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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Tis interesting of what was stolen. Aye, a scurvy pox on th' devils that took the pirate possessions. Liam... tis not th' first time Pirates have been a victim of thieves. Hell, m'self had one of m' prize swords stolen... from right out of m' locked vehicle. Well, Rose... sounds like whomever took those items plan to use them or sell them at the very least within their own groups of sorts. Blasted devils! ~Lady B
  2. Aye, it was John Hancock. Don't know why I was thinkin' it was Thomas Jefferson. Bah! They aired the episode that had the double barrel flintlock last night. I can see why yo'r drooling, Matt. That was one wicked weapon! I WANT ONE NOW!!! :) Double barrel - worked fabulously - the length of a blunderbuss with a spring loaded bayonet. That was one hell of a period weapon! I WANT ONE!!! Oh, God do I want one now! Some amazing and awesome history with that double barrel carriage flintlock. I can actually see a pirate with that. Like I said, short like a blunderbuss... two shots... then spring into action the bayonet! One hell of an intimidator weapon if not mega useful! ~Lady B
  3. Callenish, ye tongue doth hang out like a limp sail. I'll join ye at baying at the Moon. Jas. Hook Oh, fer Davy's sake, ye two! Shocked! Shocked I am! I look better in th' clothes then out of them. I mean, Callenish,... I HAVE to wear garters with m' stockings or at least a ribbon. The types that don't require garters do NOT work for me. No proper stockings, no way. I've learned m' lesson. :::Pats Mission's back::: Tis ok, Mission. Yeah, I have the same issue with garters not being above the knee. I tried several times but each time failed. Bare knees... silly? NAW! ~Lady B
  4. Gee wiz, Bottles! :::sniffles::: Well, Bollows knows I won't be coming... again. I have no way of getting to Chicago. Blast! Wish they would hurry up with those railways to Chicago. I was gonna stay at my Dad's new home, too. :::Whimpers::: Have fun, folks. Take plenty of pictures. Tell Bollows ahoy for me. REALLY do not want to be making it a habit of making an event only once. Again, have fun everyone. Pictures! Don't forget th' pictures. ~Lady B
  5. OMG... th' Green Faiery strikes again! Ooooo... right good hunting for ye, wasn't it, Animal? Don't fancy squirrel, Turkey I love but doesn't agree with me... and I'm not a cannibal... so, how much for one of the venison carcasses? Well, make that two? Perhaps a trade, with the remainder in gold and silver. ~Lady B
  6. Tis a very lovely box, Bottles. Right nice. :) Oh, and JUST Illinois? Hehehe... :::looks at the picture::: wait... are ye gents GAMBLING? ~Lady B
  7. Hmmm... shall have to look into the linsey-woolsey stockings. I've had the wool stockings, of course, these were super old wool stockings and they were very thick, very hot, and not all that comfortable. The cottons I've worn most. I don't have a pair of stockings that do not need garters. Frankly, if stockings don't need garters... I won't wear them... unless I have nothing else to wear. So, I take it ye really like yo'r silk stockings, Kate? Hook... Ye charm greatly; flattery gets ye everywhere. ~Lady B
  8. Most sulters and vendors have the usual, similiar stock of stockings. But, I have noticed that not one stocking is the same. The stockings I purchased at Colonial Williamsburg has lasted the longest. I had them for over 8 yrs now and they are still going strong. I bought a blue pair from Jas. Townsend and Sons and that works rather well. I have yet to purchase and try their silk stockings though. Some others... I don't recall where they were from... one jsut happened to appear in my possessions and no one's claimed them yet. Another wore out after wearing it twice. And a new pair of white stockings... I think I obtained those at RF2 from a vendor. I wouldn't be surprized if they were from Wm Booth Draper. Hazel is great about obtaining quality items. Where did you obtain yo'r stockings from, Hook, if I may ask? ~Lady B
  9. Ooooh, I guess this is where I hang out.... Hmmm... Looks like Pew's Establishment, th' Ram's Head!! What we WON'T do with the Drunken Surgeon is NOT give him ANY of his Surgeon tools! Keep those bloody things away from him! I'm not kidding about the bloody part either. ~Lady B
  10. I've seen it a couple of times. Interesting what people come in with. There was one episode that had a lockbox from the 16th or 17th century (can't remember) that no one knew what was inside it and had no clue on how to open it. Well, eventually it was opened with the help of an expert to find it was completely empty. It did have a ball shot hole in it and it was authentic. Another person brought in an authentic ship's bell from a shipwreck of a Spanish Galleon. Took an expert to come in to authenticate it. Pretty awesome. Another episode, someone brought in a well framed preservation piece of an authentic document from Thomas Jefferson. Again, it took an expert to authenticate it. Funny with these people that bring these items in... they would fair much better with these authentic items at a major auction and get at least their worth if not more rather than a pawn shop! I have seen a couple episodes were someone has brought something in that's worthless and a dud or copy when they thought it was real. LOL... Oh, so funny watching their faces. ~Lady B
  11. Mission... You perfectly described Port Royal in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. :) Or at least Shipwreck Cove. I always thought Bora Bora would be perfect. But... now that I think about it.. it's awefully small... isn't it? Thank ye, Pew. Th' drinks helped. Oh, and fine place there, Bob. ~Lady B
  12. Magellan decided to use the gown as his litter box! The quilted petticoat was the only thing spared since I had that put up out of hands and paws reach. And thank ye. ~Lady B
  13. I'll take all three of them, Pew. Three times over. ::looks at everyone::: what? You don't think I can handle that much? Phfst! How's this, Mission? Or is that too much? ~Lady B
  14. Th' only way he could make 'em any heavier is if he added some lead in th' tankard with th' rum.... Aargh... 'nother Rum an' Rum...... . :::Waves hand::: By all means, add the lead then. ~Lady B
  15. I have a quilted petticoat that was to go with a gown I was nearly finished making until my cat ruined the gown. So, now I have a spare quilted petticoat. The fabric is not natural, at least I don't think it is; was titled Baroque Satin but did not state if it was silk or polyester. I'm guessing it's manmade. The lining is muslin and batting is 100% cotton. quilted by hand with 100% silk thread. A couple areas are machine sewn. Ties are attatched on the side so you can tie in the front and back or on the sides. Here's a picture of it: Make me an offer. ~Lady B
  16. That's the awesome thing about this vendor. They've been around a while... a wide selection... get the molded hats or just the felt, whatever variety it is. I just haven't had the coinage to obtain any of the hats. I wish you luck. Please do a review if you order from them. :) ~Lady B
  17. Nay... I didn't register. I had everything all filled out but didn't send a thing in. Nope, I wasn't able to make it. I was most unhappy. This year is up in the air also. I SOOOOO want to go but not sure if I can get there. ~Lady B
  18. Wasn't too bad today or for the past few days. Generally around the 20's, no more than 32 degrees. Lows in the evening around the teens and single digits. Calm now. That snow storm missed us in the upper midwest though. Cold... is when it's well below zero... with wind chills below 20 or more! Now THAT is cold! ~Lady B
  19. Prosperity... Serenity... Port Royaliste... Fort Pub... Port au Pirate... Buccaneer Haven... :::waves hand::: it's a little place here for we to have fun and escape from the mundane. Pew... keep the drinks coming... make them heavier, please! Rum... whiskey... scotch... gin... tequila... buttershots.... bailey's... everything except beer, guinness, ale, etc. ~Lady B
  20. YAY! Shall spread th' word. And hopefully... HOPEFULLY... I'll be able to make it this year. ~Lady B
  21. :::bows with the longest multiquote thread bit::: Damnit, Sterling! Now yo'r makin' m' mouth water with want of venison! ::le sigh:: been too long since I've had some good venison. Or even mutton for that matter. ::: Makes way to the Ram's Head tavern for this particular meeting::: Alright...I'm hear. That is until AFTER the meeting, then we can get back to that hunting of venison party that Sterling is all ruffled up about. Aye, and who's buyin' for this meeting? I'll have a bottle of Moscato d'Asti please whilst waiting for this meeting. Rename th' town... phfst! Changin' names moreso than NYC. Syren... m'dear... I don't think those rugs will last long if Bo puts it in th' Church. ~Lady B
  22. Keep checking out the second hand stores. Found one at a second hand store for $25. This is an adjustable, dress for like the fine, new ones ye see today. Been using this thing like mad. :) I'm interested in the padding to create the correct size though, Callenish. Have ye a Tutorial? ~Lady B
  23. :::points to Animal::: He Native 'nough for ye? Ahh... Brilliant. There be an Inn for our "Guests". And as for Sterling and Sons.... good... some fine, healthy competition. Now hold fast a second here... ye want me and mine to protect ye lot by manning said fort (next ye will be wanting us to build it as well)... ye want me and mine to arrest ye on occasion to give the appearance of things being on the up and up...(I reckon that means I needs add a gaol to my list of dependencies on the plantation grounds) And yet the only thing me and mine get out of the bargain is to have my daughter threatened with harm whilst I am away ..um...requisitioning merchandise for my father's trading empire? Hmmm seems this proposition is decidedly listing in one direction and not mine. Oh by the by Bo, Animal, Patrick and other supposed social outcasts of the village....hunting party Sunday after church ...the hoards herds of deer need thinning along with the rafters of turkeys .... too much meddling about in the corn and tobacco... :::Bats eyes at Sterling... stops... then steps away::: Oh, who am I kidding. Ye made yo'r point 'bout th' "Fort". As to th' hunting social... COUNT ME IN!!!! :::Gets her gun ready!::: I've been having a hankerin' for venison. LOL... TEA PARTY!!!! wait.... No Tea Party? .... awww come on! We HAVE to have a Tea Party celebration day.... with all trimmin's... toss tea into the harbour... burn a stuffed dumby of King George... etc. Now hold fast a second here... ye want me and mine to protect ye lot by manning said fort (next ye will be wanting us to build it as well)... ye want me and mine to arrest ye on occasion to give the appearance of things being on the up and up...(I reckon that means I needs add a gaol to my list of dependencies on the plantation grounds) And yet the only thing me and mine get out of the bargain is to have my daughter threatened with harm whilst I am away ..um...requisitioning merchandise for my father's trading empire? Hmmm seems this proposition is decidedly listing in one direction and not mine. Oh by the by Bo, Animal, Patrick and other supposed social outcasts of the village....hunting party Sunday after church ...the hoards herds of deer need thinning along with the rafters of turkeys .... too much meddling about in the corn and tobacco... Ohhhhh Booooooy, we get to kill something finally!!!!!! Bo, ya got the smokehouse ready yet???? I think we're going to need a bigger one. ***eyes the church, that might be the right size**** Animal Animal... if yo'r going to use th' Church... at least make sure that it's not bein' used as a secret MAGAZINE!!! How's about this... Let's NOT burn th' Church... don't particularly fancy doin' the same thing men of the British Legion did a couple hundred years ago. :) That was messy enough. Well, ain't you a Nun? Ye could open "Good Syster Syrens Orphanage Fer Wayward Pyrates" *Raps his knuckles with a ruler* That was when I was titled Notoriously Naughty and Im no longer Notorious nor Naughty! *Raps his knuckles again then hides the ruler* LOL.... Oh, I bet they would GREATLY fancy th' idea of Pirates bein' orphaned so they can receive yo'r charity, Syren. tsk tsk, gents... tsk tsk. And again, burnin' the church... not a good idea. But if they do use th' church as a massive smokehouse... someone PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE look in and under the Church for munitions and supplies? Aye? Please? And dinner just hoofed its way across the formal lawn...and the Far Better Half put the damn key to the trigger guard some place to keep it safe. Where, is beyond me ... I love my spouse, I love my spouse... and the damn deer knew it too! Just stood there posing whilst I banged my head against the porch railing...frustrating don't ye think? LOL.. Sterling... ye poor thing. Worse comes t' worse... we just shoot th' lock or pick it. Perhaps ye best make a few spare keys to yo'r weapons. :::offers Sterling some Asprin or Ibuprofen while standing there watching the deer graze and ravage the crops::: They look so peaceful, don't they? :::Craddling her carbine::: grazin' like that, frolicking now and then.... :::Gawking at the deer::: Could be worse.... could be buffalo. PSSST!! Under The Church is where we smugglers keep alla the GOOD STUFF!!! Nobody thinks to looks there! The Father gets his cut, and we all get good words put in with the "head honcho" on Sunday. I been doin this smugglin' thang fer a while now. Animal, I don't think smokin meat there is such a good idea, smoke brings too much attention to the cache, lets just use the hooch on the bluff. It'll air out sooner or later. 'sides, smoked meat will make it smell better 'n we make it smell. Bo LMAO!!! :::points to above posts:::: Err.. ummm.. ahh, Bo? A Church has been used before. And a church was burned because it housed munitions. Sides... I didn't know we had a Priest in town yet? When did th' Priest arrive? Bo... Animal.... we'll build a massive smokehouse and meat locke for ye both. So long as I get some fine cut Kosher meats. ~Lady B
  24. Ye look fabulous, Liam. :) Mixing in with yo'r surroundin's. Makes it moreso difficult for ye to be found. I'm highly impressed, Liam. Highly impressed with yo'r Ren pirate look. :::applauds::: Ye give a good name to th' Sea Dogs. Huzzah! ~Lady B
  25. Worsted woll. :::Stutters:: wha... bu... ehh... AHHH!! Lucky devil. LOL, Constance... I'm there with ye. I've barely finished a new gown and now I want to make more having spotted a few more that I REALLY really like. On top of the 5 dozen outfits I want to make. I'm not joking folks. There is never enough time, is there? Best to just lock us all up in a room and let us go at it with our outfits, aye? Sterling.. Moose... and everyone else... keep 'em coming. ~Lady B
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