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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Getting ready to chuck these blasted bloomers right out the window. Grrrrrr. Now I remember why I don't like to sew.
  2. Wanna trade places? I could use a good drink right about now.
  3. Thank you for the offer BriarRose. If you're ever in the mood for a hot dog, feel free to stop by. LOL
  4. That sounds delicious. I'm jealous, we had hot dogs and potato salad.
  5. Attempting to make a pair of ladies under garments. At least if I screw it up it won't be so bad. No one should be looking at my bloomers anyway.
  6. Faint (Yes, some of the teeny tiny ones (some adults too) don't make it in. But there are some little ones that just love it also)
  7. Wail (I don't know about buses, but it does get crowded)
  8. Scream (Thank you. We have a lot of fun with it. There's a video in the sub albumn)
  9. Scare (We'll get em back at Halloween)
  10. Ladder (To reach the tp we couldn't get to)
  11. Plank (good point. It definately wasn't reusable. )
  12. Practical jokes (rite of passage I hope. Kids, only the 4 legged kind. 2 dogs, 2 cats)
  13. Apple Tree (Its not our week for toilet paper. Yes, we had our apple tree tp'd the other day)
  14. Cat Woman (Speaking of cats, my kitten discovered the toilet paper roll today, Oh My)
  15. Pink nightmare (Poor Ralphie)
  16. Perhaps if more people were held accountable and took responsibility for there actions it would be a good first step. I like Jenny's idea. Maybe add some good books. Pass the question along.
  17. Franks Hot Sauce (For buffalo style chicken wings)
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