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'Bastian Devareaux

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Everything posted by 'Bastian Devareaux

  1. On some unconscious level, survival instinct noted the presence of another and worked to lift the veils of sleep from that which it guarded. Senses of hearing and scent reached outward from four poster citadel; smell retrieving the smallish muskiness of natural odor combined with wool; ears deciphering the hushed brush of sole on carpet... the rustle of page turn. Carefully, as not to disturb the facade of sleep mimic, one hand traveled under the soft passages of bed cloth and found the contrast of cold steel and wooden curve. Sleeping dog of war was procured from pillow's coverage and position adjusted to proper posture under linen tenting. Heart rhythm increased its pacing, breathing kept in slow counter of the former. The swell of sleep laden eye lid retreated to crack and sight, in semi-hazed fashion, joined the decipher of cousined inquiries. The chamber's dim was pushed back from table's head near hearth; the darkness compeating with struggle of single candle glow; high-backed chair offering further hindrance to investigation. Nevertheless, profile of one lanky leg balanced crosswise over the support of matched knee showed as silhouette to the viewing and Sabastian eased himself into more upright position; holding silent hound at arm's length. The voice played just above whisper, its' nuances shot through with chill, "Lay tha' to the side, Child..." Dauphin exhaled slowly the breath he had kept in lung prison; roused hound laid to velvet cover on bed's uneven landscape. Voice continued, its' bearer remaining in half hidden posture within chair's confine. "English Seabird has flown from Hell's stony cage..." Sabastian's feet found the flooring below, steps taken forward and halting at the half distance betwixt. Bemusement glossed one word query...."Comment..?!"
  2. WHOAH, Frere!!!!! **bemused** MERCURY!?!?! **backpeddles** The horror of such said notion....Why....why....That would refer to remedy and malady...**swallows hard** The only portion of "French Pox" that I can relate to is "French". I have no desire to learn of the second!!! **makes sign of warding off** And to think that you would make said accuisation regarding my good character with my dear Molly so newly laid to rest in earthen bower.....*mumbles with greatened agitation, pausing mid-thought** Devon is in need of....?!?!? I told him time and time again to watch what he did with....John Thomas?...er...non.... c'est Anglais......Irelandaise.....MICKEY!!!! **triumphant followed by heavy sigh** Getting married.....**scratches head** Already married.....Comment?! Je nais comprends!!! NELLY GREENE?! **eyes narrow**OH NO YOU DON"T!!!!!! And if that is your intention....YOU TELL AURORE!!!!! I want to be far away and safe when the world explodes. Good luck with that! Tell me how that works out for you!!!!.......I need a drink.
  3. At very long last, the computer has been resurected and on this day, the internet connection has been re-established...Now to do something with this hell hole dubbed a Study. (And we shall not discuss over 500 E-Mails in the AOL box.) **heavy sigh** So much to do....Never any rest for the wicked. **sly grin**
  4. All and all, quite well. Aside from minor set backs, 2008 is proving to be most kind. Moving to a new dwelling which is much larger, both house and yard. It is much closer to work; my days of 27 miles one way are soon to become 6. Currently laying fresh paint thru-out the interior, the move is a matter of weeks away. My main computer system took a header and I am having to use my very plodding backup. It seems the power module went south....Could be worse, at least I have a backup system, slow or no. Quite pleased to know that my time in the Third Ring of Hell, otherwise known as Dallas shall draw to end in a year's passing. Set it in stone and note the heavy sigh of contentment I exhale at the fact. There are always details of dark and light that need be handled, nevertheless, I can say I am overall content.
  5. Dawn's fingers tested the edges of curtain hang and managing to gain small advance, lay contrast of light fissure against velvet rouge. Tiny flecks of dust danced in stream of invading soliel, their coursing a ballet negotiated on whimsy of minute draft. The once lively hearth had reversed phoenix revel, ash monuments lay as recollections of memories form. Beggar Prince maintained evening's thrown, exhaustion finally over taking before eloquated bed could be conquered. Slightest whisper of knock sounded within the recesses of chamber's intimate surrounds and lone occupant stirred minutely. The hushed clamor of lock being released from oaken hold, brought forth instinctual and abrupt alertness; though such was hidden under ruse of opposite means. Door was secured in former stance, and familiar trod of footstep caress upon Persian surface brought ease to hearth companion's senses. Jason's approach was noted and tracked by dark pools of visual existence; form stretching to release kinks gained within chair's confine. It was an easy acceptance that needed no verbose in acknowledgment betwixt the two where there had been only one. Parchment in folded manner, appeared from newly arrived's coat and was offered to Other. Accepted and transferred, seal was broken and contents perused carefully. Sabastian laid paperment upon near standing table and contemplated Talbot's correspondence briefly before leaving chair's support to shift velvet hang. Lane below was surveyed in silence, rouge blind replaced....Throne obtained, once more. Younger waited quietly, patiently, for what would next dictate his actions.
  6. ^ Yes and enjoy a plethura of styles...Though I do really appreciate a good waltz. < Quite content that 2007 is out the door and giddy with anticipation on good prospects for 2008. V How did 2007 treat you?
  7. Currently 58, overcast and windy.....They say 78 by Sunday. And before any get envious....No, it is not the norm. It has been in the 40's during the day and 32 or below, at night.
  8. Hmmmm....let me see..... Sabastian is in private quarters at the Royal Grace Jason is with Sabastian Christophe has just is leaving same said quarters Devon Burke is in Nelly Greene's garden Sean Roberts is en route to the Book Store Seth Childermass has just left the prison Andre' is in the upper chambers of the Bookstore Aurore and Dubois have returned to the Estate House They rest are scattered here and there....
  9. One might be so inclined to wonder on things as such. Plucks fastidiously at a piece of lint on coat sleeve, then eyes Sterling speculatively Why is it that the word "gelding" seems to enter my thoughts...? Souhaiter la bon annee a qu, mes amies!!
  10. ( You are ever so much welcome, Bijou...And we are quite pleased that the cache brought you enjoyment) ^Yes! Quite happy that things shall calm, once again...I firmly believe that New Year's Eve is the balm applied without reservation to sooth the soul after the storm has blown over. <Was on vacation last week...Worked three this week...Feel like the vacation never happened at all. Slave drivers.... V Pass the question
  11. Good Lord, man! He is the very devil in equine form!!! Do tell, are mine eyes playing me foolish...or is there a bit of Mustang in that fellow's line? Best of luck to you, Bo! Thank you for sharing the photos, I am quite sure he will be just fine now that he is in good hands.
  12. Then I must be as well, Patrick. It's a Verizon ad and it slays me everytime I see it. The body language and expressions on the actors / actresses faces are priceless. And the fact that the pony in question has been ripping shingles off the doghouse through the whole thing just adds the kick when the girl asks "Does he bite?" Bo- Congratulations to you on your new companion....Or perhaps the congrats belong to Rocky for finding a good place to hang his shoes. It never fails to amaze me how folk move to the outer regions thinking it is a peice of cake. They don't realize the challeng it can present and the precautions that should be in place when things go wrong. (Like owning a generator and some form of back up heating if you lose power for days.) Taking on horses is no stroll in the park, as it seems they found out. They don't come turnkey and require alot of time, devotion and money. I am pleased that Rocky found a good home.
  13. The minutes trudged by, a precession of time dissected by man, and became an hour's half. No change disturbed dank surround, Wraith in crouched balance; Fallen still, but for rise and fall of inhalation and exhalation; whispers of hushed conversation from without...And time continued to progress forward, marching steadfast into an unknown destiny. Unfolding lithe length, Childermass regained full height and did nothing more for moments but lay reptilian focus upon where Sterling curled. Deep draught of fouled air was taken into full lung capacity, then released with slow measure. Torch was raised, forcing retreat of the dim as Wraith returned to portal's frame. Outward whisperings stuttered to halt; one man giving visual start to Officer's silent arrival; both standing stiff and staunch as colors demanded. Cold stare was played over both; an ethereal fishing net cast out to capture souls and diverted only by silent gesture indicating next wish. Quick salute was delivered, followed by door's return to closure and Childermass turned from subordinates as if their very existence were afterthought. Fluid stride was achieved, boot soles a shadow of normal strike and escort rushed to regain Colonel’s proxy. Upward, through twist and wind the party of three navigated; the air gaining more digestible facets as journey from Hell was coming to close. Courtyard was gained, two coins pressed without words into the palms of escorts numbering two; then Wraith departed company... An unsettling dream melding into tropical night.
  14. ( But I have heard it with regional reference when live. Parrothead? yes... ) National Anthem
  15. Dauphine remained in hearth company, its' seductive dance continued to keep sway of the dim and no lamp dared disrupt it further. Below chamber's flooring, the occasional rise of steady conversational hum from Common could be gleaned in waves. Amber fire once again filled crystal chalice and his eyes closed as scent was relished briefly. Muffled knock sounded and was answered in kind by Jason who emerged from the shadows to inquire its' instigator. Securings reversed brought brightness flowing from outward hall in battle for ground within. Slender frame was given golden aura momentarily before door was returned to closure. Soft footfall tracked passage from light to dark then light again and Sabastian indicated chair across. Outerwear was removed and laid over near ottoman, movements likened to fluid set in more solid form. Taking the seat indicated, Christophe watched longtime companion and waited for the words to come. "I wish all that should be gathered brought to the hills...And I wish it to be done with utmost secrecy and speed." The Frenchman leaned back to chair's elegant support and pursed his lips. Reaching to decanter, two fingers were poured into awaiting vessel as he considered the weight of instructions. Returning to former posture, he captured the other's eyes, "And what of your brother?" "Andre' needs know nothing of this..."
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