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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Three legged race (Hoppin'? I past ya on that last turn..............Were down to the home stretch now, catch me if ya can, )
  2. Beetle Racing (Look out now, Im gaining on ya................Ooooooooo)
  3. Dirt Bike Racin" (Show me whacha got Mr.Tar. )
  4. Bicycle Racin; (Turning high on the corner, Jacky look out....................... )
  5. Go Cart Racin' (We be racin.....................Vroom, Vroom)
  6. Patrick, How's your project coming along?
  7. Stock Car Racing (Woohoo I'm ready for ya Briar.......................... )
  8. Lamborghini (Not sure if I spelled that correctly) (Ooooo, a race, on your mark Briar.......................)
  9. I'm feeling a bit relieved. My pup is doing a little better. Yesterday was a bad day for her but today was ok. 10 more days until she sees the vet again.
  10. Relaxing with a great big cup of Hot Chocolate and watching my hubby make me a monkey fist to use as a thumping device.
  11. Porsche (To drive fast on the autobahn)
  12. One of my favorite collections is hair clips & barettes. Mostly ones made out of rare and unique woods, or metal. The only down side is they have to have a heavy duty clip or I break them too easily.
  13. I love the furniture my hubby makes. Usually it's oak, cherry or maple. I wish teak wasn't so expensive. That was a great website. I could do some serious shopping there. Pass the question
  14. Aye......and a freshly shampoo'd carpet. I love the smell of spaghetti sauce simmer on the stove all day. I should make some this weekend. That'll make my dad happy.
  15. Lily slowly begins to crawl out from beneath a table. "Is it morning already? I sure could use a few more hours" Carefully stepping over a pair of legs while wiping the sleep from her eyes, "Mornin' all, mmmm, that coffee smells wonderful.". She takes a cup of coffee, a piece of toast and sits at the table with the others.
  16. Sorry BriarRose, I don't see licorice listed in the catalog. They ran out of Boo-Nilla tarts but still had votives. They also ran out of Black Rasbery Votives but still had tarts. Not all of the Halloween scents were listed in the sale items. Here is a list of their Halloween scents: Boo-Nilla, Purr-Chouli, Cider-Web, Trick or Treat and Pumpkin Patch
  17. Cheating is good. Im cheating tonight too. Leftovers...................
  18. Let's go Briar. I placed an order this afternoon. Certain scents were already running out of stock.
  19. Labor Day Sale at Yankee Candle. Ends Sept 3rd. Woohoo.
  20. Lily happily joins the bunny train. Haven't done this in years. (Dogs and delivermen don't mix, I lost my post. LOL)
  21. Dodging the sillystring, Lily grabs a tootsie roll, a squirt gun, and takes aim at the birthday girl.
  22. Awww, what a sweet furry face. He's adorable Jenny.
  23. What a joyous day to be celebrating Syren's Birthday. I need to go and dust off my dance shoes and repair my costume. I also need to find a place to practice a special dance I have prepared for the celebration. Excitedly, Lily runs out the door.....
  24. Lily catches a glimse of Syren sneaking in. "Care for some company and some more of that wonderful Hot Chocolate Miss Ashcombe makes. My treat".
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