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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Oh, most true, Sterling. Oh, most true. ~Lady B
  2. Ahhh, welcome Cuisto. Tis a grand pleasure t' have ye here with us. Ye not be far. I hears there be a piratical event up yo'r ways soon. Curious t' know more 'bouts this musical group ye be in. An' t' hear yo'r songs. Again, a hearty welcome to ye, Mr Mako. ~Lady B
  3. Rats! Ye live! If I be there, shall party with ye. If not... have a fabulous Bday nonetheless, mate. Dean, I wish I could say the Resurrection 'll be there... but, m' crew be as silent as those in Davy Jones' Locker unfortunately. ~Lady B
  4. Ooo... fabulous find, Cheeky. :) I likes th' red and gold one. ~Lady B
  5. In a world where quantity over quality is the staple of nearly everything business... 1. hand crafted items is nearly a thing of the past.. 2. being authentic is both praised yet condemned It really comes down to personal preference... how accurate YOU want it to be. There really is no major pirate era association (unlike those of other eras ie the BAR for Rev War) to dictate what you can and cannot have, wear, etc. ~Lady B
  6. Pete Straw has this book. Highly recommends it. He's made a couple Navigational items because of this book. ~Lady B
  7. Fine belated b-day wishes to ye, Pern. :) ~Lady B
  8. Oooooo... a kilted one. Fancy them kilted gents. Wild ones they be, too. Welcome to th' Pub, Eric. Tis a grand pleasure t' have ye here at this fine establishment. Do enjoy th' friendly carousin'. Originally from th' midwest ye hail? Ahhh, ye be in good company with some of us still landlocked from this region. And hope ye find good fun with th' Seafair Pirates. ~Lady B
  9. Upon the exit of two gents from the office of the tavern proprietor, eyeing the two as they meandered their way out. Sought to finally take this opportunity to seek out and discuss business with Mr Neede. A hand motioned back to her party as she waltzed towards the intended locale of Mr Neede. Meandering her way through the ruffians and rabble as they heartily laughed, drank, played games and did whatever they could to enjoy the company of comrades and questionable women. Finally out of the crowded room to stroll down the short hall to a door. Stopped before it a moment, then knocked upon it with genteel grace. Standing there, she awaited word to enter that may or may not come. Either way, she WILL enter the room to talk. ~Lady B
  10. Absolutely fabulous, Mooseworth. Ye be awe inspiring and frighteningly intimidating at the same time! Ye blow Errol Flynn outta th' water. :::applauds::: ~Lady B
  11. My Uncle Robert "Bobby" Harvey. Lance Corporal in the Marines. Died from wounds suffered during VietNam. He's buried next to my grandparents, mainly my grandma who recently passed away at the end of September '08. But still, I do honor both my grandfathers on this day as well. Both of which whom fought in WW2 and lived to ripe old ages. ~Lady B
  12. Ahoy an' welcome, Mr McMac. Grand pleasure t' have ye here with th' lot of us. Surely ye'll find good company - whate'er it be - here on th' Pub. ~Lady B
  13. $25??!? Seriously? I'm with Cheeky.... the ones I've been seeing are around $100, give or take $20 at most. Wow... $25... I can SO handle that then. :) Easier to fork over that much than $100+. Oh, wicked, Lady Brower! :) Nice find. ~Lady B
  14. At least now we won't be seeing a blurred Bilgemunky race by. I want to attend but the outlook is mighty grim, mates. ~Lady B
  15. As I've mentioned, lots of ideas that people do have. Best to put them out there on the table. But... also best to look about and make sure we are not doing something that's already being done. I don't know about piratey swap meets yet... but I know there are a couple of Colonial era Trade Fairs and most happen in Wisconsin. One just really has to keep their mind open and be patient and seek out what is out there before jumping ahead of themselves. Been there, done that. The reasons people go elsewhere for events is so little is around this area. And what events there are, the word is not spread out far enough cause people do not network and reach out. Businesses, hobbies, etc... all network. People believe there are no crews around and create their own cause no one seeks out what is in front of their face. There are many more reasons but I think you all know those reasons. Blackbeard's has fallen on different weekends. But both Port Wash and Blackbeard's remains close in event dates. However, the main difference with them is location. One's in Virginia, the other is in Wisconsin. So, why fuss about it? Sure would be nice to make it to Blackbeards. Hell, would be nice to make it to PiP... but many cannot make the pilgramage to said places from the midwest cause of the cost and distance that is involved. Feast of the Harvest Moon I still would like to attend. But, if I do go, it's as a member of the NWTA. I'm sure historically accurate pirates would be highly welcome. Mr. Bollows had hoped to start a Colonial event this year but fell through due to so little interest. I still encourage him to keep the thought in mind and perhaps next year can do this event. But Blackthorne is not the first to conjure up these ideas and hopes... nor will he be the last. If I make it to Port Wash, yes, I will attend this meeting... if there be time for it. However, I can't make that guarantee that I can make it. I'm hit hard this year like many others in this country. ~Lady B
  16. Coolies. Will be a while. Apparently that book is... rather pricy. ~Lady B
  17. The dog as a companion. The parrot was food. ~Lady B
  18. Lady Sofa Davenport of Couch Oh, God, help me... Thank ye, Sterling. Found it... plus the other mantuas that was displayed on the page. It did have one image that gave a basic idea of it's "construction"... sort of. Kinda gives you the idea. The side with that pleating... interesting. But the sleeve pleats that way baffle me the most. Is it me, or was it possible the dress was an older dress and just... refitted and taken in? ~Lady B
  19. Ooo... new outfit I'd not seen b'fore! I admit, I'm a tad baffled on the detail - inside and out - of the vertical pockets. I've not see many upclose images on it. So, ummm... what is it's basic structure and how do they function as pockets? The horizontal flap is easy to get the jist of. Who's done the vertical pockets? ~Lady B
  20. Oh, now THIS is interesting. I've not seen this type of covered button. Awesome. Always wondered about those roundish buttons. Thank ye. The covered buttons I'm familiar with I used the reproduction pewter or wood maybe even horn buttons to create said type of buttons. Very cool. ~Lady B
  21. Thank ye most kindy, Dean. Now... who be in charge of those venues so that Crews or individuals may participate or at least get their name on the list just in case? ~Lady B
  22. ::rolls eyes no smile::: Oh, good Lord. A pirate in "negotiations" with the President, Ben Franklin standing amidst the crowd of people during the Tax Day Tea Parties, and that wee statement on homo sex in colonial America. Don't ye feel a little... dirty? ~Lady B
  23. Well.. ye've yet t' join my crew, James. PM me and we can swap names to look for and see who adds first. Ditto for ye, Bess, what say ye, lass? Only got one cane sword, wasn't utterly thrilled with it. Was bummed I didn't get the Crystal Skull! UGH! Not able to get th' spyglass either... yet. Maybe they will add those items later on to the other limited objects you can get that does NOT require those points by Davey Jones. Otherwise, lots of good stuff. Eager to see what new stuff be comin'. ~Lady B
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