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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. I used to love Dark Shadows. We even have a tombstone in our Halloween display to honor Barnabas. I'm just glad they are bringing it back.
  2. I'm doing a semi-happy dance. BriarRose & Jenny, Thanks again for waiting not so patiently with me. The prayers and hugs were very much felt and appreciated. I just got off the phone with the vet. The test results showed 3 different infections: strep, staff and something called intervaction.???. They thought they also found cancer cells but after further testing it turned out to be negative. (Happy Dance). So for the next week she's going to stay on the antibiotics and hopefully that will take care of the infections. There was some mention of a lung biopsy and possibly hospitalization but we're going to wait until she sees the vet again next week. Come on meds, do your stuff. My heart is telling me to give her every test and proceedure known to man-kind but my head is telling me that would be very cruel to put her through that. At least for now, she's doing better an resting comfortably. For that I'm very grateful.
  3. Patrick, Do you want or need links for food and drink ideas?
  4. Still anxiously waiting for a phone call from the vet.
  5. Aye I can't eat graham crackers without thinking of my grandma. My grandfather was quite the character. I grew up thinking everyone's grandpa had a wooden leg. Didn't they? A toast to grandma & grandpa. Always in our hearts.
  6. Patrick, That sounds awesome. Best of luck with this project. Please post pics, I'd love to see how it comes out. I have one suggestion for you. If you contact some of your local florists, ask them if they would save their dead or not usable flowers for you. They usually just throw them away at the end of the week. You could use these in your centerpieces or even flowers in front of your tombstones. It's a great way to add that extra something and best of all it's free. Our florist has been doing this for us for years. In a strange sort of way, it's also free advertising for them. Someone always asks where the flowers came from. Happy Haunting.
  7. Roast turkey breast, stuffing, mashed potato's, corn on the cob & home made cranberry sauce. Now if I could get one of those carmel apple pie's, I be all set.
  8. That is just way to cool. I'm jealous.
  9. Braveheart is one of my favorite movies. No matter how many times I've seen it, the end still makes me cry. Thanks for the prayers and for thinking of us. Pepe is doing a little better, I think. She isn't coughing and wheezing as much but her breathing in general is very labored. Poor thing can't get from one side of the room to the other without panting. At least we've had some very good quality time this weekend.
  10. I woke up this morning thinking it was Monday. Wishful thinking. Not that I want the weekend to end or anything, but I really want to find out my dogs test results. This wait is torture.
  11. ^ Not any more . We used to have a wonderful sofa, perfect for snuggling or napping. It was so comfortable, sleeping on it was easy to do. < I'm really looking forward to fall. v When making difficult decisions, do you follow your head or your heart?
  12. Andrew Lloyd Webber
  13. Lets see, if i'm drinking straight alcohol, then it's tequila, preferably Patron or Sauza, no salt or lime. yuk. Of course there is always Grand Marnier, or Disaronno............... on the rocks. Mixed drinks, anything with rum. ok, I'm ready for a drink now.
  14. Thanks BriarRose. I do love my babies. My hubby won't let me have any more than 4 pets That's probably for the best though, our house isn't that big. If it were up to me however, I would have a house full. I would love to see the 6 kitties.
  15. This is called Rat Feast.
  16. These are my baby kitties. Ms Whiskers is 7 and Captain Boo is 6 months.
  17. Normbears tend to be very large and grouchy. Finally figured out how to post pictures. Wow, that only took 2 months.
  18. Here is a pic of my baby dogs from last Christmas. Pepe (black) is 11 and Mouse is 14.
  19. Mister Rogers. (It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood)
  20. I'm still here Jenny... Still playing Guild Wars with my brother in law (he's in PA, i'm in NY). It's about the only time I get to see him. A family that kills together, stays together.
  21. Baby poop............. peeeeew.
  22. Right now Im tracking a normbear on Guild Wars with my hubby and a few friends. Along with reading on the pub. Multitasking, lol.
  23. How about a slice of sour cream chocolate cake with chocolate pudding in the middle and whipcream frosting?
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