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'Bastian Devareaux

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Everything posted by 'Bastian Devareaux

  1. Peace, health and joy to you all. Now this is what I mean when I say "Old Time Religion". One more cycle to go and Beltain shall be upon us before you can say "May Day."
  2. Hold for a moment.... I like Mary as a bunny....Pyrate. **sly smile** BUT! At Port Washington, ealier this year, I was allowed the honour of escorting her in the parade and I might say that she is quite stunning in Period adornments. Every bit pleasing to the eye and her interaction with the crowds was top notch. Her smile, enough to make every cat in Cheshire envious.
  3. No more....No More? The words rattled cryptic in mental halls. Was it protest to being in chamber?....Was it statement of devotion? Seth rocked back to settle weight upon his heels, arms crossed and draped over knees. Inclining chin while pondering the quandary, torch light was allowed further access to lay illumination over the recess of battle tattooed features; aiding further the cold fire in pale sights. Senses again reached to the without, subtly probing as he contemplated further the enigma. Somewhere in the darkness a protesting squeak of hidden rodent sounded, a shift of position was noted from the men at portal keeping; the pounding of some lost soul's fists battered unseen door....Then silence. Silence but for the quivered sob from the one who lay before him.
  4. Peace in the Family?! Is there such a thing?! Plans are chalked in for 2008 attendance. But, the managing of such a "Medicine Show" might be tricky to negotiate in regards to getting everything to Bone Isle. Plans are in the works, I assure....If worse comes to worse, our bodies should be there, at the very least....
  5. Memory came forth with the force of Dragoon's charge. The look of fear and desperation seen so many times before in the past, and something almost like sympathy fleeted cold gaze. Glancing to open portal, Childermass considered his options carefully.
  6. Cloth was saturated again and proffered while Seth's senses played keen to the surround. He watched Sterling's desperation with unreadable expression while tilted clockwork gears wound slowly in mental casings. "Listen to me closely..." he whispered. "There be nothin' I kin do to cleanse yer wounds, tis too much risk....Too obvious. But the pain I ken aid, at least fer a spacin' of time. Yer Wife sends love to ye an' I am doin' what I kin to get ye out of here...." For Childermass, a man of few words, this was kindered to a long winded speech, but time was short and much needed said. "Ye must be patient, child....patient as the ages...."
  7. I have to agree with Lily. Prices for lodging in general tend to go up in Key West during any festival / event. You may wish to verify that pricing holding true during PIP.
  8. Childermass leaned closer, " So's ye kin....No needs fer moving, lad..." Left hand landed gently on Sterling's shoulder to belay movement. "Tis a fine fix ye find yerself in. Easy now, child...Ye have nothin' to prove." A flask was produced accompanied by linen square. Once cloth was soaked, it was placed near cracked lips followed by hushed instruction. "Open yer mouth and if means be, take the water from this...."
  9. The mere fraction of movement brought Seth's hushed verbose to halt; reptillian stare narrowed in posture and cat-like crouch regained. He did nothing at first, holding balance on balls of feet, then slowly, ever so much so, scarred fingers reached forward and matted tress curtain was carefully moved away. "Kin ye hear me, child?"
  10. Childermass waited silently aside as key slid home and lock protested to the dim. His expression, what could be seen beyond penumbra, was stoic, though occasional waver of torch flame reflected in the pale of reptilian stare casting cold fire of its own. The two men moved clear to allow unsettling companion entrance to dark, rank maw. A torch was handed into his keeping and its' original bearer shuddered as wraith passed by. The stench contained within was a kaleidoscope of wretch; damp, sickness, fester and filth. This was the realm ruled by half of Apocalypse Company, its' virtues well known to the man who willingly crossed into encompassment. His senses reached out, laying caress to the surround; which had little effect outside of pure observance. He had experienced too much on nameless fields for any effect to truly sink in. Torch was raised, flame wavering ever so slightly and invoking phantasmal shadow dance on bordering walls. The air was tasted again as cool stare fell to object of desire. Skirting of regimental render was drawn to the side as Seth crouched cat-like near inert form. Low whispers played to his hearing from without; a symphony of unrest and fear. Torch was brought closer for better scrutiny and Childermass nodded to the echoes of his mind. One hand reached forward, hovering over the massed rat's nest of blonde tress and blackened congeal; the angry, livid marks of battered complexion once fair. Again the nod in accord to something only he could hear; he had seen worse...He had seen better. Nevertheless, the carnage before him could not be denied nor ignored. Pursing his lips, lithe frame unfolded until fully erect; head cocked ever so slightly to the left and he inquired to the darkness in conjured hiss, "Where is yer Brother? For is this not a War? I feel you...I know yer Red steed....I know yer treacherous heart and mind...." The pale eyes drifted circumference of chamber, briefly listing to portal before returning to curled form at his feet. "Ye Rider's Pale an' Dark...Ye have no claim here...Do not play me a fool, we have held each other's comp'ny too long..." Without, escorts glanced to one another and chill gathered in the deepest nether regions of their souls.
  11. **touche, mon frere** re-access
  12. **I had best leave that one alone** lunge
  13. Whom intends to pluck whom, might I be so bold as to query?
  14. **raises brow** acid
  15. ** everyone is a critic** gene pool (as in shallow end)
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