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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Sweet Dreams tonight Captain Bo.
  2. Sorting through a box of masks and drinking a cup of hot chocolate.
  3. Sorting through boxes and bins full of Halloween stuff.
  4. Dinner Rolls (to soak up all that gravy)
  5. (to go with the) Turkey
  6. Today is the designated going through boxes and boxes of stuff day. Yippee!!! So far we have the new stone pillars constrcted & carved out and are almost ready to be painted. Once thats done, we can put up the fence and get the other things out and repaired. I really didnt want to do more tombstones this year but of course we're adding the newly deceased Potter characters. Why did she have to kill off so many? What are you using to carve your tombstones Patrick? Dremmel or exacto knife? It's been my experience when carving tombstones, that the 2" insulation (pink) foam, works much better than the other stuff. Easiest to carve and more durable.
  7. Glad you had a good time Briar. It's always nice to get together with old friends. As for me, I never did work on Halloween stuff. Instead, I ordered some wool for my ladies short jacket so I won't change my mind anymore. Finished a black silk chaperone so I won't have to wear a coif. Now I'm working on some hemp haversacks. See what a party animal I am when the hubby is workin'. PARTY!!!!!!!
  8. I hope you have a wonderful time on your picnic Briar. As for me, no picnic today. Hubby is working nights, so I'll probably work on some Halloween stuff.
  9. Desperately trying to pick a color for a ladies waistcoat. Maybe if I stare at them for a few more hours one will jump off the screen and smack me in the head and tell me "I'm the one dumb a**"
  10. Try this recipe William. Your arteries may curse me but your taste buds will be doing the "happy dance".
  11. I made this potato casserole the other night and thought it might be good for your baconfest celebrations. It's pretty hearty and will feed a lot of people. I would love to have one myself but timing isn't good this year. Twice-Baked Potato Casserole. 6 medium unpeeled potatoes, baked 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1 pound sliced bacon, cooked and crumbled 3 cups (24 oz) sour cream 2 cups (8 oz) shredded mozzarella cheese 2 cups )8 oz) shredded cheddar cheese 2 green onions, chopped Cut baked potatoes into 1" cubes. Place half in a greased 13x9x2 baking dish. Sprinkle with half of the salt, pepper and bacon. Top with half of the sour cream and cheeses. Repeat layers. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted. Sprinkle with onions.
  12. Well this isn't a Halloween story, but it's funny. I, and group of other dancer's, once performed a ballet dance with June bugs flying out of our tutu's. I consider that a malfunction of sorts.
  13. YW Briar. I didn't like the ending of that one either. OK, Here is a better guess. "It's a Wonderful Life" ???
  14. Hmmmm, here's a stab in the dark. "City of Angels" OK, that was silly. City of Angels isn't a B & W film. Should have checked ALL the clues.
  15. Watching a good size 8 point buck eat the apples off our tree. There's also a 6 pointer and some does that visit us on a regular basis. As long as they stay out of my lily garden, they can eat all the apples they want.
  16. My top ten: 1. Shift & Petticote 2. Stays 3. Mantua & Waistcoat 4. Shoes 5. Socks & Undergarments (Bloomers aren't pc but they are closer than cotton undies) 6. Hats, Coif, Chaperone, Kerchief, Pockets & Apron. (I still say the coif makes me look like an Amish Dumbo) 7. Eating Utencils: Knife/Fork, Spoon, Bowl, Cups, Waterskin 8. Pocket knife, Daggers & Thumping device 9. Wool Blanket and Hot Chocolate for those nights sitting around the fire 10. Willingness to learn from people that know a lot more than I do. And a big bottle of Rum for Patrick. OK, maybe it's a little more than 10 things, never could follow the rules.
  17. Well this certainly wasn't my intention for bringing back this thread. Patrick, I'm truely sorry and can empathize with your frustration but there will always be folks out there that do nothing but whine and complain. You know the saying about opinons and a**holes, everbody's got one.
  18. If nothing else Patrick, I care and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. I know going into PIP for the first time, I won't be perfect, but at least I know I've put an honest effort into doing the best I can. Poo, If I were perfect this time, I'd have nothing to look forward to next year. All I know is I'm having a heck of a good time researching, asking questions and learning new things. Let 'em whine.
  19. The sound of my cat's playing. It's almost 4am and it sounds like they're tearing the house apart.
  20. tripod (Most excellent race Mr. Tar. Until the next time)
  21. Don't worry Silkie, I'll get the keys somehow to let you out, lol
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