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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. wow... ::amazed:: ye look beyond sharp, Oderlesseye! Stunnin' in fact. wow. :) Bravo! Ye look like ye can commandeer and command a fleet o' ships! ~Lady B
  2. ::le sigh::: Lady Constance... you are correct. Yes, headwear did vary on decade, religious background, and country region. It's tough to pinpoint any website out there. I did (and still do) Google search as often as I can. Incredibly info, Sterling! Wow! Hazel Dickfoss would love to have that info if she doesn't have it already. :) Hehehe... Interesting info about the quilts, Lady Constance. :) I've more quilts than I know what to do with, all I bring with me to events as they make THE best bedding and mattress on my cot. ~Lady B
  3. CHEEEEKKYYYYYY!! Happy belated Bday, oh mighty Mistress-y one! Hope ye had a great day lass. Get new silk or something ye wanted? ~Lady B
  4. Ok... add to my list people who have no regard for other people's pets! Especially if they run over one and just keep driving! At least they should stop and apologize for what they did, compensate in some manner! Just hurt me horribly to see my nieces cry at the sight of Maggie (their dog) as a fresh kill on the side of the road, obviously dead, just bloody all over! At least the neighbors were kind and helped comfort the kids. Dalton (nephew) was just pissed, angry at how someone could do such a thing! Apparently the dog had slipped outside, no one knew about it. I consider pets to be just like little kids... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!... people be careful! I had to go through loss of pets like this and it's just horrific beyond measure. It's like watching a family member shot down dead before your eyes and you can do nothing about it. So... people who have no regard or care for other people's pets... Yeah, they are on my shyte list. ~Lady B
  5. That single super power would either be to reverse time or to bring back to life the dead. Reason being, Maggie ( my sister's family dog) was hit by a vehicle and killed tonight. The anguish my nieces went through was just almost too much for me to bare. Nothing's worse than seeing a child's heart borken at the loss of someone or something important. ~Lady B
  6. Alrighty, as promised... when I will be on the air at KCII. Sept. 13th 12pm -6pm " 19th 12:30pm - 6pm " 20th 6am - 12pm " 27th 12pm - 6pm " 30th 6pm - 11pm It's not much. Hope you are able to listen in. :) Live stream via online at KCII radio ~Lady B
  7. I was the victim of a much older bully when I was in my early years of elementry school. NEVER fun. I was terrified of school for a time until they graduated from HS. Yes, from kindergarten to 3rd grade or 4th... I was bullied by a couple HS boys mostly on the bus. And that damned bus driver didn't do a damn thing other than drive! Didn't do much (I think, if I can remember) other than chew out the one HS guy that punched me in the stomach; he punched me so hard I couldn't breath, I was in tears and hurting bad. Generally on the floor. There was another kid who was a bully, I generally ignored the runt as he was in elementary school and I was in Jr High. That was until the day he pushed my button too far and I smapped back so hard on him that it shocked the crap out of him that someone fought back! I swear from that day forth he NEVER bothered me again. Shocked the crap out of all those on the bus, including the bus driver. I didn't hit the kid, just gave him a peice of my mind and a verbal slap down. He was one mean kid, too. I don't deal well with people who are abusive. Have too much of that shit in my life, even if it's not directly aimed towards me. ~Lady B
  8. A hearty welcome to ye, Navis. Or shall we call ye Master Hawkins? Either way, glad ye found th' Pub. Tis a fine establishment ye stumbled upon an' into. Oh, ye be in good company, there be a few here on th' Pub from Pennsylvannia. ~Lady B
  9. Brilliant! Shall spread th' word to a couple folks down that direction in hopes they can make it t' enjoy a fine carriage ride. ~Lady B
  10. Aye! Can't let this one slip past us now, can we? A heart happy birthday to ye, Cascabel! Hope ye have a boomin' day. As always, plenty o' drinks for all, cannons firin' in yo'r honor... and whatever fun ye wish t' do on this fine day... yo'r pick. Yo'r plunder. LOL. again, Happy Bday t' Cascabel! ~Lady B
  11. Oooo... I LOVE this book! Nemo has always held a tiny place in my imagination. Jules Verne created a hell of a masterpiece with this novel. James Mason will be tough (very tough) to beat. There has been a few versions of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea already. So... Bess... will this be set in the 19th c? or will this be more modern? Modern kinda defeats the purpose I guess. And, ummm, the writers better do good on Nemo's past. I read Mysterious Island, too. :) And too funny about the earthquake bit. :) Just might be true! LOL ~Lady B
  12. Come on now, lads an' lasses of th' Pub! Tis time t' celebrate i'tis! :::Has barrels of rum, whiskey, wine of all sorts, and every sort of drink possible brought in::: Cabana an' cabin boys t' serve at Syren's every whim. Cannons all set, mates, for th' salute? If not... prime 'em! Let's be givin' a fine an' proper piratical Bday party for our beloved Syren! HUZZAH! Happy Birthday to ye, lass. :) :::hugs::: ~Lady B
  13. Ahoy an' welcome, Tom. I knows th' place ye speak of. Loverly it be. Glad ye found th' Pub. Tis a fine establishment ye've stumbled into. ~Lady B
  14. A hearty welcome to ye, Topknot. Glad t' have ye here at th' Pub. ~Lady B
  15. I couldn't believe what I heard and saw on ABC World News the other night and was incredibly shocked! Will they really go through with such stupidity? Wal-Mart has been approved to build a new store AT the Wilderness Battlefield site. For more info, check out the website (though I know some of you have seen it): Speak Out Against Wilderness Wal-Mart I'm spreading the word to folks out there on non-historical places to raise the awareness that enough is enough! Like Duvall said, Capitolism with SENSABILITY! Wal-Mart does NOT need to be THAT close! It's a battlefield, for Christ's sake! ~Lady B
  16. Oooo.. I likes him already. Th' lad 's catchin' on right quick. Ye'll do good here, lad. Keep th' rum a flowin'. ~Lady B
  17. :::Cues applause::: ::Now in that deep announcer voice::: Why thank you very much, Ransom! Ye've just won a brand new- :::Clears throat::: Hehehe, yeah, I'm a stinker. Thanks, Ransom. Ahhh, my voice everywhere. That's almost frightening. Hehehe, Almost. Thanks Jill... and thank ye everyone. Again, I will let you all know what slot I have/when I will be on. ~Lady B
  18. Oooo... :: Jabs thumb at Gothic::: I likes this 'n already! :) She's done got on m' good side, she has. hehehe... Whoa... wait. Vampires? :::looks at Bess with scared eyes::: As long as Michael Bay is NOT directing PotC 4, I think we should be fine. I don't think it would be wise to have Jack Sparrow running from explosions in every minute! Crossin' m' fingers, swords an' pistols hopin' for Rush to return as Barbossa. Hey, a Lady can hope! LOL... oh, good one, Mission. ~Lady B
  19. Lookin' good, Tiberius. Shall look forward t' seein' the updated piccies in due time. Ditto, Scurvy. Might good Blackbeard ye be. LMAO! Oderlesseye... ye gives me some inspiration. Granted, twisted it be.. but inspiration nonetheless. Azeroth Prime... I likes th' name. Perhaps will use that (iffen ye don't mind) as the name of one of the Primes from Transformers! LOL, twisted sick I be, I know. Lovin' th' piccies. Too fabulous. ~Lady B
  20. Oooo... more Frenchies. :) :::nearly drooling::: Glad t' have ye with us upon th' Pub. An' no worries, my good man, yo'r English be fabulous. Granted, as ye've noticed, there be a few here who speak yo'r native tongue. Always a thrill t' have a good French man grace our presence. Oh, yes... appease ol' PEW here before he turns rabbid from lack of rum. :) And, well, um... the rest of th' wily lot 'll want rum if not some other sort of drink, too. ~Lady B
  21. Tiberius... tis grand t' have ye here on th' Pub with us, lad. Shall look forward t' more charmin' chatter from ye. Do enjoy yo'rself here, my good man. And forget not t' pass 'round th' drinks! Aye? ~Lady B
  22. Welcome aboard th' Pub, Deville. Glad ye be sailin' with th' lot of us. Ye looks like a wicked devil fo' sure. Hehehehe... just out type! Huzzah! Do tell us a tale or two so long as ye be providin' th' spirits. HYPNOTIQ iffen ye please, sir. ::Hears a record skipping::: Whoa.. wait did's I hear somethin' 'bouts- OH! RUMBA doin' lap dances. LOL... T'was gonna say, if a gent be given we ladies a lap dance... WOO HOO! Count me in! ~Lady B
  23. Well.. a hearty welcome to ye, err, um.. Hehehe, Wench! Now how often do we actually gets away with sayin' this word to a woman of any class? Hmm? Glad t' have ye here on th' Pub, m'dear. Do enjoy yo'rself. Beware th' devilish Gents. Either way, debated or not 'bout th' ligitimacy of Piracy connections to St Augustine... we still embrace it. So... tells us YO'R stories, lass. We'd fancy hearin' them. Providin' ye be providin' th' drinks. Tequila Rose, please. ~Lady B
  24. A hearty welcome to ye Doglock. Glad ye found th' Pub. Tis a fine establishment. So, tell us yo'r stories an' drown us in drink! Tequila Rose, iffen ye please. ~Lady B
  25. It is interesting. Funny at times watching some people finally do work! But I don't think can take the place of that one pioneer reality show they did years back with a large family who was so well off in the modern world, but sucked horribly in the pioneer age. LOL... the mom had no clue about cooking, everyone complained about the heat, etc. Yeah, can we say SPOILED SNOTS! ~Lady B
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