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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Thank you Syren and what fine company it is. What Kind of pie are you in the mood for? I think I would like some apple.
  2. Ooooo, hot chocolate. I would love some also, William. Can I get mine with marshmallows and some kahlua, please?
  3. Graham, they did have to be cut down a little. At first my hubby was afraid to cut them, so we took them to a shoe maker. The shoe maker was a little ole Italian guy that kindly instructed my hubby in the fine uses of the highly technical tool known as an exacto knife. . Hubby had no problem at all cutting them down.
  4. When God made little boys, he made them out of string He had a little left, so he made a little thing. When God made little girls, he made them out of lace He ran a little short, so he left a little space Thank God
  5. Graham, I ordered a pair of concords for my husband 1/2 size larger than his normal shoe. We also used GOF's buckles and they look great. As for the larger size, we figured after running around all day, feet tend to swell a little, that and he wanted to get a pair of insoles to help cushion the bottom. I have a pair of ladies fugawee's, that I wore to the ren faire. I didn't use insoles and my poor feet were killing me. Everyone that I have dealt with from Fugawee have been wonderful. As long as you don't put holes in them, if there is a problem with size, they can be returned. Good luck.
  6. Watching the Ace of Cakes on the Food Network. The show is kind of boring but the cakes they create are pretty amazing.
  7. Well, as a hint, Goldeneye isn't the movie I'm referring to. The quotes are from the same movie spoken by two characters.
  8. Yeah, it was definitely the sound file that did it for me. I know this should be an easy one. "I'm invincible" "You're a looney"
  9. I think I've finally got one. "Animal House"
  10. Absolutely BriarRose. Your dinner sounds wonderful also. Mmmmm, baked ham, maybe I'll make that this weekend.
  11. We're having grilled pork chops, green beans, corn on the cob and stuffing made with apples, raisins, cheddar cheese and orange juice. Sounds like a strange taste combination, I know, but it's really good.
  12. Thanks Graydog, I almost spit my coffee all over the computer screen (Bad mental image) Thanks for the laugh.
  13. Good topic BriarRose. I used to collect so many things that I've gotten rid of or put many into storage. Lets see, there's oriental silk fans. Some are as large as 5 or 6 feet wide. Unfortunately we ran out of wall space, so they are in storage. I should pass them along but I can't seem to part with them yet. Coral, sea shells and interesting rocks. These are spread about all over the place. Shelves, hung on walls and in the bathroom. Coffee mugs. Everyplace my husband and I have ever been, we've purchased a coffee mug. Needless to say most are in storage. But it is fun to take them out every once in a while to see where we have been or change the rotation. My favorite is our christmas ornaments. Each year we buy one special ornament to symbolize an event that occurred that year. I know what this year will be even though the event hasn't ocurred yet. Must have something PIP related.
  14. The candle scent for today is eucalyptus and autumn leaves. I'm so ready for fall to get here.
  15. Jenny and BriarRose, Thank you both so much for your thoughts and prayers. Between that and the new meds, she seems to be breathing a little easier. At least I'm not hearing the wheezing and rattling as much. No sound is a wonderful sound. A wee one dancing, now that would be a sight for sore eyes.
  16. Thank you Jenny. Your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated. The vet made her stay for a few hours so she could do some type of proceedure to take a tissue sample of her lungs. We won't know for sure until the results come back on Monday. We're still hoping for pneumonia. It's either that or the big "C". I'm just glad she is home. In the meantime, I'm camping out on the air mattress in the livingroom so she's not alone and I can be near in case something happens.
  17. The sound of my poor sick dog wheezing and coughing.
  18. ^ Survival tip #1. Don't go to Vegas in August. lol. I also always carry granola bars, maybe some trail mix, any needed meds and hand sanitizer. I'm so glad it's almost fall. Definitely my favorite time of year. Pass the question
  19. A very large bowl of chocolate chip ice cream with chocolate syrup
  20. Thank you BriarRose. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. I'll keep you posted.
  21. Very worried. I had to take one of my dogs back to the vet (She's been sick for a couple of weeks). They ended up keeping her there to have some proceedure to take a sample out of her lungs. We're hoping it's pnumonia. Odd thing to hope for but the other alternative is worse. At least I'll be able to bring her home tonight. She is the sweetest most loveable dog I've ever known. I pray she is going to be all right. This just isn't my week.
  22. Thats awsome BriarRose. I've never done belly dancing, but it looks like a lot of fun. Hope you have a wonderful time tonight. My poor dog has had a bad cough for 2 weeks now. She's had xrays, tests and antibiotics but she's not getting better. I really hope she gets well soon. I feel so bad for her.
  23. Busy day today. Sewing a new costume for our stirring witch, placing an order for severed heads and masks, and taking my poor sick dog to the vet. BriarRose, what kind of dance class are you taking? Hester, sorry about your hair cut. I had one so bad once my husband told me when I got home, "Dont worry honey, you can get it fixed". It was horrible. The next person I went to to "fix it" actually called the guy and made him give me my money back.
  24. GW is the only game I know. Well, that and 7th Guest. Thats pretty sad. lol
  25. Playing "Guild Wars". Nothing like good ole fashion hacking an slashing on the computer.
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