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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. You can send it to the same address. It will get where it needs to go. The name change has been noted. (sorry, I assumed it was the same).
  2. Just tie the extra passengers on the roof or make nice hood ornaments out of them
  3. Thank you Brig. That will be a huge help. and, thank you to Captain.
  4. Michael, it won't be an issue. It is required for all attending. If they would like to submit a reg form to save time they can send it in now. If not, they can fill it out when they get there. Hope that helps.
  5. Thank you Sgt Johnson.
  6. Just a couple of reminders: 1). Plans for the crew dinner (Thurs 8ish) are coming along nicely. I think you will all be very pleased with what we have planned. There is no cost for this dinner but if you would like to bring something for desert you are more than welcome. Friday, Saturday and Sunday dinners are being provided. Lunches are still up in the air and breakfast we are on our own. While we're on the subject of breakfast. I offer this proposal. Since Edward and I will be down there extra early, it will be easy enough for us to make a shopping run and get the necessary items (bacon & eggs) to have on hand for our morning meals. If you would rather do your own thing in the morning, that's ok too. Just let me know so I can make the necessary adjustments before purchasing. We will be splitting the cost for breakfast as well as the cooking and cleaning duties. If anyone has any other ideas for breakfast please post them. Please keep in mind that we are using a communal fire and that others may be using it as well. 2). For anyone driving in, we are in need of firewood and charcoal. If you can squeeze some in, it would be greatly appreciated. 3). Thanks again to everyone that has signed up in the duty roster so far. If you haven't picked a job or two yet, please take a look in the Encampment Duty Roster Thread. You'll have a greater chance of getting a job you want if you sign up early. The hope was that most of the jobs would have filled by now and with the number of folks no longer planning on attending, the load of jobs has increased for all campers. http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=15892 Can’t wait to see you all soon.
  7. Thank you both.
  8. After being severely beaten into submission and in an effort to save our miserable lives, Edward and I saw the light and left the company of the Mercury. Haunting Lily - Rochester, NY Edward O'Keeffe - Rochester, NY
  9. Thank you Mary and Mark. You are also correct. Technically it is Fri Morn.
  10. Mooseworth, we've begun a discussion in the following thread for all things related to meals, cooking and fire needs. http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=16102
  11. Thank you Hurricane. Good point regarding fire extinguishers. We also have one for the fire in our neck of the beach. Most likely we'll be using the fire for breakfast each day and dinner Thursday night. Outside of that, it should be clear for anyone to use.
  12. Just looking for a clarification for the "Modern Camp" area... Braziers only, No Ground fires. Correct? Are there specifications on what qualifies as a Brazier? (period only vs modern grill) Thanks Good question Island Cutter. I will get an answer for you asap. I spoke with Fayma in regards to having a ground fire for the modern camp. The question is being looked into and should be answered in the next couple of days. As to braziers, there is no restrictions as to what type of brazier you can use. I hope that helps a little for now.
  13. Just looking for a clarification for the "Modern Camp" area... Braziers only, No Ground fires. Correct? Are there specifications on what qualifies as a Brazier? (period only vs modern grill) Thanks Good question Island Cutter. I will get an answer for you asap.
  14. Thank you kindly sir. There are plenty of grocery stores and I'm sure we'll be making runs to the store. If you are truly up for an adventure, try to go with Grace and Edward................snicker.
  15. Mission, first of all, we are allowed 5 fires (one of which is in the Fort). At this point in time, this isn't a negotiating point. We have to deal with what we have to work with. As already stated in Fayma's post, these fires are spread out and are supposed to be used by all. Please don't start throwing terms as "elitism" around, some of us are actually trying to help organize and make the best of our limited resources.
  16. Various tidbits of information have been brought up in several different threads but I'll be darned if I can find anything. So here is our place to discuss meals, cooking and all things related to campfire needs. First and foremost is the need for fire. As stated in the Poop Deck, http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=15863&st=0 "4- Fires and Braziers- There are only going to be 5 total fires allowed. This is the same number it has always been. We may have as many braziers as we want, and can use the ones that are in the encampment as well. We are trying to set the encampment up so that access to a fire will be easy. The fires are: 1-Fort, 2-Mercury/Hide, 3-BIB, 4-Archangel, 5-Buccaneer Camp/Hurricane's Crewe. We put the buccaneer camp and Hurricanes fires together, so that the Boucan Demo can have a front row placement, and so that there was a spread out of the fire placements. These are set up as "common fires" and anyone may use them for cooking, or bring a brazier for their own individual use." "5- Firewood/charcoal- Please bring your own firewood for fires if possible. The fort will not be providing it this year. Since the pines are still standing, their source of wood has depleated and must be used for the volunteers that live at the fort. PLEASE DO NOT BRING BAYWOOD. It is the only restriction that I have been given regarding this. If there is anyone who needs to have wood brought for them (flying in etc.), please let me know as Tony will be driving from Cincinnati area, and will be able to haul some from there. If you want to do the charcoal for the braziers or park "grills" that would also work fine." Last year, Captain Jim brought at least a face cord of wood and Edward brought down about 1/2 face cord and charcoal. Regrettably, Jim will not be attending and Edward has space and weight restrictions. We'll bring what we can but it won't be much. Therefore, we are in need of people to bring firewood and charcoal. If anyone locally can see if we can get firewood and/or perhaps wood pallets, that would be very much appreciated. Feel free to discuss all options. Second, meals. Some meals are being provided this year. Dinner Friday, Saturday and Sunday are being provided while the lunch issue is still being worked out. We are on our own for breakfast and for all meals prior to Friday. Last but not least, cooking. Everyone is welcome to cook their own, however, crews may want to combine their efforts. This includes the need for cookware, utensils, plates, bowls, cups and something to put in them. Let the discussions begin. YHS, Lily
  17. Once again, a huge thank you to everyone that has volunteered so far. With a few short weeks left until PIP, there are plenty of spaces left to fill. If you haven't already done so, please select a job or two. Many thanks to you all. Lily
  18. Welcome aboard Brennan. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way and hope you feel better soon.
  19. :lol: Sorry to hear this Jim. You will be so very missed.
  20. Snack time with Sophie
  21. It's sounds funnier the other way, lol
  22. They look like nice barrels but I'm not sure about sitting on them. With no tops and all, we'll end up with a bunch of pirates with barrels stuck to their butts.
  23. You should be able to find a couple of trees. Although, I'm not sure how much planting they did this year so you will have to hunt for established trees. Last year, they requested that hammocks be taken down during the day. I'm assuming that will apply for this year as well.
  24. William & Maeve, You will be very missed. I hope a change in the winds comes along very soon for you.
  25. Please don't quote me on this one but I think the vendors app deadline is the same as reenactors. Nov 1st. Spike is handling the vendors this year so I would contact him asap. spikekeywest@yahoo.com Good luck
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