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'Bastian Devareaux

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Everything posted by 'Bastian Devareaux

  1. "You wound me to the core, My Lady..." He looked away and sighed disheartened, then motioned for Christophe to come forward. Not giving true acknowledgement to English company, Frenchman came to halt afore high table which acted as offset center piece to hearth side. From within the depths of coat pocket, documents were retrieved; upon those a ring of stunning facet and inner fire. Christophe returned to doorway vigil as Dauphin's center fell to Albert. "As you might readily discern, My Lord, I offer an honest proposition and a dowry that would be appeasing to any Aristocrat betwixt here and you lands of origin. Consider the ring a subtle trinket to give pleasure to your Niece's being, and it being only a humble example..."
  2. Dauphin listened with proper attention tuned, "But does not love defy raison....She fills me with happiness, is that not what truly matters. Though do not think that I am ignoring your concerns. We are all adults here and to that I can do no less than fully agree. There are many that would say that I myself am of dubious character, though do I not stand here afore you the portrait of genteel civility....?" Glass was retrieved from mantle resting, exchanging for nesting within palm cradle, "Do not forget that I having shipping interests at mine command, as well. I do think that certain arrangements could be made and that I could well appease your dear niece's every whim and desire. I am all of anticipation on welcoming her to new domicile that lays not far from here. I do believe that you are familiar with the large abode in passing to the shore side of main road....Please do me the honour of your blessings. I can promise you a startling change in her manner within a short passing of time. Such a merger shall be of benefit on so many levels...." And smile of hoping innocence was offered as reassurance.
  3. "Than I see no other way to approach said proposition than in this manner. I am a man of commerce and have controlling interest in many local establishments as well as holdings in other locals of note. With this taken into consideration, I can say in all honesty that there is little that I am in need of via either possession or fulfillment of gaining such..." Dauphin paused, allowing sincerity stage entrance upon angled features, "With that said, there is one thing that I desire; one emptiness which I desire whole. There is no question as to what I might be able to provide and it is with whole heart and honest intents that I wish your niece as mine own wife..." The drop of pin could have been discerned in any of chamber's vast corners.
  4. Sabastian acknowledged Lord's comment with hinted bow, "You are most gracious, My Lord and let me further justice to such statement for tis only right that I should allow a gift in gratitude to such said. I shall make it of utmost priority upon my arrival home, to forward into your keeping something from mine own Private Stock....It is the very least that I can do." "Albert, please, these men are our guests. Let's be civil, shall we?" She turned toward the one called Sebastian. "Let me refill your glass." "Merci, Madame. I find that when delving into the most refined of spirits, it is oft times more pleasurable to sample more than once in order to savor the hidden characteristics....." Accepting the refreshning, slow sampling was taken then glass set upon alabaster mantle. "It seems that My Lord is feeling a bit restless as to the nature of mine visit. So it would only seem just that I out with it, so to speak." He paused to acknowledge one than the other before continuing. " I have what one might call a proposition to make....Something that might very well prove benefit to all concerned." Light danced a mischievous jig in chocolate pools of vision.
  5. Against the irritation that boiled just under placid expression, Christophe's mental dialog was what one would expect of a Frenchman when having to deal with overt Englishman. He waited patiently until Preston made the round then accepted the final glass with word of appreciation. Ignoring the Lord of the Manor's flaw of conduct, Dauphin smiled good naturedly, nodding attentive to Lady Cunningham's niceties then sampled from his own vessel. Brandy was savored with connoisseur’s appreciation and upon speaking, diversion was slyed once more. " A highly notable example of brandied spirit; quite robust and I can only assume it is French in origin due to the flavor that reckons upon the rear most portion of pallet...Most wonderful, indeed. My compliments, for it is truly a delight to imbibe"
  6. Porche 911 You have a classic style, but you're up-to-date with the latest technology. You're ambitious, competitive, and you love to win. Performance, precision, and prestige - you're one of the elite, and you know it.
  7. Dauphin took in Husband / Wife tit for tat with feigned lack of interest. It was amazing what could be judged of the playing field by such interactions and many things were revealed in the blink of moments. Smallish gesture was made and Christophe joined in close proxy, wishes were relayed in mother tongue then Frenchman returned to the courtyard. Sabastian's attention turned to where matron waited, Tabby Cat smile hidden just below her expression. "You are most kind, Madame...But, I feel it might be in the best interest of your stable attendant to allow my associates to handle our mounts. My own can be quite troublesome to those he is not familiar with and I would feel quite regretful if something where to happen. Monsieur Lambert shall join us, if that is of no issue." Again the smile was offered and with companion's return, double doors were passed into room of refined appointments. With practiced eye, all contained within chamber's surround were noted and evaluated with secretive measure. While Christophe remained just inside door's yawn, Sabastian took place near ornate hearth, " I feel that I am in error of protocol and very much in need of atonement. His Lordship is correct in his earlier observation, I am one such Devareaux...Though not to be confused with mine elder brother, Andre'. Propriety begs that I should clarify such." Chapeau was removed and placed to rest upon deep cushioning of large hearth side chair, "My name is Sabastian Devareaux and I find it quite the pity that we have lived in such near quarter to each other and yet have never been in acquaintance. I think that I may call myself a richer man now that such has been rectified. You do me great honour, My Lord and Ladyship, for which I thank you for your gracious offer of hospitality at such short notice."
  8. Dance of Death by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child Not familliar with either author, but the summary sounded interesting enough.
  9. It seems as life imitating art, non? In art I might be able to play galant chevalier upon Noir steed....But...It would be a rather tall order and a hellish roadtrip in Life....Although the Noir "steed" would still apply. I do hope the damage is not too extensive....Ice and Tiger Balm may be the order of the day....A good bottle of Wine could not hurt, or a draught of the Jameson.
  10. Movement in nether region of high arched foyer captured Dauphin's attention; his sights sliding off portly Lord to center on female counterpart and what was glimpsed at being caught off guard stirred mirth inwardly. As her focus zeroed upon his person, chapeau was doffed and accompanied by flourished bow. Rising with fluid grace, the deepness of dark sight rested upon her; feral fire dancing in chocolate depths. "Don't you think it a bit late to pay a sick bed call? In all honesty, I was hoping you would have forgotten all about her by now. So, do tell me, what did you wish to speak to me about?" Her queries induced charmed smile to stroke features and he deviated, "My most profound apologies to you, Madame. If the hour is unsuiting to you, I am quite prepared to make amends and return on the morrow. I had full intention of arriving much sooner, though a matter of import and private necessity delayed my intention." Smile retreated, giving over to wash of empathetic expression, "Nevertheless, Your Ladyship, if it is of no greatened inconvenience to yourself and your Household, I feel that what I have come to parlay is of greatened concern to us both and would most prefer it breached sooner rather than later. In either case, you will find me to be your most humble and obliging servant." In the darkness, just beyond portal light boundary, Roberts and Dubois dared sidelong glance to each other While Christophe remained stock still blancketed with neutral posturing.
  11. Equine restlessness sounded from behind as hoof danced cobbles than ceased; soft nicker followed to be answered in kind. Sabastian remained unruffled by Lord's brusque nature; instead concealed inward amusement at portly form and peach fuzzed pate. Removing chapeau and resting it over heart, Dauphine indicated sympathetic hint of nod. "I am all apologies, my Lord. In all favored truth, I would not dream nor desire to disrupt Madame's repose. I have no want to place myself as burden nor inconvenience upon your Lordship by encouraging such trespass. Please grant me and mine forgiveness for our lack of consideration in barging in a such latened hour." Chapeau was replaced and expression set with overt humility. Reaching into coat pocket, two coins were extracted and offered to man-servant, "I thank you, good sir, for your kind service of me." Retreating a small distance, Dauphin's attention reverted to Man of the Manor, "If you would be so kind, Your Lordship, would you please inform Madame that I have desire to gain audience with her in the morning, at her earliest convenience. It concerns a matter of great import to her and myself. Can you advise me of a proper time in which to return?"
  12. Dauphine moved forward to allow better view of his person from thresh hold framing and inner illuminate stroked lovingly the fall of tailored velvet of azure hues. A smile that spoke of nothing less than charm played over angled features as he made quick study of the man afore him and what could be gleaned just beyond. "In a manner of speaking, Monsieur. It is a matter which concerns Madame and myself greatly. If you would be so kind, I would appreciate in deepest being, that you inform her of my calling." The smile played again in most beguiling measure. "And do expound to Madame of my most sincere apologies in disturbing her peace at such late hour. It is due to the nature of circumstance that forces me upon her with utmost urgency..." Smile widened, but never quite reached liquid depths of feral visual pools.
  13. Conversation had been kept at a minimal as the road out of the Port leading parallel to the coast was followed. The moon watched on as four riders kept steady pace, passing wedding gift estate and onward to where break in fields to the left gave notice of near destination achievement. The four turned in unison to breach high arch of gate way yawning open as if bored with the stillness abounding. Last rider glanced upward to plantation's moniker scrolled in elegant curvature of bronze render announcing to the proxy of all, Trade Winds. Ahead some trek of mile's quarter, large domicile raised from the ground and flourished its' beauty to the land around. Moonlight caressed its' whitened sides, occasionally disturbed by yellowish hues of lamp inducement reaching tentatively into the darkness. Dirt gave way to cobbled courtyard; horses hooves rattling staccato echoes ceasing with dismount of two. Christophe halted at Bay's large head, carefully observing the surround of rectangle form; a large fountain the only break in flagstone plains. Dauphine paused briefly looking over shoulder to three companions before moving onward unto heavy double door and the large bell that hung on right side. Clasping tether, pull was administered and bell sang to those within and without. Letting cord free to dangle and bounce at bell's whim, gloves were removed and tuck half in belt at waist. Muffled yet nevertheless discernable, footsteps were heard from beyond carved twin blockades. Sabastian stepped a backward pace and waited for access to be granted.
  14. You may wish to peruse this site. fabric by the yard Their wool prices tend to be rather reasonable and they also deal in a selection of linen. I have done well with finding wool for a decent price on E-Bay.
  15. Seth went to dead calm, seeming to ignore the other's verbose and action. Pale focus centered on Nelly and lingered, for the beat of three inhalations before answer was given. "I have seen more injuries of this nature in two years than you ever shall in yer lifetime...." Attention drifted from Nelly to the door.
  16. Without warning, Seth reacted with unexpected snag of the other man's throat, yanking forward and up as to meet eye to eye. "Wer sind Sie?" he inquired in German, grip tightening with intent.
  17. Seth turned from charge at the sound of nearing footfall. From full height, he inclined chin slightly downward and glared at foreigner. Wraith-like frame pivoted full, acting as barrier to new comer's approach as pale further scrutinized the other man with baleful facet.
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