampa are just down the way. (there is a "pirate ship" boat tour in clearwater i think...ask lady elaina, she lives more down that way. if you go to this website, it will tell you more info....hope you enjoy! Tarpon Springs
  24. just asking flint----how are you decorating the babys room???
  25. since i have no life i took the liberty of jotting down a few ideas, i got them off of an irish slang website http://www.at.artslink.co.za/~gerry/irisha_m.htm they had some cute ones, but i'm not sure what kind of name you are going for....my favorite for a ship/boat name (if i was a guy) would be "thruppenny bits"...lol...i'll let you figure you the irish rhyming slang on your own... Full shilling - mentally competent Twistin' hay - means you're starting trouble, usually in a playful way Home and Away - a Murphy and a Guinness Bucket of snots (n): a ugly person (would they let you use that? lol) Dickey Dazzler (n): an over dressed man Flahulach (a): flamboyant, also very generous, throwing money around Omadhaun (n): bit of a fool Pogue Mahone (phr): kiss my arse
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