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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Day 3 sewing trim on hat blanks. At least the tip of my finger has started to callous over so it doesn't hurt anymore. It took me less time to read the final Harry Potter book.
  2. Lady B, First off, I'm not a licensed therapist but I have studied and worked with many. It's been my experience that people do this because they are insecure and immature. Perhaps they even want a quality you have and they don't. In their need to feel superior and better about themselves, they have to tear down what they feel threatened by. It really has nothing to do with you. Be well. (Good luck with your study)
  3. a broken leg and
  4. naught but brown sandals.
  5. Hester, For lasses, learning how NOT to lead takes as much practice as lads learning How to lead. Part of it is really trusting your partner. Which is difficult if you only dance with someone once or twice. I've had one dance partner (not my mate either) that was really able to lead me while dancing. At first, he used to blindfold me while we practiced so I had no choice but to trust him. He was also very commanding on the dance floor so he made it easy for me once the blindfold was off. Lesson 1 for lasses: Practice with your eyes closed. This is so much easier to explain in person..
  6. Not usually, but he's not the jealous type so it wouldn't matter if he did. So when we goin' dancin'
  7. Thank you Jacky, That made my day.
  8. I'll even let you lead.
  9. Lake (Crystal Lake) (Sounds yummy. Now for some Grand Marnier cake too)
  10. Now you made me laugh. Look at the bright side, you're taller than me. I'm only 5'1"
  11. Goblet (Why thank you, I'd love some cheesecake. How about some chocolate covered strawberies infused with grand marnier also, mmmmmmmm)
  12. Carafe (I will gladly share my grand marnier )
  13. I'm just afraid the alcohol will make me have more than one pin cushion.
  14. I'm sewing trim on a hat blank and doing my best to turn my finger into a pin cushion. I'm also drinking a great big mug of hot chocolate, yum.
  15. water hose draped around
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