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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Go ahead, gents. My nephew can't decide. ~Lady B
  2. Oooo... I like this... Sticky! Been pondering about a fly or a tent for multiple people to sleep in. Thanks for the info. :) ~Lady B
  3. LOL... oh, forget Mad Max, Ransom... Give me a Transformer and I'll deal with those bastards! :) Annoyance? Well, my mom bitching about... just about anything and everything. Taking on too much like she must or should do it. And what doesn't go her way, she gets pissy about it. Oh, and major annoyance.... OTHER DRIVERS!!! Freakin' annoys me how other people drive! Either too fast or too slow. Especially when people tailgate you and you are already going 5 or 10 over the speed limit! BACK THE F*** OFF!!! Tailgating me is NOT gonna make me go faster, I only want to slam on my breaks (granted I can't do that). Oh, and can we say "DUMBA**" to those who do NOT pay attention and nearly hit an emergency vehicle WITH their lights and siren on? Saw that today where I cop with lights and siren on full blast was coming from the opporsite direction - I heard the siren before I saw it - everyone was stopped and a few out of the way... as it slowed down at an intersection... and then some white car barrels into the intersection from my right a block away and stops right infront of the cop, right in the middle of the intersection. Oh, what a dumba**!! It urks the hell out of me how people drive.... Why? Because I'm on the road, too, and I do NOT want to die today!!!! ~Lady B
  4. Those are very awesome, Syren! :) BTW, my mom likes the last one with the boat sea shore at night. She wants to know how much for it. :) ~Lady B
  5. Most interesting. Never really thought about using the broom at pirate events. I suppose I could see it whenever I get some mock persian-like rugs to have a period style broom. I've one already (granted it's more a hollow bamboo handle). Hmmm... does get one thinking. Thanks mates. ~Lady B
  6. Right nice there, MadL... right nice. :) ~Lady B
  7. Oh, wow... this is a DEEP topic, Sea Rover... but I like it. :) I agree about homework. My neices and nephew don't ever have homework and it stuns me. Lemme think more about this one. ~Lady B
  8. Earnin' a living? :::Rethinks the situation::: Hmmm... pyrate hunter... accumulating coinage... hmmm... ::ponders more::: a risk well worth taking. :::evil, wicked grin at Sterling::: Looks like th' pure one has some shineys that need t' be plundered. ~Lady B
  9. Oh, dear God... tell me about it. ::Going bonkers:: No comment Oooooo. Heck, would do one without the credit... but, ummm, the credit is a great compensation for dyin' and resurrectin'. Consider th' call put out, my good man. Will attempt t' swindle as many Brits in uniform t' come to th' event. THE DRUNKEN MONKEY!!!! If th' Fates allow me t' attend this event,... I'll bring him. Whoever has the other monkey, bring him, too! They are fuzzy... and silent. ~Lady B
  10. Hey, Lily.... These might be a bit post GAoP... but a possible good understanding of jumps: http://www.vintagetextile.com/new_page_189.htm http://www.vintagetextile.com/new_page_532.htm Both from Vintage Textile. Granted, again, not GAoP, but gives an idea. Now this site calls them Ladies Waistcoats, but arguably, I think they were/could be termed jumps. Most of what I've seen, jumps could be either one - unboned or lightly boned. Yes, the V&A had some. And check out the Met Museum site and do a search as they had some closer to the GAoP time frame. The one I fancy most was a waistcoat like pair that was form fitting around the torso but at the waist it flared off and was loose. Sleeveless. The only thing I found odd... was none of these had lace holes in the front. I don't know if they were pinned or there was something else. No buttonholes either. I still find it difficult to believe a lot of attire during the 18th c were pinned, safety pins were not of this era... I know I couldn't keep myself from getting poked and bleeding. Hope these kinda at least spark some curiosity. I haven't found much else either. Eager to see what other Jumps examples are out there. ~Lady B
  11. Aye, a hearty happy birthday to ye, Croaker. Damn, man, ye've been so elusive. :) Enjoy thyselff on this fine day of yo'rs. An' may ye be blessed with much plunder. ~Lady B
  12. Ok.. coolies. Lemme talk to my nephew (since they would be for him IF purchased). ~Lady B
  13. Hey, Bo Do you still have the men's 12-13 colonial shoes? How much? ~Lady B
  14. Michael, ye an' BlackJohn look fabulous. M' compliments, gents. ~Lady B
  15. My nieces and nephew really don't have history classes. Kinda like their Language Arts and whatever the hell they call these classes nowadays... something stupidly fancy. All in all, they learn nothing! And I'm infuriated! So, Sterling... I wouldn't be surprised if that's the truth. 'Course, look at today.... how many people really understand what put us into the Great Depression. All I get from people is the "so what, who cares, etc". Pisses me off. ~Lady B
  16. A hearty welcome to ye, thunderbuster. I'm sure ye will find th' Pub incredibly helpful and fun. Gladd ye found th' Pub. ~Lady B
  17. A hearty welcome to ye Sebastian. Tis a pleasure. An' apologies for m' short welcome. Tis a tire Lady I be. Raincheck fo' that drink, aye? ::points over yonder::: I believe ye be lookin' for th' particular said Captain? ~Lady B
  18. Ahoy, Spareribs! Glad ye could make it back. We miss th' old lot. And ye've been missed, too. I see ye've been busy fendin' off many other scallywags an' ne'er-do-well cads. ~Lady B
  19. Ahoy an' welcome to th' Pub, Chriscat. We'll get ye yo'r own thread jus' fo' ye. How be that? Glad t' have ye with us here. By all means, have piccies of yo'rself in yo'r outfit... flaunt them in the "Pictures of yourself" threads that be floatin' about on th' Pub. Aye? Lots for ye t' interact and be a part of that be fo' sure. ~Lady B
  20. It's all in knowing how to distress it to look real and who knows how to distress it. Just dirtying an outfit or piece up does not making it will worn. It's even some wear and maybe tears. And mendings of those tears. But, each to their own really. All you can really do is worry about YOUR appearance and not the appearance of others. If it gives them a high 5 in the face they will get it. Otherwise if it doesn't, let the dead horse be and stop beating it. One event with me usually does the trick to make a new piece look a little bit more lived in. ~Lady B
  21. LMAO! Oh, God! Sounds like the 3 Fates. Spooky indeed. Finalizing stuff. And nitpicking through stuff to bring. Amazing, half the stuff I'd bring will be left at home... cause that half is all cooking related! LMAO... spooky, aye? Looking forward to seeing TJ again and especially FINALLY getting to meet his loverly Wifey. :) ~Lady B
  22. Ne'er too late, mate. But ye owes us a drink. Hehehehe. Ne'erth'less we be glad ye be here with us on this establishment. ~Lady B
  23. Was hoping to have it finished to wear it to a new pirate festival this weekend. But not sure. The armpits are open like the real one but I don't think I'm going to line this one. I thought about it but decided not to. Can someone suggest some very light weight items to use for buttons? Oh, wait! Sterling, didn't I read that right they used cardboard for cloth buttons, too? Or just a wad of cotton to make small cloth buttons? Any ideas. I have plenty of scrap fabric left to make fabric buttons. ~Lady B
  24. Bed Bath & Beyond.... I've found some small to large rugs there in Persian style, perfect for outdoorsy encampment if anyone be interested. And those in the midwest.... Check Menards for likewise Persian style rugs. Not at the same prices as Bed Bath & Beyond, but still close enough. ~Lady B
  25. Thank ye, Bess. :) Hmmm.. Grand Harbor Resort be a good supporter... I believe they have a pirate ship within it's walls. LOVE Carlos O'Kelly's (OMG, to die for salsa!)... Long John Silver's, gotta loves that.... Oh, must I go on? Hope t' see some folks there. I know TJ will be there as Sparrow along with his loverly Wifey, Amanda as Elizabeth. ~Lady B
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