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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Tom, what a noble and worthy effort. A very dear friend of mine from high school suffered from such an illness. There was nothing I could do for her then but there is something I can do now. The directed blood drive you mentioned in the original post is a wonderful idea. Perhaps a donation box could be set up at PIP as well to help with medical costs. With such a large amount of pyrates and patrons attending the festival, I'm sure even spare change will add up quickly. Syren, I'm truely sorry to hear of your health issues. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Most Sinerely, Lily
  2. Well, it's almost 3am and I'm wide awake. I didn't sleep much last night so I should be tired, but...........................I'm not. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  3. Recently went sailing in San Francisco without a camera. (Glad you liked the hot cocoa recipe)
  4. Very cool Tom. I'm thinking I might just have to make one of those for our haunt, also. Thanks for the links.
  5. ^ Is working on an interesting Halloween prop that I hope turns out as good as it sounds. I'd love to see the finished product, or at least hear about it.
  6. Lily's heart dances with glee as the sweet sound of music fills the air. "Would someone care to join me in a dance?"
  7. Cookie dough ice cream
  8. Tonight was paprika chicken with a sherry cream sauce, served over egg noodles and tossed salad.
  9. This pyrate haunt preview just posted to another list.
  10. For those of you interested in Halloween, the Anatomical Chart Company is having a sale which ends August 31st. The URL is http://www.anatomical.com/bcategory.asp?c=7 No min order: SMALL BAG OF BONES BONES2 Was 31.95 Now $ 7.98 LIFE SIZE SKEL HAND LEFT CH10HANDL Was 6.95 Now $ 2.75 LIFE SIZE SKEL HAND RIGHT CH10HANDR Was 6.95 Now $ 2.75 BUDGET ARM W/HAND RIGHT 4 CH46R/D Was 12.95 Now $ 5.48 BAT SKELETON MODEL CHBAT Was 65 Now $15.95 PAIR BROWN EYEBALLS BLISTER PK CHE1B Was 3.5 Now $ 1.25 EYEBALL W/VESSELS 2PC SOFT CHE2 Was 3.95 Now $1.25 CLEAR SKULL WITH 3 REMOV TEETH CS20CL Was 37.95 Now $12.00 BONEYARD SEESAW W/SKELETONS SEESAW Was 59.95 Now $19.98 SKULL FOOTED BOWL SFB1 Was 46.95 Now $19.98 SPIDER BART 4TH QUALITY SPID2 Was 99.95 Now $35.00 BONEYARD SWING SET W/SKELETONS SWING Was 65.95 Now $23.95 GIANT SKULL NATURAL COLOR VB20 Was 48.95 Now $17.00 GIANT SKULL SILVER/BLACK COLOR VB20S Was 48.95 Now $17.00 MR. THRIFTY SKULL 4TH QUALITY WCPSD Was 6.95 Now $ 2.48 Min order of 10 to get these prices: BUCKY SKELETON, 4TH QUALITY CH10D 159.95 $ 60.00 4TH CLS BUDGET BART SKELETON CH95D4 79.95 $ 32.48 PM me for information on how to order. Happy Haunting
  11. Spoken with a sly sheepish grin, 'tis been a long time since I've tasted me fathers cooking. A toast to you, and your fine establishment.
  12. Thank you, sah. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. I say, in all my travels I have never come across fare as fine as this.
  13. "No apologies necessary sah, the food here must be fine indeed to be wearing it so proudly"
  14. Lily enters the Kate for the first time and sits at a table not far from a man sleeping in his gravy. May I see a menu, please?
  15. a rising green cloud
  16. many jaws dropped open
  17. Rocks (breaks scissors...)
  18. ^Is Captain of the Watch Dog and very helpful to new pyrates. (Thank you William)
  19. ^ Went to a beach party today
  20. to all within earshot
  21. Then suddenly, he turned
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