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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. And what, pray tell, is wrong with that? In the context of Twill, wherein historical accuracy is the goal, greater accuracy is better and accuracy is determined to the greatest part by documentation. Why then, within this context, should we not consider those making the greatest achievements, be it in material goods or skill sets, our elite? How does this recognition within our ranks differ that which happens without? From that which happens in the majority of "best pirate" contests held at festivals, parties, and pubs, wherein the most fantastic and gaudy costume is the sure fire winner over anything remotely historically accurate? Why should those whose passion springs from history not have safe harbor? Why no refuge for the historians?
  2. FYI: the problem with the first link is that the "." is still at the end the destination URL. It was removed from the display text, but not the address.
  3. Or you might just grab some wire and pliers and go about making a few yourself...
  4. Aw...wot!?! I modeled my hat after your planters hat, Mission! Figured I could do the doctorin' till the doctor comes along... Seriously though, I am overdue getting photos posted!
  5. May the wee lad recover fully and rapidly, an' teach those doctors a thing or two ta'boot!
  6. Strange timing, but via the Frontier Folk board I just was alerted to this: Cannon blasts ramrod into bystander. You have to love this quote though: "It can be tricky stuff when you’re dealing with gunpowder," said Dan Donahue, the fort’s safety officer.
  7. A wrongful death case is relatively cheap and easy compared to, say, Mission suffered a traumatic brain injury because of a cannon and will require skilled nursing care for the rest of his projected life expectancy.
  8. Sadly Biggins...now there's a Hobbit name, if'n I e'er 'eard one!
  9. Awaiting pictures with 'bated breath.
  10. Out here, in the wildest regions of the pacific northwest, the preferred term is Free Range Pyrate.
  11. I think Shayna beat you to it! See: http://www.dresslikeapirate.com/
  12. I wholeheartedly agree, and in this context see this conversation as not about a clash of "elites" vs "others" but rather of those students who show up and pay attention vs. the class clown or those that cut class altogether.
  13. Well, yes, perhaps the latter does have me more on edge than usual.
  14. With all due respect, this appears a thread whose only intent is to disparage reenactors with an interest in authenticity. Once again I offer Alan Gutchess's A Modest Proposal, this time drawing your attention to paragraph 16.
  15. Perhaps it's time to throw this spanner into the works: A Modest Proposal.
  16. Could you please point me towards your documentation for these early boxlocks? Not being argumentative here, really. It's just that I have been given to understand that the boxlock, though developed in the second quarter of the 18th century, didn't become popular/common until the last quarter of the 18th century. The 16th century seems very early for such a lock.
  17. To my mind, at least, as pyrates we have a fundamental paradox to over come: Teach? Act? As pyrates, when not actually engaged in criminal activities would we draw attention to the fact? No sir! No pyrates here! Nothing to see here at all... Now, this legitimate sea-going businessman will return you to your former discussion and go back to his lurking and plotting in the darker corners of the pub...
  18. Early for a boxlock, no?
  19. One of the "Great Truths" of gun buying is that you get what you pay for. Good and cheap do not come together !! The positive side of this is that if you buy quality, you only have to buy it once. >>>>> Cascabel True enough, but I assumed in this case that the commonly available replicas would qualify as good enough and cheap enough. Some will call me wrong on both counts!
  20. Keep your eye to the boards lad, keep your eyes to the boards! There are a few merchants on this board that have good deals regularly. For example, I recently picked up one of the Murdoch pistols Callenish Gunner offered here: Pistols. When you buy from him you get a piece that's been set up, proofed, and is re4ady to fire out of the box. In the case of this deal he's offered on the Murdoch's (check with him to see if he's still got them at this price), you get all that below the MSRP too. But also look to the trading post, round robin, and classified sections of other reenactment boards. You can find good deals on used gear out there too. I found my first firearms that way and saved a few hundred dollars by doing so.
  21. That's much better! Very good work sir! Now, since you are following my instructions so nicely, please crate her up and ship her to me.
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