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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. That is just wrong. Sad that the deer was wasted. And sad that some hunters have to be so arrogant! Hopefully, Bo, the DNR or someone else will catch those who are poaching. At least the hunters could have made an effort. Doesn't sound like it. And worse, highly dangerous for your family being in the line of fire. Stay safe, mates. ~Lady B
  2. Hmmm.... Very good question, Dutch. Love this inquiry. I suppose best look about, shan't I? Bo, I wonder if there be something of the sorts by the French about the territory between the Mississippi and the Missouri (aka Iowa)... and where ever else. :) Again, fabulous question, Dutch. ~Lady B
  3. Didn't know ye were that youthful,Pew! A mighty happy Bday to one of our fav Pubmates! Here's to ye, Pew! May it be a grand day with plenty o' prizes. ~Lady B
  4. Hmmm... I may consider this one above Port Washington (tough, since they still can't make a decision on many things yet). Do let us know, Bo. :) Keep the lot of us informed. ~Lady B
  5. So... what kind of event is this? General colonial? Pirate? F&I? Rendezvous? etc? I may consider this event. ~Lady B
  6. That's one heck of a piratical Christmas Tree, Oderlesseye. Hehehe, Enterprise orbiting the tree is interesting, but nothing completes a Christmas tree more than a cat in or under the tree causing the usual mischief... aye? ~Lady B
  7. Cat fight mudwrestling? Phhfsttt! That's NOTHING. I shan't say more than that. And yes, Cheeky... ye are right... NEVER a dull moment. Sometimes, that's an understatement. Hopefully I'll have the new outfits finished in time! Eeegahds! ~Lady B
  8. Well, well... Matty Bottles' Birthday, huh? Happy Birthday, old shipmate. :) ~Lady B
  9. As much as I would love to stay at the hotel, I think I'm gonna stay at my dad's house (since he just moved to Chicago). Now... just to find a way to get there. ~Lady B
  10. LMAO! Yup, Bo... they do make a very valid point. Indeed ye raised 'em well. ~Lady B
  11. LOL.... I don't think we heard that well loud enough, Bo. Congrats t' Nathan and th' wifey. Boys are so much fun. So, is Nathan passin' round cigars or rum bottles t' celebrate th' occassion? Ooooo! Callenish! Tis a lad for Hammish t' play with when th' two of them age a few more years. :) Just.... keep watch of them flintlocks. If those two be like their papas.... Oh, dear, are we in trouble! LOL. ~Lady B
  12. LOL... I'll consider it, Will. If none from m' own crew come down, then sure... put me with th' Mercury. But, I'll let ye know. Initiation? Now, be gentle, lads. I can handle th' drinkin' initiations (limon cello is MerryD's initiation drink for th' Fool's Gold) but other initiations.... ~Lady B
  13. Nope... instead I'm lost in virtual mindnumbing drunkenness with all these December birthdays, means a party and ye know pirates at a party... means lots o' rum! But that was one hell of a virtual party ye threw, Jim! Pity we have t' wait another year for a party like that! ~Lady B
  14. Alrighty.... I've been havin' m' eyes upon attendin' PiP in 2010... so, hopefully I'll be able t' make it. Though, I think I'll want t' roadtrip down with someone. Unless ye all suggest somethin' else. Tis my first PiP event (sad, I know). So ANY advice an' help on how t' get down there would be greatly appreciated. Err.. umm.. not sure where t' put me, Will. I hope t' bring m' camp gear with me but not sure where t' place me. ~Lady B
  15. LOL... that's a bloody hilarious mini! Nicely done! :) Welcome to th' Pub, Char. Glad ye found this mass of wily an' wooly lot. ~Lady B
  16. Think I've seen them at a couple WalMarts around here, too, Mary. Lemme know how ye likes them. At the moment, I've got m' eyes upon th' linen thread at Michaels that was pointed out a few months ago. ~Lady B
  17. Will do, m'dear. If th Christmas cashola rolls in, I'll order a pair for RF. Otherwise, may have to order sometime in January for the summer events. How's that? I need to keep m' pricy pairs of footwear pristine. Thank ye kindly, Mary. ~Lady B
  18. Hmmm... :::Looks at the calender::: will have to put those dates down. I shan't know if I am able to attend until late March or early April. But, I'm crossin' m' fingers, swords, pistols... legs.... hopin' I can make it. After all, really bummed me out last May... :::whimpers::: Just keep us informed of sleeping arrangements, food, events, etc. ~Lady B
  19. ::::Stumbles in; raises a finger; opens mouth to speak; falls upon face; passes out:::: LMAO! Yeah, RIGHT! Like I can pass out drunk! Can NOT happen! seriously. Happy Birthday to ye, Kenneth! Hope ye had a grand one, plenty of treasures for ye. Lots of piratical celebration, and whatever else. ~Lady B
  20. ::: stumbles in more drunken after Blackjohn's party:::: Uhhh... ha... happy birthday, errr... Island Cutter. Hehehe... So, :::offers ye more rum to celebrate:::: Care for some rum? ~Lady B
  21. :::Stumbles in :::: Too many damned Bdays, I'm overflowin' with drunkeness... phsst! :::Silly grin; and toasts:::: Happy Birthday to ye, Blackjohn! Granted, albeit belated. But a happy wish nonetheless. To one of th' finest pirates out there. Now... stay aways from them bloody gallows. :) Again, Happy Birthday, a devil. ~Lady B
  22. A very happy belated Bday to ye, Gentleman Scotty! :) ~Lady B
  23. :::: slips in with the party crowd, albeit late; trying desperately to go unnoticed:::: ::: pops up:::: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Stynky! ::::sheepish grin; arms out wide:::: Errr... ummm.... ::::glances from side to side.::: I'm not late, am I? Uhhhh... :::whips out a Tortuga rum cake:::: Here ye go. Hope ye plundered what treasures ye wanted. ~Lady B
  24. Bloody hell! Another one? Good God! Well, Happy Birthday to ye, Matt. :) Hope ye had a fantastic day. ~Lady B
  25. Happy Birthday to ye, Jim. An' no... he's not dead. Nor am I a phsycian. (Hey, I have the right to make bad, Star Trek jokes, I live WAY too close to Kirk's hometown . ) Again, Happy birthday to ye. ~Lady B
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