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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Patrone (I too have been known to smoke cigars)
  2. Sleeping the day away. Spent the weekend in Vegas and didn't do a whole lot of sleeping. Had a wonderful time catching up with my husbands Navy buddies.
  3. Manhattan (My secret ingredient to a Long Island Ice Tea = a dash of Grand Marnier on top)
  4. Mystery ( No, that's just old age. Sorry Jacky, couldn't resist that one)
  5. Aye, Lily present and accounted fer. I just finished packing for our trip to Vegas. What a day. Had to take my dog to the vet. Thankfully she has some kind of infection and only has to take meds. She's 11 and has never been a healthy dog so I was thinking it might be something worse. I'm relieved. At least we won't get any of her test results till after we get back. Why is it when you go away, even for a couple of days, you find a million things that "need" to be taken care of before you leave. Like 4 days is really gonna make a difference. Or am I just crazy.
  6. Naughty (never heard of that one, lol)
  7. Well this isn't a veggie horror story but it is about food. I hate liver. Always did and always will. I used to be forced to eat the nasty stuff which would usually make me physically ill. So one day when it was being cooked at home, I thought I'd be smart and eat at a friends house. Needless to say, they were having liver for dinner that night as well. What a horrible night that was. Just the thought of liver makes my stomach turn. Pass the question
  8. Phantom of the Opera
  9. Silkie, My sincerest condolences on the loss of your father. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
  10. Cooked spinach if it's by itself. Other than that I haven't met a veggie I didn't like. Why not eggplant or sprouts? Wot's yur least favorite fruit?
  11. It would have to be smell. Certain smells give me migraines so it might be nice not to have those triggers. Eat your veggies Jacky Tar. They're good for you. Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?
  12. I slapped my husband once because he wouldn't go to KFC. The funny thing is I hate KFC. I also talk /yell/swear like a sailor in my sleep. I wish I knew how to fly. I would love to take lessons. A friend of ours has a small 4 seater and he lets me take control once we're up in the air. If money were not an issue, what daring hobby would you persue?
  13. Rainy days I like to either curl up with a good book, cook or work on crafty projects. The main one is to keep my dogs safe from the big bad thunder and lightning. They get so tweeky. As long as it doesn't rain here tomorrow I'll be a happy camper. Rain=no flying. Do you talk/walk in your sleep?
  14. Aye, I have pretty bizarre dreams most of which I can't remember. I think that's probably for the best though. Not that they are bad dreams just wierd. I'm going flying tomorrow. Woohoo. I can't wait. Do you dream in color?
  15. You scored as a Captain Jack Sparrow Captain Jack Sparrow 96% Maximus 79% William Wallace 79% Batman, the Dark Knight 75% Lara Croft 71% Indiana Jones 67% James Bond, Agent 007 54% El Zorro 38% The Amazing Spider-Man 33% Neo, the "One" 33% The Terminator 29% This is too funny. I thought I'd be more of a spiderman.
  16. Personal Insurance (protects wallet)
  17. Yes, sort of. At the Miami Airport (I think that's the one), we were returning from Aruba and they lost an entire plane load of baggage. They stuck us all in a room for about 3 hours, wouldn't let us leave (or smoke) until they found it. It started to get mighty ugly. I picked some lilies from the yard yesterday, my whole house smells so good. Pass the question
  18. Have 2 for me please BriarRose.
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