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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Michael, As to sleeping in the Fort, there is a chance. It's not so much as rules changing but safety. There are a lot of condemned areas to work around. What I'm not sure of is how much has been repaired during this year and what areas are open. I will get an answer for you asap. I'm sure we can work out the tent issue if needed. Edward and I will be bringing all our weapons and quite honestly, I doubt I'll do much shooting so you are welcome to use mine.
  2. If you would like to help us spread the word about this years event, feel free to use this banner, created by William Red Wake, in your signatures, websites, facebook pages, etc. Thank you all for your continued support.
  3. Same with me. No issues logging in but it doesn't remember my password. I use firefox also.
  4. I'll throw my name into the ring on behalf of the Dead Man's Chest auction for Fort Taylor.
  5. Thank you Bo. Fayma still has the chest and we use it year to year. Although, last year it was a little hard prying it out of her hands. She loves it so much. Your forged items are always such a bit hit and greatly appreciated.
  6. For those of you that are planning to donate items and need to ship things ahead of time, please contact Scarlet Jai for shipping information. jaisomers@yahoo.com Once again, Thank You all for your generosity.
  7. Oh my . I don't wanna know what you two have planned. I know what ever it is, it's going to be awesome.
  8. I'm looking forward to you being the auctioneer Chrispy too.
  9. You are correct in a sense. It was two years ago that there was a sign up sheet on the pub that had all kinds of extra duties required of us. However, gate watch and volunteers to be the town crier were the only additional responsibilities last year as well as for this year. Living history demonstrations have always been expected of us even though this expectation might not have been enforced. All auction proceeds go to the "Friends of the Fort", which go directly to the preservation and restoration of Fort Taylor. This registration fee is being required of us by the Florida State Park Service, to cover the cost of powder, overtime, etc. and therefore, is not under our control. Everyone is free to choose how they feel about having to pay this fee and you certainly have a right to your feelings. I can think of so many people that have very generously donated their time, money, goods and talents to the benefit of Fort Taylor and the success of this event. Every effort that people have put forth is greatly appreciated and we certainly couldn't have come this far without all of you.
  10. Wow, who have you been talking to? While it is true that we have to stand gate duties, that has been in effect for the past several years. No one is being asked to pick up others trash or clean bathrooms. Everyone is responsible for their own trash, just like last year and it is the responsibility of the members of the encampment to keep their area's presentable for the public. That's just common sense. As for the registration fee, we fully understand that this fee is upsetting. However, it's always been the policy at Fort Taylor to charge participants for events. Civil War Days charges $5.00 per day. Since this is a non camping Park, the cost of having us there increases the man power and the Park cannot afford it. We have been fortunate over the years to not be charged this fee and they agreed to only charge $5,00 for the entire weekend. Unfortunately, in this economy, they felt that it was necessary to bring this event in line with all the other events currently being hosted at the Park. This fee helps to cover the cost of the extra man hours, insurance, black powder, etc. It is not unprecedented for events to charge a participant fee. I'm sorry that you feel this fee is unreasonable and that it's preventing your participation to this event.
  11. On behalf of the Friends of Fort Taylor and the Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion, Ahoy!!! The dates for this year's Invasion will be December 2-4, 2011. Registration forms are now available. http://iammaryread.c...lunteerReg.docx If you have any issues opening the file, email me and I'll send a copy in another format. Please see the attachments at the bottom for the Event Participant Guidelines and the Black Powder Safety Rules To ensure a quick and painless check-in upon arrival, all participants are required to register in advance. One form is necessary for each individual. If you are planning on attending or participating (battles, living history demo’s, etc…) in any event inside Fort Taylor, please take a few minutes to fill out our registration form and return it to me by email lilyalexander@frontiernet.net or fax (877) 643-3874. Due to increased cost of hosting an event in a State Park, there is now a $5.00 registration fee due for all participants over the age of 16. This fee is payable upon check-in. Once your registration form has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation that includes encampment information for both those camping and those staying outside the Fort, along with other important information. The deadline for registration forms is November 1st. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us: jaisomers@yahoo.com or lilyalexander@frontiernet.net We thank you and appreciate your participation and are looking forward seeing you at the Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion. FTPI Black Powder Safety Rules 11.pdf FTPI Event Participant Guidlines 11.pdf Edit: Additional cannon procedures 10/24/2011 Additional cannon procedures.pdf We hope you will also join us on our Facebook page http://www.facebook....30021940343737/ Fort taylor Pyrate Invasion Website: http://www.forttaylorpyrates.com/ YHS, Captain Scarlett Jai Event Coordinator jaisomers@yahoo.com Lily Alexander Camp Mom lilyalexander@frontiernet.net
  12. awesome
  13. LOL, I didn't know there was a storage building by the horses. Do you know how to make fake rocks and fruit?
  14. I wonder which storage facility they got moved to? Most of the Fort storage is condemned for safety reasons so things got moved all around. We'll find them for this year.
  15. On behalf of the Friends of Fort Taylor and the Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion, Ahoy !!! While I’m saddened that there is a chance that Fayma and Papa might not be there this year, I’m going to have confidence that they will. Papa is going to have a full and speedy recovery and we’ll be seeing Mama’s smiling face running around all over the Fort. On the other hand, I’m really excited to be working with Jai this year. I’m even looking forward to meeting the new guy. But most of all, I’m looking forward to being “Camp Mom” again and working to make this year the best Pyrate Invasion yet. Within the next couple of days, a mass email will be sent to all past participants. If you registered last year and included your email address on the registration form, you should be receiving this email. If you do not receive it, and would like to be included in future mailings, pm me your email address. If you receive this email but do not want to be included in our mass mailings, please hit reply and type in “remove” in the subject line. For your privacy and to prevent spam and hackers, all recipients will be undisclosed. YHS, Lily Alexander Camp Mom Mass email sent on Oct. 5.
  16. Thank you for the offer to help Mission. I just might take you up on that
  17. Stynky is correct. There are a few minor details to be sorted out but everything is still according to plan. The event itself will be about the same as last year and as soon as we get these pesky details defined, we'll have all the information out asap. I'm so glad you have your tent space picked out, It'll be great to see you again Stynky.
  18. She belongs to the Vigilant Crew
  19. She can contact Fayma or me at lilyalexander@frontiernet.net
  20. Yes, we do have a facebook group that is scheduled to be updated/archived. We are also working on a new website. Once we get more details finalized, we'll be posting the information in as many places as possible.
  21. I know one NY girl that can.
  22. I've seen your chocolate demo. That would be awesome. But so would the spinning. I hope you guys can make it. I'll even let you borrow my chocolate pot :)
  23. Thank you all for the Birthday wishes. I had a very peaceful day and am very grateful to my pirate family for making a rainy nasty day feel like a day full of sunshine. Love & hugs to you all.
  24. Happy Belated Birthday !!!
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