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Tartan Jack

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Everything posted by Tartan Jack

  1. May we pass one another on the interstate . . . Each arriving at the intended destination.
  2. I was thinking of going as a spectator, but was pushed by several to go to Paynetown as a participant and period camper. So, I made plans for there. I had not realized they were the same weekend. Therefore, I must miss the closer one for the one further away from me. I'll be in Paynestown.
  3. To throw my small thought in . . . In that particular jacket, the dorsets look real good. You can always use pewter on other jackets too. Like someone else said: many have pewter ones. How many have dorset ones?
  4. I can't wait for the release. Not having read the series, I don't know the characters' descriptions in them nor the specific novels. I do recall M&C being altered notably from the original books and being a combo of several. The Frenchmen was originally the Constitution or a sister ship and the Constitution served as the model for the one in the movie. Which novel was that in and which American ship was the Surprise fighting? That makes me wonder is the new one will be closely tied to the novel of the same name or be a departure of it an combined with elements from other novels, like the first film. Personally, I would love to see a series done based on the Aubrey series like was done for the Hornblower series.
  5. I'm planning on coming. It is approx. 9 hours, one way. I'll register . . . eventually. As it looks like I'm borrowing a tent from Mickey and Kate, I will probably ACTUALLY sleep near by. Otherwise, I'll cram myself into the back of my Scion . . . Edit: It is actually 9 hours and 550 miles, one way.
  6. Sounds like everyone had a BLAST! - Some quite literally. In Nov., I'll be there!
  7. I had that problem too. I found it under my user name on the top right hand corner. It has the user menu under it. I first tried as I noticed the little arrow/triangle.
  8. I don't know if you changed settings, but it seems to work better now. I "nuked" the unread posts ("Mark Board As Read" in the small print on the very bottom) and now it shows unread new posts, even those previously read. (YEA!) Also, "Today's active content" on the bottom shows ALL new post threads in last 24 hours. VERY useful.
  9. How much for one similar to the one you showed on this thread? I am interested in Jacobite as well as pirate reenactment. I need one that could be accurate for the 1715, which would mean it is also good got the 1745 and for the GAoP. I also need to get a dirk. I may just buy one readymade, as they seem pretty accurate. Do you make those too? - My thought is that a good dirk could be used for my on-board weapon and the baskethilt for landed. As for accuracy . . . I am more along the lines of Black John's group than the less historical stuff. I want as accurate as possible. I've heard GREAT things about you and your blades. You can respond my PM. I tried to send this to you that way, but your PM box is full.
  10. The reason I am curious . . . I am thinking of coming down this December, IF I can get into the period camp grounds (and the recently noted 150 people allowed). As I don't think anyone I am presently attached is coming down, I need a crew and the Mercury folks include many of the people on here I like a lot. My persona would be a sail/flag maker. I am slowly looking into what tools I would need and how to abtain them.
  11. As it is an .exe file, mac users are outta luck on that one.
  12. I just might take ya'll up on that! I need to talk to Mickey about some stuff anyways . . . By the time I get there, I'll probably be the stinkier one. I'll spend a long day driving before hand.
  13. Where else would I sleep? I need somewhere to duck in case it rains . . . You and Kate wouldn't mind an extra person in the tent, right? You know I don't have and can't get a tent right now! I'm just having to use several wool blankets.
  14. Sounds interesting! Got a name and/or picts?
  15. But, it isn't showing threads like the "pirates decent" one when new posts are made, at least for me. The Twill ones don't show up, nor several of the other forums. I have to look individual forums to find threads I have been following which have new posts but are not in the New Posts. It looks like only completely unread threads are showing up, not ones I have read and posted in. Am I seeing that right?
  16. Thanks, Stynky for all that your doing on here!
  17. Hydrophobia. (What a pirate or ANY seaman must NOT have!)
  18. Am I the only one where "new posts" doesn't seem to include all the new posts? - When I hit that, it only shows a few from today, while when I hit the individual forums, I see a lot more new posts.
  19. I have a friend in Walhalla, SC willing and able to make me a glazed earthware cup/tankard in any style I want for a decent price. What I need to know is exactly WHAT an appropriate shape would be. I don't have access to reliable documentation right now and on-line searches have failed to turn up reliable info. So, I turn to the members of this board for recommendations!
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