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'Bastian Devareaux

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Everything posted by 'Bastian Devareaux

  1. Marcus glanced once more to the shoreline and progress made before answering, "Tis a kind thing your offer of aid, but have no worries of meself an' I will be one to fare well enough...." The small craft was brought near larger vessel's slope of side, with a deceptive agility, Elliot gained wooden plane once above. He remained at rail break, surveying the surround briefly, "Yer offer of brandy seems a fine notion to me thinkings. If ye be so kind as to be leadin', then I shall follow and fini this night's workings."
  2. A hint of smile tickled Elliot's expression at the formality of her statements. Nothing was lost on his hearing, nor deciphering; not the educated manner; not the assertive strength...not the measure of command. Glance was slyed to beach head as crate was secured then lifted from craft encompassment; twirlling minutely as it was heaved to hover midair. With a smallish mock gesture of bow, the Messenger spoke softly to the sihlouette above, "Then permission to board be the next order of the day...or night, as it were..."
  3. Boom sway and creak of hemp brought powder death from the depths of wooden tomb to the belly of smaller craft. As each gained full capacity, another would take position to gain its' filling...so moved the Miniatures to Larger's proximity then away to shoreline; belching glutted insides to those waiting. Wagon's stood as solemn priests percussion to communion offerings, then removing themselves to points unknown into the humid night. Communication relayed by signal and low whistle directed symphony of Owling Trade; a rhapsody of shadow and tallow. Near Rakehell's larboard side, one craft wallowed independent to brethren's work and upon simple bow, Elliot kept watchful eye of the Machine's progress. Quick eyes darted to the decks above, pausing on lithe figure at the rail. Messenger had been delivered with professional cool and vessel's Commander had perused content under sheltered lamp, saying little to nothing. But lapse of an hour's passing and a smattering of minutes had transpired since then; last of precious gain lowering into those that reached to stabilize from below. Fleeting survey was tossed to terra firma and where William held rule and last wagon was brought into proper placement below banyan limb. Shuttered lamp blinked then dissipated, answered in turn by steersman on Messenger's floating kingdom. Again Marcus turned focus to decks above as lashings where released and wooden caboose pulled for shore. This night's work was nearing end, but until word was given, he would hold position and payment still hung heavy and concealed within adornment's keeping.....
  4. They had cautiously slipped the edge of the Port, thankful of the Rookery's proximity to wide expanses beyond "civilized" borders. Dauphin had been insistent that cargo be delt with utmost care...and even more speed. Kindred Shadow Dancers had been gathered from known sanctuary within dense flora and fauna passed the Mill. Now numbering ten, precession wove and navigated secluded venues; leaving roadway for those who saw them fit. Time was of the essence, instructions clear, and the smallish flicker glow of rearmost settlement gave greeting and beacon thru palm piquet. Pace was slowed, Messenger unconsciously checking placement of parchment within linen pocket, then looking ahead to where Sea-Goer sat moored near the shallows. Companion dismounted, dropping reins to the ground and quietly approached designated haphazard structure. The storm had not proven kind to tiny settlement and evidence of recovery lay about in various forms. Pause was given as domicile was rounded, clearer view of water's existence surveyed. Frown played William Sander's weathered features as proof to what had been suspected became reality. The spindly dock had vanished; another victim of Tropical temperaments. Rough knuckles played soft cadence to wooden door that was immediately brought to open; its' emptiness filled with bullish frame. Nod of greeting was given, followed by words interwoven Dutch indications. "Twas but a matter of time. We have been waiting for ye since that vessel appeared...." William nodded again, his lack of wording not forced, but rather a state of being. Years before, punishment and price for the false accusations laid by another. The ability to speak was not something that he possessed, had not possessed for a very long time. London was not a local to the Affected, but rather a cursed memory and a word rarely announced in his presence. Hushed tracings of footfall neared and two sets of eyes trained to origin as Messenger joined. Marcus Elliott came into the deminished glow of structure’s portal leak, manner subtle yet abrupt in portrayal. Information was given and taken; quid pro quo and the Machine began forward progression. Now on the shoreline, Messenger awaited response from quiet craft. Shuttered lamp had done its' duty and lay at rest on ground below; mute as Human companion...
  5. Returning to courtyard nestled behind structure, Sabastian leaned to wall support while digesting what had just passed. Irritation knawed at the edges of mental clockwork as puzzle was turned over and over. Giving up wall post, he slipped back entrance with use of keys; easing locks back carefully. Within backroom, some of the Faithfull had gathered, weathering the unpredictable Rouge tempest currently writhing. All eyes turned to lordling and silent gestures where made to conceal his being present from Elder aloft. Henri Stockton moved to the center, handing over paperment that recent companion had mentioned. It was scrutinized, but seal left intact for the momment. Of those present, two were chosen for task at hand. Two that could be trusted implicitly; two that would handle what was wished with stealth and much needed speed. New parchment was withdrawn and quick words applied with ink branding. Instructions were relayed in hushed tones, and one of two bore message to be delivered to She that would be waiting near Kingston shores. It was simple in render.... The Bearer of this shall see to all you require. Forgive me for not attending, it is a regret that I harbour fully. Hesitate not to ask if you are of further need...It shall be granted. You hold the key and Messenger is at your whim. S. Black wax was heated and blot fell heavily, sigil was applied with ring removal... Raven took flight on paper skies.
  6. Sabastian resisted the urge to question further, "Interesting, mon ami...Then to that, I shall bid you bonsoir and wish you well on return venture..." Retreating step placed Dauphin back in shadow's shroud, "Do take care, for those who don a cloak of Crimson can be as rabid curs when inspired..." Then Staw's proximity was empty, but for himself and parchment glow from lamp's generosity.
  7. "Oui...." Dauphin replied. "You will forgive mine being bold, Monsieur. But, it strikes me rather odd that one would choose such a night to risk the travers of docks to the far edges of town under the situations at hand. It must have been something of great import to take such risk, non?"
  8. Sabastian advanced again, hovering betwixt low light of lamp and the comfort of darkness. The mearest hint of aggitation was taken in from the other man and again verbose was cast to belay furthering away. "A delivery, Monsuier? I find that rather interesting....Perhaps you might be so inclined to enlighten me of such strange doings with the King's Men around every corner..."
  9. Caution was an instinct not so easily laid to the wayside and Sabastian was already on edge with all that had evolved recently. Remaining in shadow's comfort, he offered conginiality while observing the other closely. "Very well, Monsieur and I thank you for asking..." A pace closer was taken, "Is there something that I might be of service to you with?"
  10. Movement from the rear entrance of Bookstore alcove drew Dauphin's attention. Leaving mount's companionship, he wove carefully alley's dim and made note of the other's carriage and gait. Quick calculation deciphered that the one just now passing archway to lane beyond was far from being of Le Cour. Padding quietly on soft sole, he drew closer as weak parchment hued lamp luminated quary's features just enough for identification. Drawing near, but out of harm's way, Sabastian called to other's hearing in tone and volume like easy breeze stirring the dance made by Will O' Whisps.... A quiet lullaby that did well to freeze seaman in his tracks.
  11. Just past back lane inlet, mount was reined in as rider paused to still whirl of mental agitations. The roll of event with passing four and twenty count of hours was overwhelming to the steady flow of clear cognitive pathways; stagger of process was assured. Dropping from perch to terra firma, Sabastian eyed the loom of Bookstore's rear section in the too near distance. Focus wandered to the reaches of upper floor, then downward and forward to the archway marking opposite thruway. Deep inhalation was taken as he delved into which of three paths should be chosen. Just ahead and above Sabastian knew Brother awaited his presence. Passage beyond archway, bearing the course of roadway would give destination of Sister and what he knew would was a duty of higher priorities. Beyond same said archway, but deviating from man made path, would return him to Lover's company and the promise made to fulfill. These were the times that tried a man's soul, and for the present, a rare thing ocured within the cranial boundaries of one Sabastian Alexandre' Devareaux, Beggar Prince; Clever Thief; Dauphin Gitan; Trickster and Relisher of Life's Banquet... He found himself in a state of total preplexity.
  12. Eldest had returned to depths of rookery with brandy's safe delivery, and it was from bookstore loft that he watched the hornet's stirring of crimson coats. It was with a tinge of idle amusement that Roi Gitan tracked rouge fur rats scurry the maze, the sound of movement an odd replacement to norm street chorus. In right hand balance, the large curvature of goblet gave sacrifice of pungent fruit fermentation and trace of smile gave silent approval to vintage and craft. Ventures of recent past eve had proven quite kind and Modyford had been most congenial in receipt of midnight gifting. Andre' smile broadened slightly more to private thoughts involving the sway of small empire built and the securities held therein. Ever aware of even subtle change in light or shadow, his attention wavered from private contemplations to the shade of equine form and rider merging into the mouth of back alleyway. Drapery was drawn to closure and Baro Rom took seating in high back chair, patiently awaiting Dauphin's impending arrival within.
  13. Regiment neared, ship drew away with cumbersome sway and mount's pace was slowed to trot. Beggar Prince surveyed the situation at hand, rounding the beginning of percession and drew up to halt. Veiled glance was shot to Rakehell's lumbering before Lieutenant in charge was addressed. Careful ear was lent to relay of information and slight of hand produced coin for officer's keeping. Reginment moved onward and Rider waited for their passing. Mount was turned and glance was fleeted to blink of sternlamp glow. Near the sternpost, he thought he saw her watching in the dim and resisted acknowledging. As adrenalin slowed to calmer pacing, mount was urged into motion again; ship's form kept in peripheral until structures clouded clear view...
  14. He had broken off from wagon and assigned escort, turning away from main road lay for the more wild terra further in. Thoughts nagged his conscience, insistant and unwilling to bend at bidding of ceasation. Mount was turned from cottage bearings to follow out of sight and parrallel to small party recently left. When the Port was entered, senses rang waves of warning. Nothing was as it should be, nor as it had been upon departure a smattering of hours before. Mount was reined in and surround was inspected closely before forward progression was further taken. The silence was unsettling, not even the meanderings of local stray curs disrupted the heavy air. Mount was directed cautiously and reined in again as small party was brought to halt ahead. Slash of crimson disturbed low lighting from local drinking establishment and Sabastian looked to where members of Le Cour sat in limbo while soldiers plyed duty's call. Nudge was given and course changed to byway, from behind, the sound of regiment passed and echo of boot echoed to his hearing. Another left brought him the beginnings of quay and more movement drew his focus intently. Hastened step in multi render clattered cobbled lane, direction dictated to vessel in near distance. Sabastian focused intently, caressing the seagoer's form and realization struck. Spurs dug deeply and mount bolted foward on path of interception.... Sternlanterns flickered and danced, yellowed fingers laying subtle touch to goldgilt wrought.... Rakehell
  15. Dauphin said nothing for a beat of time, then slowly standing in stirrup supports, doffed chapeau in lead-on gesture. He was not convinced, there lay much doubt that whispered to inner ear and years of carefully watching those in proximity had become honed second nature.
  16. A hue of bristling stiffened Dauphin's posture, and companions traded glances; one understanding the words, the other given evidence of body language. "I dare to make contradiction to your claim, Monsieur....Your companion apears nervous as a caged cat and there must be raison for such. And I doubt quite highly, that my sister would choose action of said rash directives...Unless something gave her cause."
  17. Beggar Prince moved not a muscle, but for the tracking of Marsh's movement with visual pools. Things did not bode correctly in regard to the scene afore him, and what the Lieutenant offered as explination had sour taste to hearing's digestion. Pallid form was view then covered, but mount gave no indication norm to nature, that death lay in the wings. Equine was satisfied to follow the other's movement in idle curiosity, ears perking forward then swiviling. The Lieutenant's claim of sibling's actions drew further suspicion; and bench companion was undoubtable uncomfortable. There was a guarded undertone to Sabastian's reply... "It is a most unfortunate loss and I offer my most profound condolences. I again caution that traveling abroad is a most risky proposition...." Gesture was made, beckoning to those that hung in the near distance. "I insist that you progress onward to The Port with aid..." Tone gained hard edge of non-negotiation. "It is the very least I can do...And no is not an acceptable answer..."
  18. Mount was brought closer to wagon's perch, fleeting look was given to wagon cargo enigma then back to addressor, "De rien, Monsieur...." Gesture was made and comrades drew off a short distance, waiting. Dark eyes regarded helmsmen closely, " This is quite curious to me...You realize it is not overly safe to travel abroad in the deepening hours of shadow and light without escort. You are strangers in a strange land..." Attention drifted to wagon's containment.... "There are Thieves about...."
  19. Beggar Prince loosened the teathers of percariously moored hat, allowing it to slid down to shoulder support. Burke was last to join, eyeing the two on wooden plank, "Now ain' this a bit o' it....Sailors havin' themselves a wee pleasure ride on fine eve like this...Tis a hair out o' yer normals I'd be one to say, fer true." Devon shot a amused look to Leader, and mirth dissipated from his expression rapidly. Clearing throat, he adjusted seating and shot a sidelong glance to Dubois. Frenchman did not return favor.
  20. Hoof chorus broke the calm of early evening reverence to dusk requiem. One Rider keeping a furlong ahead of associates numbering two. Lather slid from heated flanks as if muscle were Glazier's making to be captured by torrid pace generated wind; cast forgotten to the Nocturnal Tropical Gods. Bend was rounded at break neck pacing and divots offered to alter, in kind...spurs were applied again. A lazy rise meandered ahead, and at its' pinnacle, lumbering silhouette came into view. Knees tightened to the heave of mount's exertion and one hand caressed wooden stock just within reach then regained leather strap capture. Bearing was changed a degree to Port, and as each neared on opposite coursings, first rider drew in, checking speed as something tickled the edges of instinct. Wagon was circled... Two of Three joined... And the men at vehicle helm were regarded closely.
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