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'Bastian Devareaux

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Everything posted by 'Bastian Devareaux

  1. Reptilian gaze centered upon liquid sapphires twined, so much richer than his of aquamarine hue. Somewhere in the rattling depths of deepest inward self, the tone of her plea flitted as cornered sparrow and struck hidden cord. His grip eased, hand retreating as he pivoted to allow her passage; her bare feet the slightest brush on rug below and retreating the way he had just traveled. Seth reached without thought to low set lamp, bring it to heightened life and again the pale wandered the plains of inert form presented. Years of un-namable battles, half forgotten and blending together, gave catalog to maladies and redemptions. Rough surface of tentative touch measured fever, moving onward to inspect suture handiwork.... Conclusions conjuring frown over war ravaged expression.
  2. A thousand apologies, ma bijou doux. Bon Anniversaire, Petit!! Tell my Stand In that you are to be treated as royalty for at least a week's time. Less than that measure would lay insult to such wonderous ocassion. And I need not remind you what lays beyond Door Number Three... As always, my best to you.
  3. Seth's eyes narrowed a degree to the shrill of her voice and strong desire to ensure its' cease was over-ridden' though the temptation of doing so was great. As Nelly's attention shifted to bed companion, Childermass drew closer, pausing within snatching distance as her endeavors to roust continued. Pale empty sights traversed what lay afore him; outward poise unruffed to the urgency tainting chamber's semi-sprawl. Reaching forward, left hand found purchase on the petit curve of her near shoulder. "Move away, child..." The words seemed fall upon deaf ears; scarred hand and the fingers that extended from it tightened as request was repeated in near likeness of hiss. "Do as yer told child...and move away..."
  4. The lock was manipulated with practiced finesse, satisfaction playing youthful features as will was given into. Door knob was caressed and eased over, oaken barricade falling back on well oiled hinge. The smallish foyer was darkness; low lamp flame touching its' boarders in teasing manner from room beyond. Lock Master stepped aside to allow forward invasion to companion's lithe form, then closed door quietly. Childermass hung just inside foyer maw, blending into shadow shrouding. He was well aware of Burke's presence behind to his right, but gave no instruction nor acknowledgment. Outward his senses reached, sense of smell intaking rich perfumes; sight tracing form of footman fast asleep of elegant chaise...ears noting the slightest creak from upper floor. Motioning, Seth gave silent instruction indicating second story region and his want for companion to remain where he presently stood. Devon gave reluctant nod before backing further into darkness embrace while watching Wraith's ghost-like progress upon stairway curl. Layout of domicile sprawl had been gone over with careful consideration. Two doorways passed in favor of one further down. Hand falling upon chosen latch, Childermass listened briefly to sounds within; a muffled snatch of conversation rewarded hearing and burnished barrier was eased inward to reveal what Englishman already knew. Reptilian gaze fell upon the scene before him; pale sights playing over the two occupants and ceasing progression upon Sterling's pallid face. "Tis truth..." Graveyard whisper teased the air, "That yer surrounds have far improved in'na time lapsed since last meeting...." Gaze left Sterling to center on Nelly and remained there as cat measuring mouse.
  5. Christophe surveyed those gathered from his placement just to the rear and left of where Dauphin sat. The Faithful stood in horseshoe formation, occasional glances darting to others within company, but hearing focused finite to younger Devareaux. What was disclosed would act as catalyst; an evolution to future venture and choices laid open in honest delivery. No judgment of worth would be measured or used in prejudice to final acceptance; things were changing and the changes were occurring with such rapidity that action need be adhered to. Sabastian voiced gratitude and gave no certain guarantee of possible outcomes. They had hours numbered four and twenty, then the wheels would be set to motion… And Fates be damned.
  6. Heavy draperies that thus far acted as barrier to unwanted soliel, were drawn back; the windows formerly concealed opened to allow tropical breeze wonton. Crystal decanter sat unstopped at table's center; willing to bow in service to Master's whim. Perched within large chair support, one leg sprawled over elegantly wrought arm, Gitan Dauphin listened closely to companion's words. Only now and again interrupting with query; broadening picture of verbose laid afore him. With closure of Childermass' dissertation, Sabastian reached for decanter silently and refilled both goblets. He digested what Seth offered slowly; features keeping neutral posture. Moments passed at dirge pace, goblets emptied...filled...then emptied again when Dauphin straightened posture and leaned forward to table edge. "Is that everything?" Childermass nodded. "Tres vien...."Rising, goblet was drained and replaced on table surface as if forgotten and chamber crossed to gain proximity of large armoire. Contents were sifted through briefly, pause given to re-center on Seth, "Be so kind as to inform the livery that I am in need of mine horse...And send word to those that need know, of my wants."
  7. Followed by a fox hunt on Merry=Go=Round mounts?
  8. That is Port Washington last year. I also saw Cheeky, Mary Diamond and Husband in that collection of images... I am a bit disturbed about the chad balance from cannon barrel...
  9. Closing the distance, Dauphin tugged absent-mindedly to snug the drawstring keeping small clothes about his hips. Childermass inclined chin a degree and watched silently as seating opposite was obtained. Sabastian settled, reaching for decanter near lamp's glow and filled accompanying goblet. Deep breath was drawn and released before draught was taken and vessel set to rest; youthful brow pinched to the menagerie of thoughts bombarding mental corridors. "How is such a thing possible?! You said it could be done but at greatened risk..." Words drifted to silence as he sunk into deep contemplations. "Tis a truth tha' I am unawares of the how....It occurred after I had left, but I was near when the happenings came forth." Sabastian nodded, his eyes were far away, "He has to be found..." "An easy task, child." Rom's attention immediately drew to center; dark eyes studying paler pools which flickered with lamp's reflection. Realization crept to the forefront, punctuated with half-question, half-statement. "Vous savez où il est...." Secretive smile spread slowly over scarred features, the response in near whispered chill, "Oui, je fais." Deep breath was drawn again.
  10. Warm thoughts of speedy recovery to you, mademoiselle!!!
  11. Bravo, Mission... Your wit should very well be commended in the most hallowed of halls for I laughed quite deeply during your "thesis" of Peeps. Never cared overmuch for them, myself...I am far more a meat and cheese man. And I dare say that if ever I were to mistakenly be tempted to partake of the "sacred" Peeps...I shall do well to re-think said action. In coffee?! Sacrilege!!!
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