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Tartan Jack

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Everything posted by Tartan Jack

  1. A well done accent is fine. The problem is that many are awful. It may be OK to the uneducated horde, but sound simply dreadful to someone who knows what it is supposed to sound like. I am from the American South and know a proper Southern accent. Yet, many attempts in TV and movies make me CRINGE and take away from whatever is being shown. As for my own accent, I am trying to create characters that allow me to use my own accent. Fortunately, the Carolinas (where I live) was a prominent settlement at the time . . . where many got exiled from the British Isles in period. So, it is easy. Some of my own ancestors were exiles to the Carolinas in the early 18th C.
  2. Thanks Foxe. Zorro comes through, again. Can you detail or link the relevant garment in the 1730s ASC set? I might want to make one based upon that.
  3. As I can't seem to find an existent thread on the topic (or my searches just weren't good) . . . What are PERIOD ways to stay warm? What do we KNOW they used shipboard? There are several option in period on land, but what about by a sailor on ship? - And list sources for opinions, please. If it is a guess, educated or not, please say so. Answer types, please indicate: - Period/primary source backed evidence, proven fact. (cite sources) - Educated guess based on period sources. (state sources) - Educated guess based on living history/reenacting experience - Belief, but no real source evidence. - Guess.
  4. To answer the question . . . A Scots bonnet flat-cap, as seen in the picture of the Highlander in the belted plaid: - Yes, they are of the period, VERY strongly associated with Scots (who were even nickamed Bluebonnets after their almost general usage headwear), and could have easily been worn by a Scot traveling or exiled. The one in you first post: No, as that cut dates from 150 years post-17-teens.
  5. THANKS! Come Nov, I'll be wearing several layers. One will likely be a THICK pair of wool trousers . . . (Those are quite period, and warm.) Come to think of it, what would be a period good winter coat? I'm guessing a heavy weight wool seaman's jacket worn over several other wool seaman jackets . . . Historical note: The finds that the classic patterns are based on included several sets of clothing worn atop one another in layers. At least one was a "victim" of exposure, despite all the layers.
  6. Close ups of the open kneed breeches: Heavy gray wool- Linen-
  7. What I understand (may be wrong): The Scots bonnet developed along two main lines: The "cocked" version, which became what we call the Balmoral. One side was reinforced to hold itself up. That spawned the Glengarry and a few others. The "pulled forward" version, which added a bill and reinforcement to hold it forward. I don't recall when that paneled version came into vogue. I think it was during the Victorian era. It has that "feel" and cut to it. I do know that the ghillies at Balmoral during Victoria's reign wore them.
  8. From what I recall . . . It is a formalized version of the Scots bonnet, which was/is somewhat akin to a beret. The Scots tended to pull it forward to keep the rain off their face, and the sun in the few times it poked through. Image from 1641: Note the hat position in a number of these:
  9. Jen Edit: Wrong word . . . (jumped to an old post) Icee
  10. I'm coming, for SURE now! Bracketing the weekend will be blackpowder weapons training at Charles Towne Landing (in Charleston, SC). On the first, it is firearms, while on the 15th, it is cannon. I'm QUITE excited!
  11. Happy, happy Birthday! Now, blow up something to celebrate!!!!
  12. Welcome to the Pub. You'll find many here that love to create a good yarn, some that like to tell them, and some that live them. And where would "local" be? - That would be a start.
  13. As I am planning to come and it is about 9 hours driving for me (each way), according to Google Maps . . . Is there possible arrangements to stay somewhere Sun. night and leave Monday morning, rather than late on Sunday? I am asking as there is likely more than just me . . .
  14. Ya'll have GOT to watch this video! http://video.telegraph.co.uk/services/player/bcpid1137883380?bctid=17075685001
  15. What a shock! Several hundred years of reports and practice might have been wrong . . . Good to know it wasn't.
  16. I saw the ships as they left Charleston, SC. It was more by luck than plan. We had planned a family vacation there and arrived the day they were leaving and went to the beach to see them go. If I had realized it was that weekend, I would have come earlier! Do'h!
  17. Are you planning on camping with us/Micky? I'll be there Thursday evening and I need to know how much space to reserve. Anyone else - Rats? Mark I am. Is there something else I need to register for? This is my first time there. I'm coming up on Thursday. Friday sounds like too much fun to miss!
  18. I'm planning on coming down and joining the Mercury crew. That is IF they will accept me and grant me admittance to their crew for the week. Edit: I may also "help" Bagley with an additional red coat impression as well (for certain actions/demonstrations), IF I get the kit together in time.
  19. I did it. I've now registered and will be borrowing Mickey and Kate's old tent, as offered. Who should I expect to see there? How hot will it probably be? -I'm not used to Indiana weather. I live the hot and humid Carolinas, so I'm used to that. What should I likely expect for an Indiana summer? (I posted this in last year's thread then realized it WAS last year's thread. Mea culpa.)
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