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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Congrats, Charity. That be a right nice thing he did. And what better film than "Quills" for GR fans; full frontal nudity and all. I always appreciate it when an actor recognizes their fans. A friend of mine likes Jason Isaacs (Captain Hook) and she was trying to see him at the premier of "The Terminal". Her car broke down and she couldn't go but other friends who did told Mr. Isaacs and he signed this picture for her. I was impressed. :)
  2. Ahoy and welcome. But that rum better be "flyin'" int'me tankard! Don't wants t'waste it on t'floor, do we Bess.
  3. ARRRRRGH! Ye don't needs to shout, lassie. But we always know'd that it be the best movie o'last summer. (With all the new mates signin' aboard me rum-soaked head is sensitive t'the noise. )
  4. Personally I think Jeremy Sumpter (Peter) did a fine job. This is his second film, so he is a "professional". (He was a LOT better than Jake Lloyd from the Star Wars: Episode I movie) But I only has eyes fer Captain Hook, them whinin' children just get in the way of Hook's movie. I be wantin' the peacock blue frock from the Black Castle scene. *drool*
  5. The new Peter Pan movie be miles better than Hook. Mr. Jason Isaacs makes a superb Captain Hook. And yes, I be prejudiced.
  6. A belated birthday wish fer ye, Pearl. It just be a number, lass. Don't pay it no heed. We don't gets older, we just gets better.
  7. Probably a different shop keeper that day tryin' t'impress me.
  8. I voted fer the bloomers, but I think they should be "filled" afore givin' em t'him.
  9. With all due respect ladies, I agree that Barbossa were a much better pirate than Sparrow, but Hook be the fanciest, cruelest, thought-provoking pirate in my opinion. As it says in t'book: Now THAT be a pirate after me own heart. Ooops, I be strayin' off-topic. Me apologies.
  10. Were that the booth what had all them fancy walkin' sticks and pirate skulls? I be talkin' t'a man what be sellin' Aztec coins and when I tried to relate what Iron Bess had said, and what I heard from the Prop Department proper, he be correctin' me like I didn't know what I was talkin' about. Goes on about paying $800 fer his "screen used" coin then says that all them coins from the movie were dumped in the trash. And here those that worked fer studio be tellin' me they were used at the premier. Jerk. If Iron Bess had been there, she could have run him through!
  11. Ye can also set up a store through PayPal. They has all the instructions and directions fer doin' that. Don't know what they charge though. But I don't mind folks hawkin' their wares here in this thread.
  12. Those are filming dates, not release dates. For example, Willy Wonka was shot in 2002 but it has not been released yet. So the 2005 date is the date the filming for PotC2 will commence.
  13. Thanks, Red Maria. I received me coupon in the mail today. I convinced me older son to accompany me t'the fair since me friends had to bow out. We be lookin' forward to seein' the pirate plunder fer sale. UPDATE: Me oldest cabin boy and I had a grand time at t'faire. I be findin' me a nice pistol what t'threaten the crew with, and a poison vial made of steel t'keep me poison on me person - like me hero, Captain Hook! Many thanks t'Red Maria fer lettin' me save a few pieces o'gold on the admission price.
  14. Me cabin boys need no such introduction. They be born scallywags! Me youngest and I were watching the new Peter Pan where the story was following the kids. My son yells: "I want pirates!" Near made me cry fer joy...
  15. Now there be a grand idea fer takin' back the studio from them what has no imagination! Ye get Roy fer yer captain, hoist up the Jolly Roger and board the executive suites fer some rampagin'! Make that Eisner guy walk the plank, sez I. Pirates has a duty t'mutiny and get rid of ineffectual officers.
  16. Aye, I enjoyed Tinkerbell in this movie. I were laughin' out loud in the theater at all her faces and such. She be a fine sprite.
  17. Happy belated Birthday t'ye lassie. I think ye already got me present when I sent ye a link t'that other site. Something about bathtubs as I recall.
  18. Don't be givin' away too much, Bess darlin'. We needs our surprises. (Course if ye can smuggle me onto the set when they be filmin' at the studio, I'll take me chances on surprises. )
  19. I aquired me rank when I gave birth t'two, strappin' cabin boys. There be a boat at our port but it be fer fresh water fishin' and belongs t'the first mate. However, we all know who gives the orders in this household!
  20. I likes RumbaRue's group who claim they are more "hysterically" accurate than historically accurate. I prefers this look fer me Captain Hook: Kin I haves him on me birthday cake, Rumba? Sorry t'interrupt yer discussion but this Captain be likin' the silly and irrelevent sometimes.
  21. Jason Isaacs (he also played evil Col. Tavington in "The Patriot") plays Hook to perfection. Menacing yet vulnerable in some repsects. I have to be careful drooling in front of the kiddies. When we saw this in the theater at Christmas I told them flat out I was rooting for the pirates even though I knew the ending. Again, I highly recommend this film even if you don't have kids. It's beautifully crafted, stays true to the original story, and all the actors (kids included) do a fantastic job.
  22. My youngest cabin boy (age 5) and I were watching Peter Pan this afternoon and he grabs the remote during a Peter scene and yells "I want pirates!" Now there be the makings of a scurvey cutthroat! Makes me want t'cry...
  23. Can I take you up on the offer of the $10 coupon? I'm going on the 30th. At least I'm supposed to. Haven't heard from me friends if they're still going. Iron Bess, are you still thinking of going that Sunday? I'd love to meet up with you.
  24. Awwww, poor Shrek being based on such an ugly character! Of course we know there is no love lost between Michael Eisner and Jeffrey Katzenberg (sp). I also heard there was a dispute between the writers and the director, that the director took credit for the script. Saw the movie on Thursday; it was great! I LOVE Antonio Banderas as Puss, he is sooooo funny! However Hook should have been drawn as Jason Isaacs - the definitive Captain Hook! And yes, he can play the piano with a hook, just watch the PJ Hogan version of Peter Pan.
  25. Knowin' the temper o'the lasses on this site, mate, I think you be the one what needs t'save yer energy. Ye best spend some o'yer swag on that there Viagra.
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