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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. I be late with me heart felt best wishes lass. i be sorry. hope your day was grand. Scupper
  2. Aye I have at the marine barracks in DC. I have alot of marine friends as well as a nephew in the Corps. I was very VERY moved. Scupper
  3. As a veteran, I was touched by this story and the Solidiers dedication. I saw it once before during the Blizzard of 78 when they had paced there post during the storm and at the end you could just see the tops of their rifles as they continued their vigil. I had forgotten that. As always as the holidays draw near, I think of my fellow sailors and the men and women of the other services serving in harm's way. I wish and hope for the eventual peace that will allow them all to come home safe and sound. Kevin Scupper Burke US NAVY 1979 to 1985
  4. ou be needing vitamin e.c b, b12 and calicium. Have a Guiness and a shot of Jamersons. It may not cure, but you feel better. Sorry you be down mate. Best wishes and a speedy recovery. Scupper
  5. AHHH A Spice cake is it. Well i be thanking ye me lovely. And I'll use Champagne mad Woman so as not to get you too stcky. Scupper
  6. AHH Me thanks me mates. Tis done a black heart proud to be remembered this day. I'll be drinking a Guiness to each of you! Scupper
  7. Aye. I be in the same boat. A working blade and no sheath. I'll post as soon as I can. Scupper
  8. Welcome back mate. ye been missed. Best wishes . scupper
  9. Happy Birthday Captain!!!! Me tankard raised to ye! Scupper
  10. Happy Birthday lass! Me tankard be raised to ye!!! Scupper
  11. Alas No Mr hawkyns i can't attend. Couldn't get day off. But i'll email you my work number and can meet you for lunch. Give me a call and i'll see you there. Scupper
  12. " uses dirk" there once was a man from Nantucket who's cannon was so long he kept it in a bucket when asked what he would do he said he find him some glue And onto the wall he stuck it
  13. Tired of shivering your own timbers? have no bed warmer to call your own? Are your ashes piled too high and need to be hauled? Thne dail 1 800 RENT A WENCH. Choose from our large selection of capable wenches. Red Heads, we have. Blondes, no problem. Ladies of the Orient, shipped in fresh. You name it, we have it or will plunder to order. To place an order, send 100 pounds gold or equal amount of plunder to. Scupper Wench masteThe hanged man Pub Isle of man Money back never guranteed. All purchases are final.
  14. ROFOL! Aye ye did. "takes dirk from his sheath" There once was a lass named Claire Who's looks made me gasp for air when asked "if she'd like to see mine" She said "sure but just don't have the time" So here I sit alone to pine!!!
  15. LOL And that big floppy stick is like an arrow to hit the rigging right? I'd give me left n*t to be aboard. I be trying to transfer. Scupper
  16. In keeping with learning about our trade. i was wondering if anyone could discribe the parts, types, loading, sighting and other related knowledge to do with cannons, thier use and upkeep. My thanks Scupper
  17. happy Birthday me lass! A bottle of me private reserve for ye. Scupper
  18. Learn something new each day. My thanks mate Stynky. I'll be sending them to ye Scupper
  19. Tis never a glad story when a bonny lass sails the surface no more. I raise my tankard to sucess in raising her from Neptune's grasp. Scupper
  20. My thanks Mr Hawkyns. I can tell be mates with you will be an enlightening experience as I love history as well as piracy. Scupper
  21. I need your help mates. I have some pics of me uploaded. the problem being is they're group shots. Does any one have a program or way to "crop" me out? My thanks for any assistance Scupper
  22. Excellent. can you pay at the door? Scupper
  23. Mr Hawkyns. Do you have any pictures or links for your fire starter setup and pipe with case? I'd be interested in seeing one to duplicate for myself. Scupper
  24. Good luck mate. Hope all turns out well. Scupper
  25. I say we nick him and troll him for bait behind the boat. After all. Sharks have to eat too. Scupper
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