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Tartan Jack

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Everything posted by Tartan Jack

  1. I missed this thread previously (popped up in my absence) . . . I think it is important to remember the flux of the terms we are discussing here. Tartan originally referenced a particular tough wool fabric, known as "hard tartan" by the 19th century. Plaid is simply the Scots term for a blanket. So, a "belted plaid" is a blanket worn through the use of a belt. At some point, the term "tartan" shifted from the material itself to the patterns of color of the weave. The point of transition isn't really certain. The pattern-syle we NOW know as "tartan" is very, very old, but tartan scholars end up debating when the term "tartan" took this meaning and what it was called before. The idea of a "clan tartan" is much, much later and first really shows up around 1800. The period around 1800 is MAJOR for tartan research, as it is a/the major turning point in the history of tartan and kilts. Many of the tartan and kilt myths show up suddenly right then, influenced by the confluence of "Romantic" writers like Walter Scott, Robert Burns, and their compatriots, the rise of the Industrial Age and the large woolen mills in Scotland and northern England, and a royal visit by King George III. I could go on and on here, but that's enough for now . . . That leads to the relevant point here: I'm not convinced that "tartan" there (in Foxe's references) necessarily means "tartan patterned" as we understand now. It could just as easily mean "Hard Tartan" fabric. In general, the term "plaid" in period refers directly to a blanket (patterned or solid), not anything else. As for tartan jackets, there are LOTS of pictorial examples of Scots in tartan jackets and coats from the late 1600s through the 1745. BUT, I wouldn't want a mad rush of pirates in tartan jackets at reenactments. I'd prefer to be the ONLY one, as my name IS Tartan Jack (implying that I wear tartan, which itself is off and makes me stand out as unusual). If you DO make one, have a HECK of a good reason to have it there.
  2. Hey everyone! I've been off for a while. The "period" reason is that I was in hiding from a botched raid. That's now blown over . . . Real reason: Got logged off and couldn't figure out how to get back on (Username and password confusion). Then, I got busy with family, car mods, and a new job. I recovered the headliner in Wallace tartan, chosen for a number of reasons. Plus, the red, black, and yellow works REAL well w/ pirate flags and so forth (black is most common now, but they also used red and -as Foxe points out- once used mostly yellow). I'm going to make a Wallace tartan "Jolly Roger" for car shows and events. Here is my car: I'm redoing these seats to match the red/black headliner. I've named it "Stirling," after the Scottish town/city where William Wallace had his greatest victory, biggest defeat, and where Robert the Bruce won independence in 1314. The name also alludes to the silver color. Plus, it sounds like a period name for a sloop . . .
  3. On the fabric . . . it was supposed to be purple and green when I ordered it. It wasn't. As for the last battle . . . I was planning to die, but no one fired in my general direction. Swords don't kill from afar. The hand healed just fine. I like the commentary, will read it more closely when I have time.
  4. Congrats . . . But . . . Where are the pictures?
  5. Make it a Star Wars tie in . . . (See http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Pirate for the relevant take on space pirates) IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN CAPTAIN BLOOD, THE BELOW IS PACKED WITH SPOILERS!!!!! A group of Rebels get captured and Peter Blood (or Petre Blud) gets arrested by Stormtroopers, convicted, then taken away to a slave colony on some far away planet named Jamaiicae or Barrbaydas. There, they rebel and escape to become space pirates, flying the Blazing Claw of many holopix classics. After the death of Palpatine over Endor, a group from the Rebel Alliance/New Republic some track down Blood and his gang, with the relevant ending. Of course, more can be written in parallel, but that would just give too much of the classic film's plot to anyone who hasn't seen it!
  6. Relevant page on IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1272881/ I don't pave Pro, so I get nothing from it.
  7. Please say that was JUST a stupid rumor . . . PLEASE! That sounds like an awful idea and I'm sure Hollywood will find a way to make it bad. That said, I can almost hear the meeting . . . "Pirates of the Caribbean was a hit and they/we are making a fourth. We need to get the Captain Blood project going, ASAP." "But, can we compete with PotC head to head?" "I doubt it. Plus, we will be compared to the one that Errol Flynn made a few years ago." "Wasn't the last Star Trek a big hit? What about the one with alien robots? Pixar did well with Wall-E too." "I have an idea, let's make Captain Blood, but set it in space! No one has made a SPACE pirate movie before!" ----- (Just forget Treasure Panet, plus loads of flops and b-movies.) "Now, THAT sounds like a great idea. Take the best from pirate movies and space movies and combine them!" "So, it is decided. Let's get Captain Blood rolling, but we will set it in space. Let's have people talk."
  8. Welcome, pull up a chair, stool, or barrel and join in the conversation. Oh, and make sure the barrel is EMPTY! A few have been known to be less that friendly when a full one is discovered left in the open. A certain Canadian steals them outright . . .
  9. What do we need to bring/what will be provided?
  10. Well . . . Crap . . . I was going to buy some at Paynetown, but some Canadian bought it out from under me. Now, I must add shipping to it . . .
  11. From experience, observation, and reading, the "nouveau-riche" are almost ALWAYS over the top and tend to be the most gaudy, as they spend money on odd things they wanted but could never afford. Ex. Who (in modern times) buys the pink mansion, gold plated furniture, and showy yard crap? Not the vanderbilts, Rothchilds, Kennedys, or Ted Turner. It is the rap star, sports star, computer millionaire, and the others new to high cash-flow. It is the staid rich that tend to be more conservative and "think nothing" of showy crap, as they could have always gotten it, so it doesn't have the desirability or "cache" that makes it attractive to those newly-rich. If one is playing the "nouveau-riche" go as over-the-top as possible, as someone striving to disassociate themselves with their humbler beginnings and enjoying the "good life" that are now able to afford. -Just my observation and opinion.
  12. I SO want money . . . So many COOL things available. If it isn't snapped up and I am able to free-up money from somewhere, I want it.
  13. Ah . . . George Barris' slightly altered and repainted 1955 Ford Futura show car! The original look: More info on the original conversion: http://www.javelinamx.com/batmobile/cinefan1.htm
  14. Actually, he originally SAID "vehicle" . . . A ship is a vehicle, isn't it? That way, I would like a tall ship, authentic looking, but with solar powered, non-breaking motors to operate the sails and rigging, so no pesky CREW to worry about appeasing . . . With 20-30 cannons, or so. And with a nice main cabin and a well stocked kitchen and hold. I get to have whoever I want aboard and no reason to press. Hoist the flag and happy sailing!
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA It's in Beyond Piracy, so that doesn't matter . . . Sexy boots!
  16. That isn't undoable! A company in Colorado is importing a version of the Westfield SE (close enough to a 7 to have caused lawsuits), but that uses Miata running gear! http://www.flyinmiata.com/westfield/
  17. I'm also rather fond of the Mercedes 300SL and 300SLR, original versions:
  18. Cord 812: Or a Bugatti Type 57 Atlantic And: McLaren F1: 3-seater with AMAZING performance As it is, I drive: The Scion is a very practical vehicle, with surprising performance! It can carry a HECK of a lot. The Miata is just simply a BLAST to drive, esp. on mountain twisties.
  19. Grape Shot (Sounds like a drink, doesn't it.)
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