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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. (According to my 82 yr old father it is). Donald Duck
  2. Run Away, Run Away ......
  3. A really heavy rain with lots of thunder and lightning.
  4. Sorting through a box of photo's and trying to get them organized. This should keep me occupied for a few days.
  5. ^ My hubby bringing me coffee in the morning (I swear it tastes better when he makes it). My pet family, friends, and the opportunity to scare the heck out of people on Halloween. < Chocolate is good. Especially a great big cup of Hot Chocolate, v pass the question
  6. This is an illustration by Ted Nasmith from the Silmarillion. It's called By Moonlight in Neldoreth Forest.
  7. Jenny, that is such a beautiful thought. Thank You. I would also like to think she has found a nice warm fire with big fluffy rugs to lay on. With lots of puppies and kittens around her so she could love and protect them.
  8. ^Xanax, tequila and chatting with friends. < When I was in Jr High, my hair was pin straight, so I decided to cut it short and get a perm. I ended up with an afro. I couldn't wait for that to grow out. V pass the question
  9. Drinking a cup of coffee, and watching the cats playing and chasing each other. There's nothing like watching a great big cat flying through the livingroom with a kitten sitting on top of her butt.
  10. "When one has lost a friend one's eyes should be neither dry nor streaming. Tears, yes, there should be, but not lamentation." - Seneca
  11. Congratulations Briar. That is so awsome. I'd love to see one of your performances.
  12. Syren, Jenny, Jill, Briar, Thank you all so very much for your kind thoughts and hugs. Briar, it was wonderful talking to you and it was good that I got to laugh and remember the happiness she brought to my life. It always upset her if I was upset and I know she wouldn't want that now. It's a little early for toasting but...... To Pepe, the kindest, sweetest, most gentle dog, I have ever had the good fortune to love and be apart of my life. Till we meet again. Hugs to you all.
  13. Wandering aimlessly around the house. It's only been a day and I miss Pepe so much I'd give anything just to have a few more minutes with her.
  14. Thank You Briar. I understand and it means a lot to me.
  15. Heartbroken and devistated. I woke up this morning to find my dog, Pepe, in a great deal of distress. She was having a hard time breathing and she seemed to be in a lot of pain. So we bundle her up and brought her to the vet where she died shortly after. She was my baby. Pepe was the sweetest, most loveable and gentle dog and I will miss her terribly. Now she is running free with the angels. Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts while she was fighting her illness.
  16. Lipstick. I go completely nuts over lipstick. I normally don't wear makeup except for mascara and sometimes eyeliner, but heaven forbid I go 2 days in a row with the same color lipstick.
  17. Fresh baked cookies. Mmmmm
  18. Now that my oven is fixed, I'm baking cookies. Chocolate chip and almond crisps.
  19. The smell of the day is pomegranate cider.
  20. Boiled hamburger and rice for the dog. For me it's leftovers again.
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