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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. We'll see what we can do. About the original boat. Keith and I will be arriving in KY on Tues. Nov 27th so we'd be happy to help in restoring it if it isn't finished by then. He's really good at woodworking and I can certainly handle painting and finishing.
  2. You've got a deal BriarRose. I'm game for a good adventure. William, please define "almost".
  3. We'd love to have you join us. There's plenty. If you want the recipe I'd be happy to pass it along.
  4. Now you're making me laugh BriarRose. Thanks. Tonight we're having french onion soup and salad. Yum.
  5. Can I offer a suggestion BriarRose? While one red-head on her own is pretty tough to resist, I think between the two of us we could take possession of that boat before they even knew what hit em'
  6. Flash light (TY Jackie. It helped)
  7. Sun glasses (Now I have Bennie and the Jets stuck in my head)
  8. Follow the yellow brick road.
  9. Emeralds (My favorite)
  10. Thank you BriarRose. I wish I could take you up on that offer. I'm an expert at dishes. Glad I was able to make you laugh, I'm even laughing now myself. Those bloomers have met their match.
  11. Peanut Butter (Crunchy)
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